#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" msgctxt "addToBond" msgid "Add {0} to Bond" msgstr "" msgctxt "alertsTitle" msgid "{0} Alerts" msgstr "" msgctxt "areYouSureYouWantToDeleteSanpshot" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to delete snapshot from {0} with description ''{1}''?" msgstr "" msgctxt "attachTo" msgid "Attach {0} to" msgstr "" msgctxt "bondWith" msgid "Bond {0} with" msgstr "" msgctxt "breakBond" msgid "Break Bond {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "connectingToGuestWithNotResponsiveAgentMsg" msgid "" "Could not connect to the agent on the guest, it may be unresponsive or not " "installed.As a result, some features may not work." msgstr "" msgctxt "createFailedDomainAlreadyExistStorageMsg" msgid "Create operation failed. Domain {0} already exists in the system." msgstr "" msgctxt "createOperationFailedDcGuideMsg" msgid "Create operation failed. Domain {0} already exists in the system." msgstr "" msgctxt "customPropertyOneOfTheParamsIsntSupported" msgid "One of the parameters isn''t supported (available parameter(s): {0})" msgstr "" msgctxt "customPropertyValueShouldBeInFormatReason" msgid "the value for parameter <{0}> should be in the format of: <{1}>" msgstr "" msgctxt "detachNetwork" msgid "Detach Network {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "detachNote" msgid "Note: {0} will be removed!" msgstr "" msgctxt "editBondInterfaceTitle" msgid "Edit Bond Interface {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "editInterfaceTitle" msgid "Edit Interface {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "editNetworkTitle" msgid "Edit Network {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "editVmTitle" msgid "Edit {0} Virtual Machine" msgstr "" msgctxt "errConnectingVmUsingSpiceMsg" msgid "Error connecting to Virtual Machine using Spice:{0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostNameMsg" msgid "" "This field can''t contain blanks or special characters, must be at least one " "character long, legal values are 0-9, a-z, ''_'', ''.'' and a length of up " "to {0} characters." msgstr "" msgctxt "importFailedDomainAlreadyExistStorageMsg" msgid "Import operation failed. Domain {0} already exists in the system." msgstr "" msgctxt "importProcessHasBegunForTemplates" msgid "" "Import process has begun for Template(s): {0}.You can check import status in " "the ''Events'' tab of the specific destination storage domain, or in the " "main ''Events'' tab" msgstr "" msgctxt "importProcessHasBegunForVms" msgid "" "Import process has begun for VM(s): {0}.You can check import status in the " "''Events'' tab of the specific destination storage domain, or in the main " "''Events'' tab" msgstr "" msgctxt "incorrectVCPUNumber" msgid "" "Incorrect number of Total Virtual CPUs. It is not possible to compose this " "number from the available Virtual Sockets and Cores per Virtual Sockets" msgstr "" msgctxt "integerValidationNumberBetweenInvalidReason" msgid "{0} between {1} and {2}." msgstr "" msgctxt "integerValidationNumberGreaterInvalidReason" msgid "{0} greater than {1}." msgstr "" msgctxt "integerValidationNumberLessInvalidReason" msgid "{0} less than {1}." msgstr "" msgctxt "invalidPath" msgid "When {0} {1} {2} is used, kernel path must be non-empty" msgstr "" msgctxt "lenValidationFieldMusnotExceed" msgid "Field content must not exceed {0} characters." msgstr "" msgctxt "lunAlreadyPartOfStorageDomainWarning" msgid "LUN is already part of Storage Domain: {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "lunUsedByDiskWarning" msgid "LUN is already used by disk: {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "lunUsedByVG" msgid "Used by VG: {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "maxMemSizeIs" msgid "Maximum memory size is {0} MB." msgstr "" msgctxt "memSizeBetween" msgid "Memory size is between {0} MB and {1} MB" msgstr "" msgctxt "minMemSizeIs" msgid "Minimum memory size is {0} MB." msgstr "" msgctxt "nameCanContainOnlyMsg" msgid "" "Name can contain only ''A-Z'', ''a-z'', ''0-9'', ''_'' or ''-'' characters, " "max length: {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameMustConataionOnlyAlphanumericChars" msgid "" "Name must contain only alphanumeric characters, \"-\", \"_\" or \".\". " "Maximum length: {0}." msgstr "" msgctxt "newNameWithSuffixCannotContainBlankOrSpecialChars" msgid "" "New name (with suffix) cannot contain blanks or special characters. Maximum " "length: {0}." msgstr "" msgctxt "newVmTitle" msgid "New {0} Virtual Machine" msgstr "" msgctxt "noActiveStorageDomain" msgid "No Storage Domain is active." msgstr "" msgctxt "noOfBricksSelected" msgid "({0} bricks selected)" msgstr "" msgctxt "noValidOperation" msgid "No valid Operation for {0} and " msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfVmsInPoolInvalod" msgid "" "The max allowed num of VMs is {0} when the length of the pool name is {1}" msgstr "" msgctxt "numberOfVmsForHostsLoad" msgid "{0} VMs" msgstr "" msgctxt "poolNameLengthInvalid" msgid "The max allowed name length is {0} for {1} VMs in pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "pressKeyToReleaseCursor" msgid "Press {0} to Release Cursor" msgstr "" msgctxt "refreshInterval" msgid "Refresh Interval: {0} sec" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeBricksReplicateVolumeMessage" msgid "" "Replica count will be reduced from {0} to {1} on removing the following " "bricks. Are you sure want to continue?" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeFromBond" msgid "Remove {0} from Bond" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeNetwork" msgid "Remove Network {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageDomainIsNotActive" msgid "''{0}'' Storage Domain is not active. Please activate it." msgstr "" msgctxt "templatesAlreadyExistonTargetExportDomain" msgid "" "Template(s):{0} already exist on the target Export Domain. If you want to " "override them, please check the ''Force Override'' check-box." msgstr "" msgctxt "vmStorageDomainIsNotAccessible" msgid "Disks'' Storage Domains are not accessible." msgstr "" msgctxt "vmsAlreadyExistOnTargetExportDomain" msgid "" "VM(s):{0} already exist on the target Export Domain. If you want to override " "them, please check the ''Force Override'' check-box." msgstr "" msgctxt "vncInfoMessage" msgid "" "Please use your VNC client to connect to this VM.

Use the following " "parameters:
IP:Port: {0}:{1}
Password: {2}
(note: this password " "is valid for {3} seconds)" msgstr "" msgctxt "youAreAboutToDisconnectHostInterfaceMsg" msgid "" "You are about to disconnect the Management Interface ({0}).As a result, the " "Host might become unreachable.Are you sure you want to disconnect the " "Management Interface?" msgstr ""