#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" msgctxt "DIRECTORY_GROUP_CANNOT_REMOVE_DIRECTORY_GROUP_ATTACHED_TO_VM_POOL" msgid "Cannot remove Directory Group. Detach Group from VM-Pool first." msgstr "" msgctxt "IO_CD_IMAGE_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST" msgid "Image file already exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "IO_CD_IMAGE_FILE_NOT_EXIST" msgid "Image file does not exist." msgstr "" msgctxt "IO_INVALID_CD_IMAGE_EXTENSION" msgid "Invalid CD image extension." msgstr "" msgctxt "IO_ISO_DIRECTORY_NOT_EXIST" msgid "ISO directory does not exist." msgstr "" msgctxt "IRS_FAILED_CREATING_SNAPSHOT" msgid "Snapshot creation failed." msgstr "" msgctxt "IRS_FAILED_RETRIEVING_SNAPSHOT_INFO" msgid "Internal error, Snapshot cannot be retrieved." msgstr "" msgctxt "IRS_NETWORK_ERROR" msgid "Storage Manager Service not responding." msgstr "" msgctxt "IRS_PROTOCOL_ERROR" msgid "Storage Manager protocol error." msgstr "" msgctxt "IRS_RESPONSE_ERROR" msgid "Storage Manager response error." msgstr "" msgctxt "MAC_POOL_NOT_ENOUGH_MAC_ADDRESSES" msgid "Not enough MAC addresses left in MAC Address Pool." msgstr "" msgctxt "VMT_CANNOT_REMOVE_DETECTED_DERIVED_VM" msgid "" "Cannot delete Template. Template is being used by the following VMs: " "${vmsList}." msgstr "" msgctxt "VMT_CANNOT_REMOVE_DOMAINS_LIST_MISMATCH" msgid "" "Cannot delete Template. The Template does not exist on the following Storage " "Domains: ${domainsList}.\n" "Either verify that Template exists on all Storage Domains listed on the " "domains list,\n" "or do not send domains list in order to delete all instances of the Template " "from the system." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_IMAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM's Image does not exist." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_SNAPSHOT_DOES_NOT_EXIST" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM's Snapshot does not exist." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_SNAPSHOT_HAS_NO_CONFIGURATION" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The snapshot ${SnapshotName} of VM ${VmName} has " "no configuration available. Please choose a snapshot with configuration " "available." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_SNAPSHOT_IS_BROKEN" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The snapshot is broken, and no further work can be " "done on it. Please remove this snapshot from the VM." msgstr "" msgctxt "IMAGE_REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND" msgid "" "Storage Domain cannot be accessed.\n" "Possible reasons:\n" "No operational Host in Data Center or Data Center state is not Up." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_IS_LOCKED" msgid "Template's Image is locked (temporarily)." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_IS_ILLEGAL" msgid "Template's Image is invalid (temporarily)." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_LAST_DOMAIN" msgid "Template's Image is located only on single domain." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY" msgid "VM Name cannot be empty." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_UPDATE_ILLEGAL_FIELD" msgid "" "Failed updating the properties of the VM. This may be caused either by:\n" "1. The values selected are not appropriate for the VM; or\n" "2. Its values cannot be updated while the VM is in UP state (Please shut " "down the VM in order to modify properties such as CPU or cluster)." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_RUN_FROM_NETWORK_WITHOUT_NETWORK" msgid "" "VM is configured to be 'Network bootable', but no Network Interface is " "configured.\n" "Alternatives:\n" "-Select a different boot device (using the 'Run Once' command or 'Edit VM' " "command on Boot Option Sub-Tab).\n" "-Configure Network Interface and rerun the VM." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_RUN_FROM_CD_WITHOUT_ACTIVE_STORAGE_DOMAIN_ISO" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type} with attached CD without an active ISO domain.\n" "Alternatives:\n" "-Attach an ISO Domain (to enable CD operations).\n" "-Change the boot sequence, using the Edit VM command (Boot Sub-Tab).\n" "-Select a different boot device (using the 'Run Once' command)." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_RUN_FROM_DISK_WITHOUT_DISK" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type} without at least one bootable disk.\n" "Alternatives:\n" "-Create a disk for this VM, and rerun the VM.\n" "-Change the boot sequence using the Edit VM command (Boot Option Sub-Tab).\n" "-Use the Run-Once command to select a different boot option and rerun the VM." "" msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_RUN_STATELESS_WHILE_IN_PREVIEW" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Stateless flag on VM conflicts with running the VM " "in Preview mode. Either remove the Stateless flag from the VM or run the VM " "not in Preview mode." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_RUN_STATELESS_HA" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Highly Available Virtual servers can not be run as " "stateless." msgstr "" msgctxt "RESOURCE_MANAGER_FAILED_ATTACHING_VM_TO_USERS" msgid "Failed to attach VM to User." msgstr "" msgctxt "RESOURCE_MANAGER_MIGRATING_VM_IS_NOT_UP" msgid "Migration failed, VM is not running." msgstr "" msgctxt "RESOURCE_MANAGER_VM_NOT_FOUND" msgid "VM not found." msgstr "" msgctxt "SEARCH" msgid "Search error." msgstr "" msgctxt "SEARCH_ERRORNOUS_SEARCH_TEXT" msgid "Error in Search text." msgstr "" msgctxt "SEARCH_INVALID_SEARCH_TEXT" msgid "Invalid Search text." msgstr "" msgctxt "SEARCH_UNSUPPORTED_BUSINESS_OBJECT" msgid "Search unsupported business object." msgstr "" msgctxt "TEMPLATE_IMAGE_LOCKED" msgid "" "Cannot create new VM. The disk image is being copied. Please wait for the " "Copy operation to complete." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_CANNOT_ATTACH_TO_VM_IN_POOL" msgid "Cannot attach User to a VM that belongs to a VM-Pool. " msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_CANNOT_REMOVE_USER_ATTACHED_POOL" msgid "" "Cannot remove User attached to VM-Pool.Remove User from VM-Pool first by:\n" "-Going to 'VM-Pool(s)' window.\n" "-Selecting the VM-Pool.\n" "-Clicking on 'Manage Pool Users' from the menu bar." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_CANNOT_REMOVE_USER_NOT_ATTACHED_POOL" msgid "Cannot remove User, user is not attached to VM-Pool." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_CANNOT_REMOVE_USER_DETECTED_RUNNING_VM" msgid "" "Cannot remove a User that is attached to a VM. Remove VM from VMs tab first." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_CANNOT_REMOVE_HIMSELF" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. User is currently logged in." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_FAILED_POPULATE_DATA" msgid "Failed to get User data from Directory Server." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_FAILED_SET_USER_ROLE" msgid "Failed set User Role, operation canceled" msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_MAINTENANCE_VDS_IS_NOT_RESPONDING_WITH_VMS" msgid "" "Cannot switch Host to Maintenance mode.\n" "Host still has running VMs on it and is in Non-Responsive state." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_MAINTENANCE_VDS_IS_NOT_RESPONDING_AND_SPM" msgid "" "Cannot switch Host to Maintenance mode.\n" "Host is Storage Pool Manager and is in Non-Responsive state." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_MAINTENANCE_VDS_IS_NOT_OPERATIONAL" msgid "Cannot switch Host to Maintenance mode, Host is not operational." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_MAINTENANCE_VDS_IS_IN_MAINTENANCE" msgid "" "Cannot switch Host to Maintenance mode. Host is already in Maintenance mode." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_MAINTENANCE_SPM_WITH_RUNNING_TASKS" msgid "" "Cannot switch Host to Maintenance mode. Host has asynchronous running tasks,\n" "wait for operation to complete and retry." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_MAINTENANCE_SPM_CONTENDING" msgid "" "Cannot switch Host to Maintenance mode. Host is contending for Storage Pool " "Manager,\n" "wait for operation to complete and retry." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_MAINTENANCE_IT_INCLUDES_NON_MIGRATABLE_VM" msgid "" "Cannot switch the following Hosts to Maintenance mode: ${HostsList}.\n" "One or more running VMs are indicated as non-migratable. The non-migratable " "VMs are: ${VmsList}." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_VDS_GROUP" msgid "Cannot remove default Host Cluster." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_REMOVE_VDS_DETECTED_RUNNING_VM" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. One or more VMs are still running on this Host. " msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_REMOVE_VDS_GROUP_VDS_DETECTED" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Host Cluster contains one or more Hosts." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_REMOVE_VDS_STATUS_ILLEGAL" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Host is operational. Please switch Host to " "Maintenance mode first." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_NOT_EXIST" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Internal Error: Host does not exists in DB." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_PROTOCOL_ERROR" msgid "Internal error: Host protocol error." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_RESPONSE_ERROR" msgid "Internal error: Host response error" msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_STATUS_NOT_VALID_FOR_STOP" msgid "" "Cannot perform Stop operation, Host has to be in Maintenance mode in order " "to be stopped." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_STATUS_NOT_VALID_FOR_START" msgid "" "Cannot perform Start operation, Host has to be in one of the following " "statuses: Down ,Non-Responsive or Maintenance." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_NO_VDS_PROXY_FOUND" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}.\n" "There is no other Host in the Data Center that can be used to test the Power " "Management settings." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_FAILED_FENCE_VIA_PROXY_CONNECTION" msgid "" "Connection to Host via proxy failed. Please verify that power management is " "available, and that the provided connection parameters are correct." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_STATUS_NOT_VALID_FOR_UPDATE" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Host parameters cannot be modified while Host is " "operational.\n" "Please switch Host to Maintenance mode first." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_ACTIVATE_VDS_ALREADY_UP" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Host in Up status." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_ACTIVATE_VDS_NOT_EXIST" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Host does not exist." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_INVALID_SERVER_ID" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Invalid Host Id." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_TRY_CREATE_WITH_EXISTING_PARAMS" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Host with the same name already exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_EMPTY_NAME" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Host name cannot be empty." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_INSTALL_EMPTY_PASSWORD" msgid "Cannot install Host with empty password." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_INSTALL_STATUS_ILLEGAL" msgid "Cannot install Host. Please move Host to Maintenance mode first." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_UPGRADE_BETWEEN_MAJOR_VERSION" msgid "" "Cannot upgrade Host. Host version is not compatible with selected ISO " "version. Please select an ISO with major version ${IsoVersion}.x." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_INSTALL_MISSING_IMAGE_FILE" msgid "Cannot install Host. Image file is missing." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_PORT_CHANGE_REQUIRE_INSTALL" msgid "The Host Port number cannot be changed without reinstalling the Host." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_TRY_CREATE_SECURE_CERTIFICATE_NOT_FOUND" msgid "" "Cannot add new Host using a secured connection, Certificate file could not " "be found." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_FENCING_DISABLED" msgid "Cannot fence Host, Host fencing is disabled." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_FENCE_DISABLED_AT_SYSTEM_STARTUP_INTERVAL" msgid "Fencing is disabled due to the Engine Service start up sequence." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_FENCE_DISABLED_AT_QUIET_TIME" msgid "" "Another Power Management operation is still running, please retry in " "${seconds} Sec." msgstr "" msgctxt "TEMPLATE_IMAGE_NOT_EXIST" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Template's image doesn't exist." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_REMOVE_VDS_GROUP_VMS_DETECTED" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. One or more VMs are still assigned to the Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "VMT_CANNOT_REMOVE_VDS_GROUP_VMTS_DETECTED" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. One or more Template(s) are still associated with " "it" msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_CANNOT_REMOVE_HAS_VM_POOLS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}.One or more VM-Pools are still associated with it" msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_IMAGE_LOCKED" msgid "" "Cannot run VM. The disk image is being copied. Please wait for the copy " "operation to complete." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_POOL_CANNOT_ADD_VM_WITH_USERS_ATTACHED_TO_POOL" msgid "Cannot attach VM to VM-Pool. VM-Pool is already attached to a User." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_USER_ATTACHED_TO_POOL" msgid "User is already attached to this VM-Pool." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_POOL_CANNOT_ADD_VM_ATTACHED_TO_POOL" msgid "Cannot attach VM to pool. VM is already attached to another VM-Pool." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_POOL_CANNOT_DETACH_VM_NOT_ATTACHED_TO_POOL" msgid "Cannot detach VM from pool. VM is not attached to the VM-Pool." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_POOL_CANNOT_ADD_VM_DIFFERENT_CLUSTER" msgid "" "Cannot attach VM to VM-Pool. VM resides on different Host Cluster than VM-" "Pool." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_POOL_CANNOT_REMOVE_VM_POOL_WITH_ATTACHED_DIRECTORY_GROUPS" msgid "Cannot remove VM-Pool. Detach Directory Groups from VM-Pool first." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_POOL_CANNOT_REMOVE_VM_POOL_WITH_ATTACHED_USERS" msgid "Cannot remove VM-Pool. Detach Users from VM-Pool first." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_POOL_CANNOT_REMOVE_VM_POOL_WITH_VMS" msgid "Cannot remove VM-Pool. Detach VMs from VM-Pool first." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_POOL_CANNOT_REMOVE_RUNNING_VM_FROM_POOL" msgid "Cannot detach VM from VM-Pool. VM is running." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_POOL_CANNOT_ADD_RUNNING_VM_TO_POOL" msgid "Cannot attach VM to VM-Pool. VM is running." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_INVALID_SERVER_CLUSTER_ID" msgid "Invalid Host Cluster id." msgstr "" msgctxt "VMT_CANNOT_CREATE_TEMPLATE_FROM_DOWN_VM" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM still running, stop the VM and try again." msgstr "" msgctxt "VMT_CANNOT_REMOVE_BLANK_TEMPLATE" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Removing Blank Template is not allowed." msgstr "" msgctxt "VMT_CANNOT_EDIT_BLANK_TEMPLATE" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Editing Blank Template is not allowed." msgstr "" msgctxt "VMT_CANNOT_EXPORT_BLANK_TEMPLATE" msgid "Cannot export Blank Template." msgstr "" msgctxt "VMT_CANNOT_UPDATE_ILLEGAL_FIELD" msgid "Failed updating the properties of the VM template." msgstr "" msgctxt "DIRECTORY_GROUP_CANNOT_REMOVE_DIRECTORY_GROUP_ATTACHED_TO_VM" msgid "Cannot remove Directory Group. Detach Directory Group from VM first." msgstr "" msgctxt "DIRECTORY_COMPUTER_WITH_THE_SAME_NAME_ALREADY_EXITS" msgid "A Computer with the same name already exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_NOT_FOUND" msgid "VM not found" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_IN_PREVIEW" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM is previewing a Snapshot." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_DISK_IS_LOCKED" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}: The disk ${diskAlias} is locked. Please try again " "in a few minutes." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_DISKS_ARE_LOCKED" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}: The disks ${diskAliases} are locked. Please try " "again in a few minutes." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_IS_LOCKED" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}: VM is locked. Please try again in a few minutes." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_DURING_EXPORT" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}: VM is being exported now. Please try again in a " "few minutes." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_IMAGE_IS_ILLEGAL" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM's Image might be corrupted." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_HAS_NO_DISKS" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM has no disks." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_IMAGE_REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}: Storage Domain cannot be accessed.\n" "-Please check that at least one Host is operational and Data Center state is " "up." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_IS_RUNNING" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM is running." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_IS_NOT_RUNNING" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM is not running." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_IS_NOT_UP" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM is not up." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_IS_NOT_DOWN" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. At least one of the VMs is not down." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_IS_SAVING_RESTORING" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM is in saving/restoring state.\n" "-Please wait until the VM's status has changed." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_IS_DURING_SNAPSHOT" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The VM is performing an operation on a Snapshot. " "Please wait for the operation to finish, and try again." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_STATUS_ILLEGAL" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The VM status is illegal." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_RUNNING_STATELESS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The VM is running as Stateless. Please try again " "when VM is not running as Stateless." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_HAS_STATELESS_SNAPSHOT_LEFTOVER" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The VM was running as Stateless and didn't clean " "up successfully. Please try to run the VM which should clean up the VM, and " "then try again when VM is not running." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_IN_USE_BY_OTHER_USER" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The VM is in use by other user." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_NOT_FOUND" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM is not found." msgstr "" msgctxt "" "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_IS_NON_MIGRTABLE_AND_IS_NOT_FORCED_BY_USER_TO_MIGRATE" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM is non migratable and user did not specify the " "force-migration flag" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_IS_PINNED_TO_HOST" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM is pinned to Host." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_PINNED_TO_HOST_CANNOT_RUN_ON_THE_DEFAULT_VDS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM is pinned to a specific Host but cannot run on " "it due to:\n" "Invalid Host status or not enough free resources on it.\n" "You may free resources on the Host by migrating other VMs." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_NOT_EXIST" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM doesn't exist." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_ALREADY_EXIST" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM with the same name already exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_CANNOT_BE_HIGHLY_AVAILABLE_AND_PINNED_TO_HOST" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. A highly available VM cannot be pinned to a " "specific Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_CANNOT_BE_PINNED_TO_CPU_AND_MIGRATABLE" msgid "Migratable VM's cannot be pinned to CPU." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_GUID_ALREADY_EXIST" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM with the same identifier already exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_ATTACHED_TO_POOL" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM is attached to a VM-Pool." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_NO_AVAILABLE_POOL_VMS" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. There are no available VMs in the VM-Pool." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_FROM_POOL_CANNOT_BE_STATELESS" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM from Pool cannot be stateless." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_PRESTARTED_VMS_CANNOT_EXCEED_VMS_COUNT" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Number of Prestarted VMs cannot exceed the number " "of VMs in the Pool." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_WITH_BLANK_TEMPLATE" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}: VM was created from the Blank Template and does " "not contain an operating system. Please run the VM using 'Boot from CD' or " "'Boot from Network' options from the 'Run Once' menu." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_DISK_SPACE_LOW" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Low disk space on relevant Storage Domain." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_DEDICATED_VDS_NOT_IN_SAME_CLUSTER" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Dedicated Host Cluster is not identical to VM " "Cluster." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_DISK_CONFIGURATION_NOT_SUPPORTED" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The selected disk configuration is not supported." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_DISK_LUN_IS_ALREADY_IN_USE" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The provided lun is used by another disk." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_DISK_LUN_HAS_NO_VALID_TYPE" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The provided lun has no valid lun type." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_DISK_LUN_ISCSI_MISSING_CONNECTION_PARAMS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The provided lun is missing at least one " "connection parameter (address/port/iqn)." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_MIGRATION_IN_PROGRESS" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM migration is in progress" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_MIGRATION_TO_SAME_HOST" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. source and destination is the same." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_INVALID_CUSTOM_VM_PROPERTIES_INVALID_SYNTAX" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type} if custom VM properties are in invalid format. " "Please check the input." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_INVALID_CUSTOM_VM_PROPERTIES_INVALID_KEYS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type} if some of the specified custom properties are not " "configured by the system. The keys are: ${MissingKeys}" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_INVALID_CUSTOM_VM_PROPERTIES_INVALID_VALUES" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type} if some of the specified custom properties have " "illegal values. The keys are: ${WrongValueKeys}" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VDS_VM_CLUSTER" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. There are no available running Hosts in the Host " "Cluster." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VDS_VM_MEMORY" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. There are no available running Hosts with " "sufficient memory in VM's Cluster ." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VDS_VM_CPUS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. There are no available running Hosts with enough " "cores in VM's Cluster ." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VDS_VM_NETWORKS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. There are no available running Hosts with all the " "networks used by the VM." msgstr "" msgctxt "CANNOT_MAINTANANCE_VDS_RUN_VMS_NO_OTHER_RUNNING_VDS" msgid "" "The following Hosts have running VMs and cannot be switched to maintenance " "mode: ${HostsList}." msgstr "" msgctxt "Please" msgid "" "ensure that the following Clusters have at least one Host in UP state: " "${ClustersList}." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VDS_VM_VERSION" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM's tools version (${toolsVersion}) mismatch with " "the Host's (${serverVersion}) version." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VDS_VM_SWAP" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Host swap percentage is above the defined " "threshold.\n" "- Check your configuration parameters for Host Swap Percentage." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_NO_VDS_AVAILABLE_IN_CLUSTER" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. There is no available operational Host (in UP " "state) in the relevant Cluster." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_CANNOT_REMOVE_IMAGE_TEMPLATE" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Removing the Template Snapshot is not allowed." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_CANNOT_REMOVE_ACTIVE_IMAGE" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Removing the VM active Snapshot is not allowed." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_PROBLEM_WITH_CANDIDATE_INFO" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Failed to get data for Import operation.\n" "- Check your Import Domain." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_TEMPLATE_DOES_NOT_EXIST" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The relevant Template doesn't exist." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_IMAGE_ALREADY_EXISTS" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. One of the Template Images already exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_TEMPLATE_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. A Template with the same name already exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_TEMPLATE_GUID_ALREADY_EXISTS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. A Template with the same identifier already exists." "" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_CANDIDATE_ALREADY_EXISTS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The export candidate already exists in the " "specified path.\n" "- Use the 'Force Override' option to override the existing file." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_ROLE_IS_READ_ONLY" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The Role is Read-Only." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_POOL_NOT_MATCH" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The target Data Center does not contain the " "${type}." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_POOL_OF_VM_NOT_MATCH" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The target Data Center does not contain the " "Virtual Machine." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_DOMAIN_ALREADY_CONTAINS_DISK" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The Storage Domain already contains the target " "disk(s)." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_DOMAIN_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The Storage Domain name is already in use." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_DOMAIN_ALREADY_EXIST" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The Storage Domain already exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_POOL_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The Data Center name is already in use." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND_ON_DESTINATION_DOMAIN" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The selected Storage Domain does not contain the " "VM Template." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_NO_VDS_IN_POOL" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. There is no active Host in the Data Center." msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__HOST" msgid "$type Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__NETWORK" msgid "$type Network" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__NETWORKS" msgid "$type Networks" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__VM" msgid "$type VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__QUOTA" msgid "$type Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__COMPUTER_ACCOUNT" msgid "$type Computer Account" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__VM_TEMPLATE" msgid "$type Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__SNAPSHOT" msgid "$type Snapshot" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__DESKTOP_POOL" msgid "$type VM-Pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__VM_FROM_VM_POOL" msgid "$type VM from VM-Pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__CLUSTER" msgid "$type Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__ROLE" msgid "$type Role" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__INTERFACE" msgid "$type Interface" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__VM_DISK" msgid "$type Virtual Machine Disk" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__BOOKMARK" msgid "$type Bookmark" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__VM_TICKET" msgid "$type Virtual Machine Ticket" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__STORAGE__CONNECTION" msgid "$type Storage Connection" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__STORAGE__DOMAIN" msgid "$type Storage" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__STORAGE__POOL" msgid "$type Repository" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__USER_FROM_VM" msgid "$type User to VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__USER" msgid "$type User" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__RUN" msgid "$action run" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__REMOVE" msgid "$action remove" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__ADD" msgid "$action add" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__CREATE" msgid "$action create" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__PAUSE" msgid "$action suspend" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__HIBERNATE" msgid "$action hibernate" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__MIGRATE" msgid "$action migrate" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__CANCEL_MIGRATE" msgid "$action cancel migration" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__ATTACHE_DESKTOP_TO" msgid "$action attache VM to" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__REVERT_TO" msgid "$action revert to" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__PREVIEW" msgid "$action preview" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__STOP" msgid "$action stop" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__START" msgid "$action start" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__RESTART" msgid "$action restart" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__SHUTDOWN" msgid "$action shutdown" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__EXPORT" msgid "$action export" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__EXTEND" msgid "$action extend" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__IMPORT" msgid "$action import" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__ATTACH_ACTION_TO" msgid "$action attach" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__DETACH_ACTION_TO" msgid "$action detach" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__MOVE" msgid "$action move" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__COPY" msgid "$action copy" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__CHANGE_CD" msgid "$action Change CD" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__EJECT_CD" msgid "$action Eject CD" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__ALLOCATE_AND_RUN" msgid "$action allocate and run" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__MANUAL_FENCE" msgid "$action confirm 'Host has been rebooted'" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__MAINTENANCE" msgid "$action maintenance" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__SET" msgid "$action set" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__SETUP" msgid "$action setup" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__UPDATE" msgid "$action edit" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__ATTACH" msgid "$action attach" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__DETACH" msgid "$action detach" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__ACTIVATE" msgid "$action activate" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__DEACTIVATE" msgid "$action deactivate" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__RECONSTRUCT_MASTER" msgid "$action reconstruct master" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__RECOVER_POOL" msgid "$action recover Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__DESTROY_DOMAIN" msgid "$action destroy" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__HOT_PLUG" msgid "$action hot plug" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__HOT_UNPLUG" msgid "$action hot unplug" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__LOGON" msgid "$action log on" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__LOGOFF" msgid "$action log off" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__ACTION__ASSIGN" msgid "$action assign" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__HOST_STATUS__UP" msgid "$hostStatus Up" msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__HOST_STATUS__UP_MAINTENANCE_OR_NON_OPERATIONAL" msgid "$hostStatus Up, Maintenance or Non operational" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_MISSED_STORAGES_FOR_SOME_DISKS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Provided destination storage domains don't match " "for provided disks." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STOARGE_DOMAIN_IS_WRONG" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Provided wrong storage domain, which is not " "related to disk." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_DISK_ALREADY_ATTACHED" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The disk is already attached to VM." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_DISK_ALREADY_DETACHED" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The disk is already detached from VM." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_NOT_SHAREABLE_DISK_ALREADY_ATTACHED" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The disk is not shareable and is already attached " "to a VM." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_MAX_RESOURCE_EXEEDED" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Maximum value for concurrently running VMs " "exceeded." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_CPU_NOT_FOUND" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The chosen CPU is not supported." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_EXCEEDED_MAX_PCI_SLOTS" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Maximum PCI devices exceeded." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_EXCEEDED_MAX_IDE_SLOTS" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Maximum IDE devices exceeded." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_CANNOT_ATTACH_TO_VM_ALREADY_ATTACHED" msgid "User is already attached to VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_CANNOT_ATTACH_TO_VM_NOT_ATTACHED" msgid "The user is not attached to this VM." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_FAILED_TO_AUTHENTICATE" msgid "" "Login failed. Please verify your login information or contact the system " "administrator." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_FAILED_TO_AUTHENTICATE_KERBEROS_ERROR" msgid "" "Login failed. Client not found in kerberos database. Please verify your " "login information or contact the system administrator." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_FAILED_TO_AUTHENTICATION_WRONG_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD" msgid "" "Login failed (Authentication Failed).\n" "- Please verify that the correct authentication method is used in your " "system." msgstr "" msgctxt "VMT_CANNOT_CREATE_DUPLICATE_NAME" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Template name already exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "VMT_CLUSTER_IS_NOT_VALID" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Cluster ID is not valid." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_ACCOUNT_DISABLED" msgid "" "Cannot Login. User Account is Disabled or Locked, Please contact your system " "administrator." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_PERMISSION_DENIED" msgid "Permission denied. Engine Administrator permission is required." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_CANNOT_LOGIN_SESSION_MISSING" msgid "Cannot Login. Session timeout." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_CANNOT_REMOVE_ADMIN_USER" msgid "Cannot remove internal admin user or its permissions." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_MUST_EXIST_IN_DB" msgid "User must exist in Database." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_MUST_EXIST_IN_DIRECTORY" msgid "User must exist in Directory." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_IS_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN" msgid "User is already logged in." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_IS_NOT_LOGGED_IN" msgid "User is not logged in." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_DOES_NOT_HAVE_A_VALID_EMAIL" msgid "User does not have a valid e-mail address." msgstr "" msgctxt "USB_NATIVE_SUPPORT_ONLY_AVAILABLE_ON_CLUSTER_LEVEL" msgid "Native USB support is only available on cluster level 3.1 or higher." msgstr "" msgctxt "USB_LEGACY_NOT_SUPPORTED_ON_LINUX_VMS" msgid "Legacy USB support is not available on Linux VMs." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_POOL_CANNOT_CREATE_DUPLICATE_NAME" msgid "Cannot ${action} VM-Pool. VM-Pool with the same name already exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_POOL_CANNOT_CREATE_FROM_BLANK_TEMPLATE" msgid "VM-Pool must be based on non-blank Template." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_POOL_CANNOT_UPDATE_POOL_NOT_FOUND" msgid "Cannot edit VM-Pool properties - VM-Pool not found." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_TASKS_ARE_ALREADY_RUNNING" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. There are already asynchronous running tasks, " "please retry later." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_SUSPENDE_HAS_RUNNING_TASKS" msgid "" "Cannot suspend VM. VM has asynchronous running tasks, please retry later." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_SUSPEND_STATELESS_VM" msgid "Cannot suspend VM, VM is stateless." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_SUSPEND_VM_FROM_POOL" msgid "Cannot suspend VM that belongs to a VM-Pool." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_SUSPEND_VM_WITHOUT_IMAGE_DISKS" msgid "Cannot suspend VM that has no image disks." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_TO_PERFORM_ACTION" msgid "User is not authorized to perform this action." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_REMOVE_ROLE_ATTACHED_TO_PERMISSION" msgid "" "One or more Permissions is still associated with Role.\n" "- Please remove all Permissions first." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_REMOVE_ROLE_INVALID_ROLE_ID" msgid "Cannot remove Role, invalid Role id." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_UPDATE_ROLE_NAME" msgid "Cannot ${action} Role. Role with the same name already exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_UPDATE_ROLE_ID" msgid "Cannot ${action} Role. Changing Role ID is not allowed." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_UPDATE_ROLE_TYPE" msgid "Cannot ${action} Role. Changing Role type is not allowed." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_APPROVE_WRONG_VDS_TYPE" msgid "" "Cannot approve Host. Approve operation is applicable only on RHEV Hypervisor " "hosts.\n" "-Please use New operation in order to install RHEL hosts." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_APPROVE_VDS_IN_WRONG_STATUS" msgid "" "Cannot approve RHEV Hypervisor Host.\n" "-Host must be in \"Pending Approval\" or \"Install Failed\" status in order " "to be approved." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_SHUTDOWN_VDS_NOT_FOUND" msgid "Cannot shutdown Host. Host is unreachable." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_SHUTDOWN_NO_RESPONSE" msgid "Cannot shutdown Host. Host is already Down or in Not Responding state." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_NEW_CLUSTER_ILLEGAL" msgid "" "Cannot update Host properties. Mismatch between Cluster CPU and Host CPU." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CLUSTER_IS_NOT_VALID" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Cluster ID is not valid." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_CANNOT_UPDATE_CPU_ILLEGAL" msgid "" "Cannot change Cluster CPU type when there are Hosts attached to this Cluster." "" msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_CANNOT_UPDATE_CPU_WITH_LOWER_HOSTS" msgid "" "Cannot change Cluster CPU to higher CPU type when there are active Hosts " "with lower CPU type.\n" "-Please move Hosts with lower CPU to maintenance first." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_CANNOT_UPDATE_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_WITH_LOWER_HOSTS" msgid "" "Cannot change Cluster Compatibility Version to higher version when there are " "active Hosts with lower version.\n" "-Please move Hosts with lower version to maintenance first." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_CANNOT_UPDATE_VDS_UP" msgid "" "Cannot change Cluster.Trying to connect Cluster to Data Center with Hosts " "that are up." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_CANNOT_ADD_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_WITH_LOWER_STORAGE_POOL" msgid "" "Cannot add Cluster with Compatibility Version that is lower than the Data " "Center Compatibility Version.\n" "-Please upgrade your Cluster to a later Compatibility version first." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_CPU_TYPE_CANNOT_BE_NULL" msgid "Cannot add Cluster. CPU type must be specified." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_CANNOT_DO_ACTION_NAME_IN_USE" msgid "Cannot ${action} Cluster. Cluster name is already in use." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Network name already exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_CONNECTION" msgid "Cannot connect server to Storage. " msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_CONNECTION_NOT_EXIST" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Internal error, Storage Connection doesn't exist." msgstr "" msgctxt "" "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_CONNECTION_WRONG_PARAMETERS_FOR_STORAGE_TYPE" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Connection parameters are invalid for this storage " "type." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_DOMAIN_NOT_EXIST" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Storage Domain doesn't exist." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_CANNOT_CHANGE_STORAGE_DOMAIN_TYPE" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Cannot change Storage Domain type." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_DOMAIN_STATUS_ILLEGAL" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The relevant Storage Domain is inaccessible.\n" "-Please handle Storage Domain issues and retry the operation." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_DOMAIN_STATUS_ILLEGAL2" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Storage status is ${status}.\n" "-Please check Storage Domain and retry the operation." msgstr "" msgctxt "STORAGE_POOL_REINITIALIZE_WITH_MORE_THAN_ONE_DATA_DOMAIN" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}.\n" "The ${action} action can be performed on a Data Center that has only one " "Storage Domain in Active/Unknown state." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_POOL_NOT_EXIST" msgid "Data Center doesn't exist." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_DOMAIN_NOT_IN_STORAGE_POOL" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The selected Storage Domain is not part of the " "Data Center." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_DETACH_STORAGE_DOMAIN_WITH_IMAGES" msgid "" "Cannot detach a non empty Storage Domain.\n" "-Please remove all VMs / Templates / Disks and try again." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_REMOVE_STORAGE_POOL_WITH_IMAGES" msgid "" "Cannot remove Data Center while there are volumes on it.\n" "-Please remove all VMs and Templates first." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_REMOVE_STORAGE_POOL_WITH_VMS" msgid "" "Cannot remove Data Center while there are VMs on it.\n" "-Please remove all VMs and Templates first." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_REMOVE_STORAGE_DOMAIN_DO_FORMAT" msgid "" "Cannot remove Storage Domain. Data storage must be formatted after remove.\n" "-Please verify that Format option is enabled on the Data Domain." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_REMOVE_STORAGE_POOL_WITH_NONMASTER_DOMAINS" msgid "" "Cannot remove Data Center when there are more than one Storage Domain " "attached." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS_ILLEGAL" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Unknown Data Center status." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_BOND_NAME_EXISTS" msgid "Bond name already exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_BOND_NOT_EXISTS" msgid "Bond name doesn't exist." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_CHECK_CONNECTIVITY" msgid "Cannot check connectivity on non management network." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_BOND_PARAMETERS_INVALID" msgid "" "Invalid parameters.\n" "-Please check that bond name is formatted as .\n" "-Bond consist of at least two network interfaces(NICs)." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_DEFAULT_UPDATE_NAME_INVALID" msgid "Network '${NetworkName}' is mandatory, it cannot be modified." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_INTERFACE_ALREADY_IN_BOND" msgid "Network Interface already belongs to the bond." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_INVALID_BOND_NAME" msgid "Bond name must be formatted as ." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_INTERFACE_NOT_EXISTS" msgid "Network name doesn't exist." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_ATTACH_MORE_THAN_ONE_ISO_DOMAIN" msgid "" "Cannot attach more than one ISO Storage Domain to the same Data Center. If " "you want to use a newly created Domain, detach the existing attached Domain " "and attach the new one." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_ATTACH_MORE_THAN_ONE_EXPORT_DOMAIN" msgid "" "Cannot attach more than one Import/Export Storage Domain to the same Data " "Center. If you want to use a newly created Domain, detach the existing " "attached Domain and attach the new one." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_ATTACH_STORAGE_DOMAIN_STORAGE_TYPE_NOT_MATCH" msgid "" "Cannot attach storage to Data Center. Storage type doesn't match the Data " "Center type." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_CHANGE_STORAGE_POOL_TYPE_WITH_DOMAINS" msgid "" "Cannot change Data Center type when Storage Domains are still attached to it." "\n" "-Please detach all attached Storage Domains and retry." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_INTERFACE_ALREADY_HAVE_NETWORK" msgid "The Network Interface is already attached to a Logical Network." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_ALREAY_ATTACH_TO_INTERFACE" msgid "Logical Network is already attached to a Network Interface." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_NOT_EXISTS" msgid "The specified Logical Network doesn't exist." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_RECOVERY_STORAGE_POOL_THERE_IS_ACTIVE_DATA_DOMAINS" msgid "" "Cannot recover Data Center with active Data Storage Domain in Data Center." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_RECOVERY_STORAGE_POOL_STORAGE_TYPE_MISSMATCH" msgid "" "Cannot recover Data Center. Mismatch between Storage Domain type and Data " "Center type." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_DETACH_LAST_STORAGE_DOMAIN" msgid "" "Cannot remove the master Storage Domain from the Data Center without another " "active Storage Domain to take its place.\n" "-Either activate another Storage Domain in the Data Center, or remove the " "Data Center." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_DESTROY_LAST_STORAGE_DOMAIN" msgid "" "Cannot destroy the master Storage Domain from the Data Center without " "another active Storage Domain to take its place.\n" "-Either activate another Storage Domain in the Data Center, or remove the " "Data Center.\n" "-If you have problems with the master Data Domain, consider following the " "recovery process described in the documentation, or contact your system " "administrator." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_DESTROY_LAST_STORAGE_DOMAIN_HOST_NOT_ACTIVE" msgid "" "In order to complete the operation a new master Storage Domain needs to be " "elected, which requires at least one active Host in the Data Center.\n" "-Please make sure one of the Hosts is active in the Data Center first." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_VLAN_OUT_OF_RANGE" msgid "VLAN ID must be a number between 2 and 4905" msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_ADD_STORAGE_POOL_WITHOUT_DATA_DOMAIN" msgid "" "Cannot attach Storage Domain.\n" "-Please attach Data Domain to the Data Center first." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_REMOVE_POOL_WITH_ACTIVE_DOMAINS" msgid "" "Cannot remove Data Center which contains active/locked Storage Domains.\n" "-Please deactivate all domains and wait for tasks to finish before removing " "the Data Center." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_CANNOT_CHANGE_STORAGE_POOL" msgid "Cannot change Data Center association when editing a Cluster." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_IN_USE" msgid "" "The Logical Network is in use.\n" "-Please remove it from all Hosts in Cluster and try again." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_STORAGE_DOMAIN_WITHOUT_VG_LV" msgid "Volume Group (VGs) and Logical Volumes (LVs) are not specified." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_INTERFACE_TEMPLATE_CANNOT_BE_SET" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM Template ID must be empty." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_INTERFACE_VM_CANNOT_BE_SET" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM ID must be empty." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_INTERFACE_NAME_ALREAY_IN_USE" msgid "Network interface is already in use." msgstr "" msgctxt "EN_UNKNOWN_NOTIFICATION_METHOD" msgid "The Notification method is unsupported." msgstr "" msgctxt "EN_UNSUPPORTED_NOTIFICATION_EVENT" msgid "The Notification event is unsupported." msgstr "" msgctxt "EN_EVENT_UP_SUBJECT_TEXT" msgid "Alert Notification." msgstr "" msgctxt "EN_EVENT_DOWN_SUBJECT_TEXT" msgid "Issue Solved Notification." msgstr "" msgctxt "EN_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED" msgid "" "User is already subscribed to this event with the same Notification method. " msgstr "" msgctxt "EN_NOT_SUBSCRIBED" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}.User is not subscribed to this event with the given " "Notification method." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_DOMAIN_TYPE_ILLEGAL" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Storage Domain type not specified." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FORMAT_ILLEGAL" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Storage Domain format ${storageFormat} is illegal." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FORMAT_ILLEGAL_HOST" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Storage format ${storageFormat} is not supported " "on the selected host version." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_EXTEND_NON_DATA_DOMAIN" msgid "" "Cannot extend Storage Domain. Extend operation is supported only on Data " "Storage Domain." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_EXTEND_CONNECTION_FAILED" msgid "" "Cannot extend Storage Domain. Storage device ${lun} is unreachable from " "${hostName}." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_CHANGE_STORAGE_DOMAIN_FIELDS" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Only Storage Domain name is updateable." msgstr "" msgctxt "" "ERROR_CANNOT_UPDATE_STORAGE_POOL_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION_BIGGER_THAN_CLUSTERS" msgid "" "Cannot update Data Center compatibility version to a value that is greater " "than its Cluster's version. The following clusters should be upgraded " "${ClustersList}." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_ADD_EXISTING_STORAGE_DOMAIN_CONNECTION_DATA_ILLEGAL" msgid "" "Cannot import Storage Domain. Internal Error: The connection data is illegal." "" msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_ADD_DEPRECATED_EXISTING_SAN_EXPORT_STORAGE_DOMAIN" msgid "Cannot import SAN Export Storage Domain as it is no longer supported." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_ADD_EXISTING_STORAGE_DOMAIN_LUNS_PROBLEM" msgid "" "Cannot import Storage Domain. Not all LUNs connected to Storage Domain." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_MAC_ADDRESS_IN_USE" msgid "MAC Address is already in use." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_INVALID_MAC_ADDRESS" msgid "" "The specified MAC Address cannot be set.\n" "-Please check MAC Address validity." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_INTERFACE_IN_USE_BY_VM" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. There is at least one running VM that uses this " "Network." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_CLUSTER_NETWORK_IN_USE" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Network is being used by at least one Cluster." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_DEACTIVATE_MASTER_WITH_NON_DATA_DOMAINS" msgid "" "Cannot deactivate a Master Storage Domain while there are ISO/Export active " "domains in the Data Center.\n" "-Please deactivate all ISO/Export domains first." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_DEACTIVATE_DOMAIN_WITH_TASKS" msgid "" "Cannot deactivate Data Domain while there are running tasks on this data " "domain.\n" "-Please wait until tasks will finish and try again." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_DEACTIVATE_MASTER_DOMAIN_WITH_TASKS_ON_POOL" msgid "" "Cannot deactivate Master Data Domain while there are running tasks on its " "Data Center.\n" "-Please wait until tasks will finish and try again." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_REMOVE_LAST_SUPER_USER_ROLE" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The system must have at least one Super User Role " "defined." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_REMOVE_VM_WHEN_STATUS_IS_NOT_DOWN" msgid "" "Cannot remove VM that its state is not down.\n" "-Please stop the VM first." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_MASTER_STORAGE_DOMAIN_NOT_ACTIVE" msgid "" "Failed to ${action} ${type} due to an error on the Data Center master " "Storage Domain.\n" "-Please activate the master Storage Domain first." msgstr "" msgctxt "TAGS_SPECIFY_TAG_IS_NOT_EXISTS" msgid "The specified Tag does not exist." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_CANNOT_REMOVE_NETWORK_IN_USE_BY_TEMPLATE" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The Network is in use by a Template.\n" "Network definition cannot be detached unless all references to it are " "cleared." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_CANNOT_CHANGE_STATUS_WHEN_NOT_DOWN" msgid "Cannot change Network Interface properties when the VM is not Down." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_CANNOT_ADD_INTERFACE_WHEN_VM_STATUS_NOT_UP_DOWN_LOCKED" msgid "" "Cannot add a Network Interface when VM is not Down, Up or Image-Locked." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_VLAN_IN_USE" msgid "The specified VLAN ID is already in use." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_CLUSTER_HAVE_NOT_EXISTING_DATA_CENTER_NETWORK" msgid "" "Cluster has Networks that doesn't exist in the Data Center.\n" "-Please remove those Networks first." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_NOT_EXISTS_IN_CURRENT_CLUSTER" msgid "The specified Logical Network doesn't exist in the current Cluster." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORKS_NOT_IN_SYNC" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The following Networks' definitions on the Network " "Interfaces are different than those on the Logical Networks. Please " "synchronize the Network Interfaces before editing the networks: " "${NETWORKS_NOT_IN_SYNC}." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_INTERFACES_ALREADY_SPECIFIED" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The following Network Interfaces were specified " "more than once: ${NETWORK_INTERFACES_ALREADY_SPECIFIED_LIST}." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORKS_ALREADY_ATTACHED_TO_IFACES" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The following Logical Networks are attached to " "more than one Network Interface: ${NETWORKS_ALREADY_ATTACHED_TO_IFACES_LIST}." "" msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_INTERFACES_DONT_EXIST" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The following Network Interfaces don't exist on " "the Host: ${NETWORK_INTERFACES_DONT_EXIST_LIST}." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORKS_DONT_EXIST_IN_CLUSTER" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The following Logical Networks don't exist in the " "Host's Cluster: ${NETWORKS_DONT_EXIST_IN_CLUSTER_LIST}." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_BONDS_INVALID_SLAVE_COUNT" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The following Bonds consist of less than two " "Network Interfaces: ${NETWORK_BONDS_INVALID_SLAVE_COUNT_LIST}." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_INTERFACES_NOT_EXCLUSIVELY_USED_BY_NETWORK" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The following Network Interfaces can have only a " "single VM Logical Network, or at most one non-VM Logical Network and/or " "several VLAN Logical Networks: " "${NETWORK_INTERFACES_NOT_EXCLUSIVELY_USED_BY_NETWORK_LIST}." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_CANNOT_DETACH_NETWORK_USED_BY_VMS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The following VMs are actively using the Logical " "Network: ${NETWORK_CANNOT_DETACH_NETWORK_USED_BY_VMS_LIST}. Please stop the " "VMs and try again." msgstr "" msgctxt "NON_VM_NETWORK_CANNOT_SUPPORT_STP" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. STP can only be enabled on VM Networks." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_MTU_DIFFERENCES" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The following Logical Networks don't have the same " "MTU value: ${NETWORK_MTU_DIFFERENCES_LIST}." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_MTU_OVERRIDE_NOT_SUPPORTED" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Overriding MTU is not supported for this Data " "Center's compatibility version." msgstr "" msgctxt "CANNOT_PREIEW_CURRENT_IMAGE" msgid "" "The currently used VM Snapshot Image cannot be used in Preview command." msgstr "" msgctxt "CONFIG_UNKNOWN_KEY" msgid "Illegal configuration entry.\n" "-Please check configuration entry name." msgstr "" msgctxt "TAGS_SPECIFIED_TAG_CANNOT_BE_THE_PARENT_OF_ITSELF" msgid "Operation canceled, recursive Tag hierarchy cannot be defined." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_MOVE_TO_CLUSTER_IN_OTHER_STORAGE_POOL" msgid "VM can be moved only to a Cluster in the same Data Center." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CLUSTER_IS_NOT_VALID" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Cluster ID is not valid." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_CANNOT_REMOVE_MANAGEMENT_NETWORK" msgid "" "The Management Network ('${NetworkName}') is mandatory and cannot be removed." "" msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_OLD_NETWORK_NOT_SPECIFIED" msgid "Previous network name is required." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_INTERFACE_EXITED_MAX_INTERFACES" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM cannot have more than 8 interfaces." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_DETECTED_ACTIVE_VMS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Active VMs were detected.\n" "-Please ensure all VMs associated with this Storage Domain are stopped and " "in the Down state first." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_HOST_NOT_EXIST" msgid "The provided Host does not exist." msgstr "" msgctxt "TAGS_SPECIFY_TAG_IS_IN_USE" msgid "The specified Tag name already exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_NET_EXISTS_IN_CLUSTER" msgid "The specified Logical Network does not exist in Cluster." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_LIST_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY" msgid "Actions list cannot be empty." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_BOOKMARK_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. A Bookmark with the same name already exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_BOOKMARK_INVALID_ID" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Bookmark ID is not valid." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VDS_STATUS_ILLEGAL" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Operation can be performed only when Host status " "is ${hostStatus}." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_MIGRATE_BETWEEN_TWO_CLUSTERS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. VM can be migrated only between Hosts in the same " "Cluster.\n" "-Please select target Host in the same Cluster to run the VM." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_CHECK_VERSION_HOST_NON_RESPONSIVE" msgid "Cannot get Host version when Host is in Non Responsive status." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VDS_INTERMITENT_CONNECTIVITY" msgid "" "Due to intermittent connectivity to this Host, fencing operations are not " "allowed at this time. The system is trying to reconnect, please try again in " "30 seconds." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_PM_ENABLED_WITHOUT_AGENT" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Power Management is enabled for Host but no Agent " "type selected." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_PM_ENABLED_WITHOUT_AGENT_CREDENTIALS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Power Management is enabled for Host but Agent " "credentials are missing." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_AGENT_NOT_SUPPORTED" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Selected Power Management Agent is not supported." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_BOND_NOT_ATTACCH_TO_NETWORK" msgid "Bond is not attached to Network." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_INTERFACE_NOT_ATTACCH_TO_NETWORK" msgid "Network Interface is not attached to Logical Network." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_INTERFACE_IN_USE_BY_VLAN" msgid "" "Bonding cannot be applied on an Interface where VLAN is defined.\n" "-Please remove VLAN from the interface." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_ALREADY_ATTACHED_TO_CLUSTER" msgid "Logical Network is already attached to Cluster." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VDS_WITH_SAME_HOST_EXIST" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Host with the same address already exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_ILLEGAL_MEMORY_SIZE" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Illegal memory size is provided, size needs to be " "between ${minMemorySize} MB and ${maxMemorySize} MB." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_ILLEGAL_NUM_OF_MONITORS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Illegal number of monitors is provided, max " "allowed number of monitors is 1 for VNC and the max number in the " "ValidNumOfMonitors configuration variable for Spice." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_ILLEGAL_DOMAIN_NAME" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Illegal Domain name: ${Domain}. Domain name has " "unsupported special character ${Char}." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_CANNOT_DECREASE_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Compatibility version is invalid, previous value " "restored." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_GIVEN_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Selected Compatibility Version is not supported." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_ADDR_MANDATORY_IN_STATIC_IP" msgid "Network address must be specified when using static ip" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_OBJECT_LOCKED" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Related operation is currently in progress. Please " "try again later." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_BOND_HAVE_ATTACHED_VLANS" msgid "Bond attached to vlan, remove bonds vlan first" msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_INTERFACE_CONNECT_TO_VLAN" msgid "Cannot attach non vlan network to vlan interface" msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_CANNOT_REMOVE_NETWORK_IN_USE_BY_VM" msgid "Cannot remove network '${NetworkName}', it's in use by a VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_DISK_MAX_SIZE_EXCEEDED" msgid "Cannot create disk more than ${max}_disk_size GB" msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_HOST_IS_BUSY" msgid "" "Cannot edit Network while Host is Active, change the Host to Maintenance " "mode and try again." msgstr "" msgctxt "VMT_CANNOT_CHANGE_IMAGES_TEMPLATE" msgid "Cannot change Template images format" msgstr "" msgctxt "VMT_CANNOT_IMPORT_RAW_IMAGE_WITH_SNAPSHOTS" msgid "Cannot change image format to raw when image have Snapshots." msgstr "" msgctxt "VMT_CANNOT_IMPORT_RAW_IMAGE_WITH_TEMPLATE" msgid "Cannot change image format to raw when VM has Template." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_EXPORT_RAW_FORMAT" msgid "Cannot change format to RAW on export VM." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_PINNING_FORMAT_INVALID" msgid "CPU pinning format invalid." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND_ON_EXPORT_DOMAIN" msgid "" "Cannot export VM. Template ${TemplateName} does not exist on the export " "domain. if you want to export VM without its Template please use " "TemplateMustExists=false" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_NOT_FOUND_ON_EXPORT_DOMAIN" msgid "Cannot delete VM, VM not exists in export domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_CLUSTER_POOL_LEVEL" msgid "" "The Action ${action} is not supported for this Cluster or Data Center " "compatibility version" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_MAX_CPU_PER_SOCKET" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Max number of cpu per socket exceeded" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_MAX_NUM_CPU" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Max number of cpu exceeded" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_MAX_NUM_SOCKETS" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Max number of sockets exceeded" msgstr "" msgctxt "VMT_CANNOT_IMPORT_TEMPLATE_EXISTS" msgid "" "Import Template failed - Template Id already exist in the system. Please " "remove the Template (${TemplateName}) from the system first" msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_IMPORT_TEMPLATE_NAME_EXISTS" msgid "" "Import Template failed - Template Name already exist in the system. Please " "rename the Template in the system first" msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_IMPORT_VM_EXISTS" msgid "" "Import VM failed - VM Id already exist in the system. Please remove the VM " "(${VmName}) from the system first" msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_IMPORT_VM_NAME_EXISTS" msgid "" "Import VM failed - VM Name already exist in the system. Please rename the VM " "in the system first" msgstr "" msgctxt "TAGS_CANNOT_EDIT_READONLY_TAG" msgid "Cannot edit readonly tag" msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_REMOVE_HAS_RUNNING_TASKS" msgid "Cannot force remove VM when there are running tasks." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_IMPORTED_TEMPLATE_IS_MISSING" msgid "" "Cannot import and collapse VM, Template is missing in domain ${DomainName}" msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_POOL_CANNOT_CREATE_WITH_NO_VMS" msgid "Cannot create Pool with 0 VMs" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_DISK_BOOT_IN_USE" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Disk ${DiskName} already marked as boot" msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_CANNOT_UPDATE_CPU_WHEN_RUNNING_VMS" msgid "Cannot change cpu level when VMs are running." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_OR_TEMPLATE_ILLEGAL_PRIORITY_VALUE" msgid "" "VM priority value passed the permitted max value, value should be between 0 " "and ${MaxValue}." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_MIN_CPU_PER_SOCKET" msgid "Minimum number of CPU per socket cannot be less than 1" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_MIN_NUM_SOCKETS" msgid "Minimum number of sockets cannot be less then 1" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_SPECIFY_DOMAIN_IS_NOT_EXPORT_DOMAIN" msgid "The specify domain is not export domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_ADDR_IN_STATIC_IP_BAD_FORMAT" msgid "Bad format of IP address" msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_ADDR_IN_GATEWAY_BAD_FORMAT" msgid "Bad format of gateway address" msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_ADDR_IN_SUBNET_BAD_FORMAT" msgid "Bad format of subnet mask" msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_CANNOT_CONTAIN_BOND_NAME" msgid "Bad network name, network cannot start with 'bond'" msgstr "" msgctxt "RHEVH_LOCALFS_WRONG_PATH_LOCATION" msgid "Local Storage folder on RHEV Hypervisor must be located under ${path}" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_POOL_IS_NOT_LOCAL" msgid "Data Center must be \"Local Storage\"" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VDS_IS_NOT_IN_STORAGE_POOL" msgid "Host is not attached to Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THEN_ONE_HOST_TO_LOCAL_STORAGE" msgid "Cannot add more than one Host to \"Local Storage\" Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_REMOVE_HOST_WITH_LOCAL_STORAGE" msgid "" "Cannot remove Host, as it contains a local Storage Domain. Please activate " "the Host and remove the Data Center first.\n" "- If Host cannot be activated, use the Force-Remove option on the Data " "Center object (select the Data Center and right click on it with the mouse).\n" "- Please note that this action is destructive." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_ADD_LOCAL_STORAGE_TO_NON_LOCAL_HOST" msgid "Can not add local Storage Domain to non local storage Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_REMOVE_LOCAL_STORAGE_ON_NON_LOCAL_HOST" msgid "Can not remove local Storage Domain from non local storage Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_CANNOT_ADD_MORE_THEN_ONE_HOST_TO_LOCAL_STORAGE" msgid "Cannot add more than one Cluster to \"Local Storage\" Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_SELECTION_ALGORITHM_MUST_BE_SET_TO_NONE_ON_LOCAL_STORAGE" msgid "" "Selection algorithm must be set to \"None\" on \"Local Storage\" Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_CANNOT_DETACH_DATA_DOMAIN_FROM_LOCAL_STORAGE" msgid "\"Local Storage\" data domain cannot be detached from Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "DATA_CENTER_LOCAL_STORAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_CURRENT_VERSION" msgid "" "\"Local Storage\" is not supported with Data Center computability version" msgstr "" msgctxt "DATA_CENTER_POSIX_STORAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_CURRENT_VERSION" msgid "" "\"File based storage\" is not supported with data center compatibility " "version." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_UPDATE_CLUSTER" msgid "" "Updating Host's Cluster cannot be performed through update Host action, " "please use Change Host Cluster action instead." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_UPDATE_CLUSTER" msgid "" "Updating VM's Cluster cannot be performed through update VM action, please " "use Change VM Cluster action instead." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_STATUS_NOT_VALID_FOR_UPDATE" msgid "Cannot update a VM in this status. Try stopping the VM first." msgstr "" msgctxt "PERMISSION_ADD_FAILED_PERMISSION_NOT_SENT" msgid "Cannot add permission, no permission sent" msgstr "" msgctxt "PERMISSION_ADD_FAILED_INVALID_ROLE_ID" msgid "Cannot add permission, invalid Role id" msgstr "" msgctxt "PERMISSION_ADD_FAILED_INVALID_OBJECT_ID" msgid "Cannot add permission, invalid object ID or type" msgstr "" msgctxt "PERMISSION_ADD_FAILED_USER_ID_MISMATCH" msgid "Cannot add permission, no user/group ID or ID's mismatch" msgstr "" msgctxt "PERMISSION_ADD_FAILED_ONLY_SYSTEM_SUPER_USER_CAN_GIVE_ADMIN_ROLES" msgid "" "Cannot add permission, only system super user can give permissions with " "admin Role" msgstr "" msgctxt "" "PERMISSION_REMOVE_FAILED_ONLY_SYSTEM_SUPER_USER_CAN_REMOVE_ADMIN_ROLES" msgid "" "Cannot remove permission, only system super user can remove permissions with " "admin Role" msgstr "" msgctxt "PERMISSION_ADD_FAILED_VM_IN_POOL" msgid "" "Cannot add permission, VM is part of VM-Pool, permission should be given on " "VM-Pool instead" msgstr "" msgctxt "ROLE_WITH_ROLE_ID_DO_NOT_EXIST" msgid "Role with this ID does not exist" msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_CPU_UTILIZATION_MUST_BE_IN_VALID_RANGE" msgid "CPU utilization threshold must be between 0 and 100." msgstr "" msgctxt "" "VDS_GROUP_CPU_LOW_UTILIZATION_PERCENTAGE_MUST_BE_LOWER_THAN_HIGH_PERCENTAGE" msgid "" "The lower CPU utilization threshold must be lower than the defined upper " "threshold." msgstr "" msgctxt "" "VDS_GROUP_CPU_HIGH_UTILIZATION_PERCENTAGE_MUST_BE_DEFINED_WHEN_USING_EVENLY_DISTRIBUTED" msgid "" "High CPU utilization threshold must be defined when using evenly distributed " "policy." msgstr "" msgctxt "" "VDS_GROUP_BOTH_LOW_AND_HIGH_CPU_UTILIZATION_PERCENTAGE_MUST_BE_DEFINED_WHEN_USING_POWER_SAVING" msgid "" "Both low and high CPU utilization thresholds must be defined when using " "power saving policy." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_AT_LEAST_ONE_SERVICE_MUST_BE_ENABLED" msgid "At least one service [virt / gluster] must be enabled on the cluster." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_CANNOT_DISABLE_VIRT_WHEN_CLUSTER_CONTAINS_VMS" msgid "Cannot disable virt service on the cluster as it contains VMs." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_CANNOT_DISABLE_GLUSTER_WHEN_CLUSTER_CONTAINS_VOLUMES" msgid "Cannot disable gluster service on the cluster as it contains volumes." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_ATTACH_ILLEGAL_GATEWAY" msgid "The default gateway should be set only on the Management Network" msgstr "" msgctxt "MISSING_DIRECTORY_ELEMENT_ID" msgid "User/group ID cannot be empty." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_ILEGAL_NETWORK_NAME" msgid "" "Network name must be 1-15 long and can contain only 'A-Z', 'a-z', '0-9', '_' " "characters" msgstr "" msgctxt "STORAGE_OPERATION_FAILED_SPM_NETWORK_PROBLEMS" msgid "" "Storage related operations can't be performed while the Storage Pool Manager " "is down.\n" "Please make sure the Storage Pool Manager is up and running, and check " "network connectivity." msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_STORAGE_CONNECTION_INVALID" msgid "Mount path is illegal, please use [IP:/path or FQDN:/path] convention." msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_TAGS_INVALID_TAG_NAME" msgid "" "Invalid tag name. Only alphanumeric chars, '-' and '_' characters are valid" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_VM_POOLS_NAME_NOT_NULL" msgid "Pool name is required" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_ROLES_NAME_NOT_NULL" msgid "Role name is required" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_ROLES_ID_NOT_NULL" msgid "Role ID is required" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_ROLES_NAME_MAX" msgid "Role name must not exceed 126 characters" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_ROLES_NAME_INVALID" msgid "Role name must be formed of \"a-z0-9A-Z\" or \"-_\"" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_BOOKMARKS_ID_NOT_NULL" msgid "Bookmark ID is required" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_BOOKMARKS_NAME_NOT_NULL" msgid "Bookmark name is required" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_QUOTA_NAME_INVALID" msgid "Quota name must be formed of \"a-z0-9A-Z\" and \"-_\"" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_VDS_GROUP_NAME_NOT_NULL" msgid "Cluster name is required" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_VDS_GROUP_NAME_MAX" msgid "Cluster name must not exceed 40 characters" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_VDS_GROUP_NAME_INVALID" msgid "" "Cluster name must be formed of alphanumeric characters, numbers or \"-_\"" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_VDS_NAME_INVALID" msgid "Host name must be formed of alphanumeric characters, numbers or \"-_.\"" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_VDS_GROUP_MigrateOnError_NOT_NULL" msgid "Cluster migrate on error option is required" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_STORAGE_POOL_ID_NOT_NULL" msgid "Data Center ID is required" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_VDS_HOSTNAME_HOSTNAME_OR_IP" msgid "Host address must be a FQDN or a valid IP address" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_VDS_POWER_MGMT_ADDRESS_HOSTNAME_OR_IP" msgid "Host power management address must be a FQDN or a valid IP address" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_VM_NUM_OF_MONITORS_EXCEEDED" msgid "VM exceeded the number of allowed monitors" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_STORAGE_DOMAIN_NAME_INVALID" msgid "Storage Domain name must be formed of \"a-z0-9A-Z\" or \"-_\"" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_VM_TEMPLATE_NAME_MAX" msgid "VM Template name must not exceed 40 characters" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_DISK_INTERFACE_NOT_NULL" msgid "Interface is required" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_VOLUME_TYPE_NOT_NULL" msgid "Volume type is required" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_DISK_TYPE_NOT_NULL" msgid "Disk type is required" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_DISK_DESCRIPTION_INVALID" msgid "Disk description must be formed only from ASCII characters" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_DISK_ALIAS_INVALID" msgid "Disk alias name must be formed of \"a-z0-9A-Z\" and \"-_.\"" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_VOLUME_FORMAT_NOT_NULL" msgid "Volume format is required" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_DISK_IMAGE_DESCRIPTION_NOT_ASCII" msgid "Snapshot description cannot contain non-ASCII chars" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_DISK_IMAGE_DESCRIPTION_NOT_EMPTY" msgid "Snapshot description cannot be empty" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_DATA_CENTER_DESCRIPTION_INVALID" msgid "\"Data Center description must be formed of ASCII charis only\"" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_DATA_CENTER_NAME_INVALID" msgid "Data Center name must be formed of \"a-z0-9A-Z\" or \"-_\"" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_VMINTERFACE_MACADDRESS" msgid "" "MAC Address must be in the following format: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, (XX=0-9 or A-" "F)" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_EVENTS_EMAIL_FORMAT" msgid "email format is not valid" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_INVALID_CORRELATION_ID" msgid "The correlation ID must be formed of \"a-z0-9A-Z\" or \"-_\"" msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_VM_NETWORK_MAC_ADDRESS_INVALID" msgid "" "MAC address must be in format \"HH:HH:HH:HH:HH:HH\" where H is a hexadecimal " "character (either a digit or A-F, case is insignificant)." msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_VM_NETWORK_MAC_ADDRESS_NOT_NULL" msgid "MAC address is required." msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_VM_NETWORK_NAME_NOT_NULL" msgid "Interface name is required." msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION.REPETITIVE.IP.IN.VDS" msgid "" "Invalid list of interfaces, two or more network interfaces have the same IP." msgstr "" msgctxt "VALIDATION_VDS_PORT_RANGE" msgid "The Port number must be between 1 and 65535." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_ISO_IMAGE_PATH" msgid "Invalid ISO image path" msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_FLOPPY_IMAGE_PATH" msgid "Invalid Floppy image path" msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_ADD_STORAGE_SERVER_STATUS_MUST_BE_UP" msgid "Cannot add storage server connection when Host status is not up" msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_FAILED_TO_AUTHENTICATE_WRONG_USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD" msgid "The user name or password is incorrect." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_CANNOT_UPDATE_CPU_WITH_SUSPENDED_VMS" msgid "" "Cannot update Cluster and change CPU Cluster level if there are suspended " "VMs in the Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_CANNOT_LOWER_CPU_LEVEL" msgid "" "Cannot update Cluster and lower CPU Cluster level if not all virtual " "machines in Cluster are down" msgstr "" msgctxt "CUSTOM_VM_PROPERTIES_INVALID_VALUES_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_CURRENT_CLUSTER" msgid "" "Cannot update Cluster, custom properties are not supported under current " "Cluster version" msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_FAILED_TO_AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNT_IS_LOCKED_OR_DISABLED" msgid "Authentication failed. The user is either locked or disabled" msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_FAILED_TO_AUTHENTICATE_DNS_ERROR" msgid "" "Authentication Failed. Error in DNS configuration. Please verify the Engine " "Host has a valid reverse DNS (PTR) record." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_FAILED_TO_AUTHENTICATE_NO_KDCS_FOUND" msgid "" "Authentication Failed. Please verify the fully qualified domain name that is " "used for authentication is correct." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_FAILED_TO_AUTHENTICATE_CLOCK_SKEW_TOO_GREAT" msgid "" "Authentication Failed. The Engine clock is not synchronized with directory " "services (must be within 5 minutes difference). Please verify the clocks are " "synchronized and restart the service." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_FAILED_TO_AUTHENTICATE_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT" msgid "" "Authentication Failed. Connection to Directory server has timed out. Please " "contact your system administrator" msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_FAILED_TO_AUTHENTICATE_WRONG_REALM" msgid "" "Authentication Failed. Wrong domain name was provided for authentication" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_INVALID_CUSTOM_VM_PROPERTIES_DUPLICATE_KEYS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type} if some of the specified custom properties appear " "more than once. The keys are: ${DuplicateKeys}" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_HOSNAME_CANNOT_CHANGE" msgid "" "Host Address can not be modified due to Security restrictions. In order to " "change Host Address, Host has to be reinstalled" msgstr "" msgctxt "CAN_DO_ACTION_DATABASE_CONNECTION_FAILURE" msgid "" "Action failed due to database connection failure. Please check connectivity " "to your Database server." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_DESCRIPTION_MAY_NOT_CONTAIN_SPECIAL_CHARS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The given description contains special characters.\n" "Only alpha-numeric and some special characters that conform to the standard " "ASCII character set are allowed." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_NAME_LENGTH_IS_TOO_LONG" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The given name is too long." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_NAME_MAY_NOT_BE_EMPTY" msgid "Can not ${action} ${type}. The given name is empty." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_NAME_MAY_NOT_CONTAIN_SPECIAL_CHARS" msgid "" "Can not ${action} ${type}. The given name contains special characters. Only " "lower-case and upper-case letters, numbers, '_', '-', '.' are allowed." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_NAME_MAY_NOT_CONTAIN_SPECIAL_CHARS_OR_DASH" msgid "" "Can not ${action} ${type}. The given name contains special characters. Only " "lower-case and upper-case letters, numbers, '_', allowed." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_INVALID_VDS_HOSTNAME" msgid "" "Can not ${action} ${type}. The given Host name is invalid. Only Host names " "corresponding to RFC-952 and RFC-1123 are allowed." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_RUN_ONCE_WITH_ILLEGAL_SYSPREP_PARAM" msgid "Missing UserName or Password." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_CANNOT_REMOVE_BUILTIN_GROUP_EVERYONE" msgid "Cannot remove the built-in group \"Everyone\"." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_IMPORT_DATA_DOMAIN_PROHIBITED" msgid "Importing data domain is prohibited." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VDS_NOT_MATCH_VALID_STATUS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Valid Host statuses are \"Non operational\", " "\"Maintenance\" or \"Connecting\"." msgstr "" msgctxt "CANNOT_REMOVE_STORAGE_DOMAIN_INVALID_HOST_ID" msgid "Can not Remove Storage Domain - the underlying Host ID is invalid." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_DEACTIVATE_MASTER_WITH_LOCKED_DOMAINS" msgid "" "You are trying to deactivate a Master storage domain while there are locked " "domains in the Data Center. Please wait for the operations on those domains " "to finish first." msgstr "" msgctxt "TAGS_CANNOT_REMOVE_TAG_NOT_EXIST" msgid "Cannot remove tag. Tag does not exist." msgstr "" msgctxt "VAR__TYPE__VM__CLUSTER" msgid "$type VM Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_FENCING_OPERATION_FAILED" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Fencing operation failed." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_WITHOUT_ACTIVE_STORAGE_DOMAIN_ISO" msgid "Cannot ${action} without active ISO domain." msgstr "" msgctxt "MAC_ADDRESS_IS_IN_USE" msgid "Mac Address is in use." msgstr "" msgctxt "CAN_DO_ACTION_GENERAL_FAILURE" msgid "- General command validation failure." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_REMOVE_ACTIVE_STORAGE_POOL" msgid "- Cannot remove an active Data Center." msgstr "" msgctxt "ROLE_TYPE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY" msgid "- Invalid Role Type." msgstr "" msgctxt "CANNOT_ADD_ACTION_GROUPS_TO_ROLE_TYPE" msgid "- Cannot add administrator's action group to a User Role." msgstr "" msgctxt "STORAGE_DOMAIN_NOT_ATTACHED_TO_STORAGE_POOL" msgid "- Storage Domain is already detached from the Data Center." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_APPROVE_VDS_NOT_FOUND" msgid "- Cannot approve Host - Host does not exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_QUOTA_NOT_EXIST" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Quota doesn't exist." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_QUOTA_IS_NOT_VALID" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Quota is not valid." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_NO_QUOTA_SET_FOR_DOMAIN" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. No quota is defined for the selected domain. " "Assign a quota to the domain or select a different domain." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_QUOTA_IS_NO_LONGER_AVAILABLE_IN_SYSTEM" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The quota associated with VM ${VmName} is no " "longer available. This may be a result of an import or snapshot restoring " "actions. Please reassign a quota to this VM." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_QUOTA_LIMIT_IS_SPECIFIC_AND_GENERAL" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Limitation can not be configured as specific and " "general in the same Quota. Please choose whether the limitation should be " "enforced on the Data Center or on specific storage." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_QUOTA_LIMIT_IS_NOT_SPECIFIC_OR_GENERAL" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Quota limitation must be configured specific or " "general." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_QUOTA_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Quota with same name already exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_QUOTA_NAME_RESERVED_FOR_DEFAULT" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The prefix DefaultQuota is reserved for the " "default quota." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_QUOTA_CAN_NOT_HAVE_DEFAULT_INDICATION" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Quota can not have default indication." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_QUOTA_WITH_DEFAULT_INDICATION_CAN_NOT_BE_REMOVED" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Quota with default indication can not be removed " "while Data Center is at disable mode." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_QUOTA_IN_USE_BY_VM_OR_DISK" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Quota is still in use by a VM or a disk." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_DATA_CENTER_MUST_HAVE_AT_LEAST_ONE_QUOTA" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Data Center must have at least one quota " "associated with it. Please try to add another Quota, or change the existing " "one." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_QUOTA_STORAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Quota has no sufficient storage resources." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_QUOTA_VDS_GROUP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Quota has no sufficient cluster resources." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_CANNOT_RUN_QUERY_NOT_PUBLIC" msgid "Permission denied. Query you try to run not public." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_ATTACH_ACTION_GROUP_TO_ROLE_ATTACHED" msgid "" "Cannot attach action group to Role. This action group is already attached to " "Role." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_ATTACH_ACTION_GROUP_TO_ROLE_INVALID_ACTION" msgid "Cannot attach action group to Role. The action group is invalid." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_DETACH_ACTION_GROUP_TO_ROLE_NOT_ATTACHED" msgid "" "Cannot detach action group from Role. This action group is not attached to " "this Role." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_LICENSE_NO_LICENSE" msgid "" "There is no valid license for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager" msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_LICENSE_ILLEGAL" msgid "" "Login failed, if the Engine Service was restarted please wait few seconds " "and try again, if the problem persists please check your Red Hat Enterprise " "Virtualization license." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_LICENSE_SYSTEM_CLOCK_MODIFIED" msgid "The Engine has detected that the system clock has been modified" msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_LICENSE_EXPIRED" msgid "" "Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager's evaluation period has expired" msgstr "" msgctxt "MESSAGE_LICENSE_EVALUATION__PARAM_DAYS_LEFT" msgid "" "Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager is in evaluation mode. Evaluation " "period will end in ${DaysLeft} days" msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_REGISTER_NO_HOSTNAME_INPUT" msgid "Cannot register Host. No Hostname specified." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_REGISTER_UNIQUE_ID_DIFFERENT_TYPE" msgid "" "Cannot register Host, Host with the same unique ID was found, but requested " "Host type does not match." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_REGISTER_UNIQUE_ID_AMBIGUOUS" msgid "" "Cannot add host which has the same unique ID as one of the hosts: " "${HostNameList}.\n" "This might occur in case this host was already added to the system." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_SERVER" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Failed creating an SSH session with the host. " "Verify that the host is reachable (IP address, routable address etc.) and " "authentication parameters are correct (Username/Password, public-key etc.) " "You may refer to the engine.log file for further details." msgstr "" msgctxt "AUTO_MIGRATE_DISABLED" msgid "Cannot migrate - check relevant configuration options." msgstr "" msgctxt "AUTO_MIGRATE_VDS_NOT_FOUND" msgid "Cannot migrate - Host not found." msgstr "" msgctxt "AUTO_MIGRATE_POWERCLIENT_NOT_FOUND" msgid "Cannot migrate - Power Client not found." msgstr "" msgctxt "AUTO_MIGRATE_ALREADY_ON_POWERCLIENT" msgid "Cannot migrate - VM already resides on Power Client." msgstr "" msgctxt "AUTO_MIGRATE_ALREADY_RUNNING_ON_VDS" msgid "Cannot migrate - VM already running on Host." msgstr "" msgctxt "AUTO_MIGRATE_UNSUCCESSFUL" msgid "Cannot migrate - Previous migration was unsuccessful." msgstr "" msgctxt "APPROVE_VDS_VDS_NOT_FOUND" msgid "Cannot approve Host. Host is not found." msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_GROUP_CLUSTER_IS_NOT_VALID" msgid "Cannot ${action} Cluster. Cluster ID is not valid." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_INTERFACE_NAME_ALREAY_EXISTS" msgid "Network file is already in use" msgstr "" msgctxt "STORAGE_DOMAIN_TYPE_ILLEGAL_FOR_ADDING_EXISTING" msgid "Storage from this type not allowed to be added" msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_INTERFACE_NOT_HAVE_DISPLAY_FLAG" msgid "The specified Interface is not a display Interface." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_ADD_STORAGE_POOL_WITHOUT_DATA_AND_ISO_DOMAINS" msgid "Cannot create Data Center - There must be at least one Data storage." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_ADD_STORAGE_POOL_WITH_DIFFERENT_STORAGE_FORMAT" msgid "Cannot add data storages to pool. Storages should have same format." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VMS_IN_STORAGE_POOL" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. There are VMs in Data Center." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_CHANGE_STORAGE_POOL_VDSS_UP" msgid "" "Please move all servers to maintenance before updating the Data Center." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_STORAGE_POOL_MUST_BE_SPECIFY" msgid "Data Center must be specified" msgstr "" msgctxt "EN_UNKNOWN_TAG_NAME" msgid "Unknown tag name." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_ATTACH_STORAGE_DOMAIN_SHARED_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_THIS_POOL" msgid "" "Cannot attach Storage Domain, Shared Domains are not supported in this Data " "Center compatibility version." msgstr "" msgctxt "" "ERROR_CANNOT_ATTACH_STORAGE_DOMAIN_SHARED_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_OTHER_POOL" msgid "" "Cannot attach Storage Domain, Shared Domains are not supported in other Data " "Center compatibility version." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_REMOVE_POOL_WITH_NETWORKS" msgid "" "Cannot remove Data Center with networks, please remove all networks first." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_UP_VDSS_IN_CLUSTER" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Some Hosts in the Cluster are in Up state. Please " "move all Hosts to Maintenance mode first." msgstr "" msgctxt "TAGS_DIRECTORY_ELEMENT_TAG_IS_MISSING" msgid "Directory Element tag is missing in requested user" msgstr "" msgctxt "DIRECTORY_GROUP_CANNOT_ATTACH_TO_VM_ALREADY_ATTACHED" msgid "Directory Group is already attached to this VM." msgstr "" msgctxt "DIRECTORY_GROUP_NOT_ATTACH_TO_VM" msgid "Directory Group is not attached to the specified VM." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY_ELEMENT_TAG" msgid "Cannot remove the default Directory tag." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_NO_VDS_SUPPLIED" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. No Host supplied." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_NETWORK" msgid "Cannot remove the default Network." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_CAN_NOT_UPDATE_DEFAULT_NETWORK" msgid "Cannot update default network name." msgstr "" msgctxt "TAGS_CANNOT_ASSING_TAG" msgid "The specified Tag cannot be assigned" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_XP_MEMORY_ERROR" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Illegal memory defined for Windows XP." msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_INTERFACE_CANNOT_UPDATE_INTERFACE_VLAN" msgid "" "Cannot update Network with VLAN, you need to set the Interface to \"None\" " "Network" msgstr "" msgctxt "ILLEAGAL_USER_PROVIDED" msgid "Illegal user supplied" msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_CANNOT_BE_ADDED_TO_VM" msgid "User cannot be added to VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_CANNOT_BE_ADDED_TO_VM_POOL" msgid "User cannot be added to VM-Pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_DETECTED_PINNED_VMS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The following VMs are set to run specifically only " "on this Host: ${VmNames}.\n" "In order to ${action} ${type}, you need to remove the association between " "the VMs and the Host (Using Edit VM properties)." msgstr "" msgctxt "HOT_PLUG_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED" msgid "" "Activate/Deactivate while VM is running, is only supported for Clusters of " "version 3.1 and above." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_GUEST_OS_VERSION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Guest OS version is not supported." msgstr "" msgctxt "HOT_PLUG_DISK_IS_NOT_VIRTIO" msgid "Can plug only virtIO disks." msgstr "" msgctxt "HOT_PLUG_DISK_IS_NOT_UNPLUGGED" msgid "Disk is already activated." msgstr "" msgctxt "HOT_UNPLUG_DISK_IS_NOT_PLUGGED" msgid "Disk is already deactivated." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTIVATE_DEACTIVATE_NIC_VM_STATUS_ILLEGAL" msgid "" "Cannot activate/deactivate VM Network Interface due to VM status. The VM " "status must be Down or Up." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTIVATE_DEACTIVATE_NETWORK_NOT_IN_VDS" msgid "" "The Network does not exist on the host the VM is running on.\n" " Either add the Network to the Host or migrate the VM to a Host that has " "this Network." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_RUN_FROM_DISK_WITHOUT_PLUGGED_DISK" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type} without at least one active disk.\n" "Please activate a disk and rerun the VM." msgstr "" msgctxt "SHAREABLE_DISK_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_DISK" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Disk cannot be shareable if it depends on a " "snapshot. In order to share it, remove the disk's snapshots." msgstr "" msgctxt "SHAREABLE_DISK_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_VOLUME_FORMAT" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Disk's volume format is not supported for " "shareable disk." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_CANNOT_DETACH_DISK_WITH_SNAPSHOT" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The disk is already configured in a snapshot. In " "order to detach it, remove the disk's snapshots." msgstr "" msgctxt "DISK_IS_ALREADY_SHARED_BETWEEN_VMS" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Disk is shared between vms and cannot become " "unshareable . Detach the disk from the rest of the vms it is attached to and " "then update the disk to be unshareable." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_PASSWORD_EXPIRED" msgid "Cannot Login. User Password has expired, Please change your password." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_CANNOT_LOGIN_DOMAIN_NOT_SUPPORTED" msgid "" "Cannot Login. The Domain provided is not configured, please contact your " "system administrator." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_POOL_CANNOT_DECREASE_VMS_FROM_POOL" msgid "Cannot decrease VMs from VM-Pool." msgstr "" msgctxt "MOVE_VM_CLUSTER_MISSING_NETWORK" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Selected Cluster is missing one or more networks " "${networks} that is used by VM." msgstr "" msgctxt "" "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_STORAGE_POOL_WITH_DEFAULT_VDS_GROUP_CANNOT_BE_LOCALFS" msgid "" "Default Cluster cannot be moved to the Data Center that has local Storage." msgstr "" msgctxt "DEFAULT_CLUSTER_CANNOT_BE_ON_LOCALFS" msgid "" "Data Center containing the default Cluster does not support local Storage." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_CANNOT_CANCEL_MIGRATION_WHEN_VM_IS_NOT_MIGRATING" msgid "Cannot cancel migration for non migrating VM." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_VM_SNAPSHOT_NOT_IN_PREVIEW" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type} to a Snapshot that is not being previewed. Please " "select the correct Snapshot to restore to: Either the one being previewed, " "or the one before the preview." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_FLOATING_DISK_NOT_SUPPORTED" msgid "Cannot ${action} a floating ${type}. This operation is not supported." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_SHAREABLE_DISK_NOT_SUPPORTED" msgid "Cannot ${action} a shareable ${type}. This operation is not supported." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_DISK_IS_NOT_TEMPLATE_DISK" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The selected disk is not a template disk. Only " "template disks can be copied." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_SOURCE_AND_TARGET_SAME" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The source and target storage domains are the same." "" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_CANNOT_MOVE_TEMPLATE_DISK" msgid "Cannot ${action} ${type}. Template disks cannot be moved." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_NOT_A_VM_NETWORK" msgid "" "Failed ${action} ${type}. The following networks (${networks}) are not " "defined as VM networks." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_NETWORK_NOT_IN_CLUSTER" msgid "" "Failed ${action} ${type}. The following networks (${networks}) are not " "defined in the cluster." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_INTERFACE_NETWORK_NOT_CONFIGURED" msgid "" "Failed ${action} ${type}. One or more network interfaces have incomplete " "network configuration. Please configure these interfaces and try again." msgstr "" msgctxt "NON_VM_NETWORK_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_POOL_LEVEL" msgid "Non-VM networks are not supported in this Data-Center." msgstr "" msgctxt "VMPAYLOAD_INVALID_PAYLOAD_TYPE" msgid "VM Payload only supported in CDROM or Floppy devices" msgstr "" msgctxt "VMPAYLOAD_SIZE_EXCEEDED" msgid "Payload is limited to ${size}K" msgstr "" msgctxt "VMPAYLOAD_CDROM_EXCEEDED" msgid "Payload CDROM cannot be used when using an additional CDROM" msgstr "" msgctxt "VMPAYLOAD_FLOPPY_EXCEEDED" msgid "Payload Floppy cannot be used when using an additional Floppy" msgstr "" msgctxt "ERROR_GET_STORAGE_DOMAIN_LIST" msgid "Cannot get Storage Domains list." msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTION_TYPE_FAILED_NETWORK_INTERFACE_MAC_INVALID" msgid "" "Cannot ${action} ${type}. The Network Interface ${IfaceName} has an invalid " "MAC address ${MacAddress}. MAC address must be in format \"HH:HH:HH:HH:HH:" "HH\" where H is a hexadecimal character (either a digit or A-F, case is " "insignificant)." msgstr "" msgctxt "MIGRATE_PAUSED_VM_IS_UNSUPPORTED" msgid "Migrating a VM in paused status is unsupported." msgstr "" msgctxt "USER_CANNOT_FORCE_RECONNECT_TO_VM" msgid "" "Console connection denied. Another user has already accessed the console of " "this VM. The VM should be rebooted to allow another user to access it, or " "changed by an admin to not enforce reboot between users accessing its " "console." msgstr "" msgctxt "ENGINE_IS_RUNNING_IN_MAINTENANCE_MODE" msgid "Engine is running in Maintenance mode and is not accepting commands." msgstr "" msgctxt "ENGINE_IS_RUNNING_IN_PREPARE_MODE" msgid "This action is not allowed when Engine is preparing for maintenance." msgstr ""