#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" msgctxt "AcquireLockFailure" msgid "Could not obtain lock" msgstr "" msgctxt "ActionStopped" msgid "Action was stopped" msgstr "" msgctxt "ACTIVATE_NIC_FAILED" msgid "Failed to activate VM Network Interface." msgstr "" msgctxt "AddBricksToGlusterVolumeFailed" msgid "Gluster Volume Add Brick Failed." msgstr "" msgctxt "AddiSCSINodeError" msgid "Add iSCSI node error" msgstr "" msgctxt "AddiSCSIPortalError" msgid "Add iSCSI portal error" msgstr "" msgctxt "AddTaskError" msgid "TaskManager error, unable to add task" msgstr "" msgctxt "BackupCannotBeMasterDomain" msgid "Export domain cannot be a master storage domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "BlockDeviceActionError" msgid "Error block device action" msgstr "" msgctxt "BlockStorageDomainMasterFSCKError" msgid "BlockSD master file system FSCK error" msgstr "" msgctxt "BlockStorageDomainMasterMountError" msgid "BlockSD master file system mount error" msgstr "" msgctxt "CannotAccessLogicalVolume" msgid "Cannot access Logical Volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "CannotActivateLogicalVolume" msgid "Cannot activate Logical Volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "CannotActivateLogicalVolumes" msgid "Cannot activate Logical Volumes" msgstr "" msgctxt "CannotCloneVolume" msgid "Cannot clone volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "CannotConnectMultiplePools" msgid "Cannot connect pool, already connected to another pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "CannotCreateLogicalVolume" msgid "Cannot create Logical Volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "CannotDeactivateLogicalVolume" msgid "Cannot deactivate Logical Volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "CannotDeleteSharedVolume" msgid "Shared Volume cannot be deleted" msgstr "" msgctxt "CannotDeleteVolume" msgid "Volume deletion error" msgstr "" msgctxt "CannotDetachMasterStorageDomain" msgid "Illegal action" msgstr "" msgctxt "CannotFormatAttachedStorageDomain" msgid "Cannot format attached storage domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "CannotFormatStorageDomainInConnectedPool" msgid "Cannot format storage domain in connected pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "CannotModifyVolumeTime" msgid "Cannot change volume's modify time" msgstr "" msgctxt "CannotRemoveLogicalVolume" msgid "Cannot remove Logical Volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "CannotRetrieveSpmStatus" msgid "Cannot retrieve SPM status, master domain probably unavailable" msgstr "" msgctxt "CannotSetRWLogicalVolume" msgid "Cannot set Logical volume RW permission" msgstr "" msgctxt "CannotShareVolume" msgid "Cannot share volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "CannotWriteAccessLogialVolume" msgid "Cannot access logical volume for write" msgstr "" msgctxt "CANT_RECONSTRUCT_WHEN_A_DOMAIN_IN_POOL_IS_LOCKED" msgid "" "Can't reconstruct the Master Domain when the Data Center contains Domains in " "Locked state.\n" "Please wait until the operation for these Domains ends before trying to " "reconstruct the Master Domain again." msgstr "" msgctxt "CINDER_ERROR" msgid "An error occurred on Cinder - '${cinderException}'" msgstr "" msgctxt "copyerr" msgid "Copy failed" msgstr "" msgctxt "CopyImageError" msgid "low level Image copy failed" msgstr "" msgctxt "CouldNotRetrieveLogicalVolumesList" msgid "Could not retrieve pv list" msgstr "" msgctxt "CouldNotRetrievePhysicalVolumeList" msgid "Could not retrieve pv list" msgstr "" msgctxt "CouldNotValideTemplateOnTargetDomain" msgid "Cannot validate template on target domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "createErr" msgid "Error creating the requested Desktop" msgstr "" msgctxt "createIllegalVolumeSnapshotError" msgid "Cannot create volume snapshot from illegal volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "createVolumeRollbackError" msgid "Failure create volume rollback" msgstr "" msgctxt "createVolumeSizeError" msgid "Requested size is too small. Must be larger or equal to 1." msgstr "" msgctxt "CurrentVersionTooAdvancedError" msgid "Current storage format is too advanced" msgstr "" msgctxt "DB" msgid "Database error." msgstr "" msgctxt "DEACTIVATE_NIC_FAILED" msgid "Failed to deactivate VM Network Interface." msgstr "" msgctxt "DefaultIconPairNotFound" msgid "Default icon pair not found" msgstr "" msgctxt "DestImageActionError" msgid "Error during destination image manipulation" msgstr "" msgctxt "destroyErr" msgid "Virtual machine destroy error" msgstr "" msgctxt "DEVICE_BLOCK_SIZE_NOT_SUPPORTED" msgid "" "Volume Group block size error, please check your Volume Group configuration, " "Supported block size is 512 bytes." msgstr "" msgctxt "DeviceNotFound" msgid "Device not found or not accessible" msgstr "" msgctxt "DomainAlreadyLocked" msgid "Cannot acquire lock, resource marked as locked" msgstr "" msgctxt "DomainLockDoesNotExist" msgid "Cannot release lock, resource not found" msgstr "" msgctxt "down" msgid "Desktop is down" msgstr "" msgctxt "ENGINE" msgid "Internal Engine Error" msgstr "" msgctxt "ENGINE_ERROR_CREATING_STORAGE_POOL" msgid "" "Cannot create Storage Pool, please check all hosts can connect to the " "storage domains." msgstr "" msgctxt "ERR_BAD_ADDR" msgid "Illegal or Incomplete IP Address" msgstr "" msgctxt "ERR_BAD_BONDING" msgid "Invalid Bonding definition" msgstr "" msgctxt "ERR_BAD_BRIDGE" msgid "Invalid Network name" msgstr "" msgctxt "ERR_BAD_NIC" msgid "Interface name can't be found" msgstr "" msgctxt "ERR_BAD_PARAMS" msgid "Illegal Network parameters" msgstr "" msgctxt "ERR_BAD_VLAN" msgid "Invalid VLan definition" msgstr "" msgctxt "ERR_FAILED_IFUP" msgid "Failed to bring interface up" msgstr "" msgctxt "ERR_USED_BRIDGE" msgid "Network is currently being used" msgstr "" msgctxt "ERR_USED_NIC" msgid "Interface already in use" msgstr "" msgctxt "exist" msgid "Desktop already exists" msgstr "" msgctxt "ExportError" msgid "Error exporting VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "FAILED_CHANGE_CD_IS_MOUNTED" msgid "" "Failed to perform \"Change CD\" operation, CD might be still in use by the " "VM.\n" "Please try to manually detach the CD from withing the VM:\n" " 1. Log in to the VM\n" " 2 For Linux VMs, un-mount the CD using umount command;\n" " For Windows VMs, right click on the CD drive and click 'Eject';" msgstr "" msgctxt "FAILED_UPDATE_RUNNING_VM" msgid "" "Failed to update VM while it is running, please try again when the VM is " "Down." msgstr "" msgctxt "FailedToCreateWebsocketProxyTicket" msgid "Failed to create signed websocket proxy ticket" msgstr "" msgctxt "FailedToPlugDisk" msgid "Failed to plug a disk" msgstr "" msgctxt "FailedToUnPlugDisk" msgid "Failed to unplug a disk" msgstr "" msgctxt "fenceAgent" msgid "Unsupported fencing agent" msgstr "" msgctxt "FileStorageDomainStaleNFSHandle" msgid "Stale NFS handle on underlying NFS server" msgstr "" msgctxt "freezeErr" msgid "Unable to freeze guest filesystems" msgstr "" msgctxt "GeneralException" msgid "General Exception" msgstr "" msgctxt "GeneralHookError" msgid "General Hook Error" msgstr "" msgctxt "GET_FILE_LIST_ERROR" msgid "Cannot get files list" msgstr "" msgctxt "GetAllLogicalVolumeTagsError" msgid "Cannot get tags of all Logical Volumes of Volume Group" msgstr "" msgctxt "GetFloppyListError" msgid "Cannot get floppy list" msgstr "" msgctxt "GetiSCSISessionListError" msgid "Get iSCSI session list error" msgstr "" msgctxt "GetIsoListError" msgid "" "Cannot get list of images in ISO domain. Please check that the storage " "domain status is Active" msgstr "" msgctxt "GetLogicalVolumeDataError" msgid "Cannot get Logical Volume Info" msgstr "" msgctxt "GetLogicalVolumeDevError" msgid "Cannot get physical devices of logical volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "GetLogicalVolumesByTagError" msgid "Cannot get Logical Volumes with specific tag" msgstr "" msgctxt "GetLogicalVolumeTagError" msgid "Cannot get tags of Logical Volumes" msgstr "" msgctxt "GetStorageDomainListError" msgid "Cannot get Storage Domains list" msgstr "" msgctxt "GetVolumeGroupListError" msgid "Get Volume Group list error" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlfsFiniException" msgid "Command failed while unmounting gluster volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlfsInitException" msgid "Command failed while mounting gluster volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlfsStatvfsException" msgid "Failed to get gluster volume size info" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterCmdExecFailedException" msgid "Command execution failed" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterDisableSnapshotScheduleFailedException" msgid "Failed to disable CLI based gluster volume snapshot scheduling" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterGeneralException" msgid "Gluster General Exception occurred." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterGeoRepConfigFailed" msgid "Failed to modify geo-replication config" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterGeoRepException" msgid "Gluster Geo-Replication Exception" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterGeoRepExecuteMountBrokerOptFailed" msgid "Failed to set geo rep mount broker option." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterGeoRepExecuteMountBrokerUserAddFailed" msgid "Failed to add geo rep mount broker user." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterGeoRepPublicKeyFileCreateFailed" msgid "Failed to create gluster host public key file." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterGeoRepPublicKeyFileReadError" msgid "Error in reading gluster host public key" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterGeoRepPublicKeyWriteFailed" msgid "Failed to write gluster host public key" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterGeoRepSessionCreateFailed" msgid "Failed to create geo-replication session." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterGeoRepSessionDeleteFailedException" msgid "Failed to delete geo-replication session" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterGeoRepUserNotFound" msgid "Geo-replication user does not exist." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHookAddFailed" msgid "Failed to add hook" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHookAlreadyExists" msgid "Failed to add hook as hook already exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHookChecksumMismatch" msgid "Failed to update hook due to mismatch in checksum." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHookConflict" msgid "Found conflicting hooks." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHookDisableFailed" msgid "Failed to disable gluster hook." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHookEnableFailed" msgid "Failed to enable gluster hook." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHookFailed" msgid "Gluster hook operation failed" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHookListException" msgid "Failed to get gluster hook list" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHookNotFound" msgid "Gluster hook not found" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHookRemoveFailed" msgid "Failed to remove hook" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHookUpdateFailed" msgid "Failed to update gluster hook." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHostIsNotPartOfCluster" msgid "Host is not part of the cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHostRemoveFailedException" msgid "Gluster Host Remove Failed." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHostStorageDeviceFsTabFoundException" msgid "FSTAB entry already exists for the device" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHostStorageDeviceInUseException" msgid "Storage device(s) already in use" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHostStorageDeviceLVChangeFailedException" msgid "Failed to run lvchange for the thin pool:" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHostStorageDeviceLVConvertFailedException" msgid "Failed to run lvconvert for device" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHostStorageDeviceMakeDirsFailedException" msgid "Failed to create the mount directory" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHostStorageDeviceMountFailedException" msgid "Failed to mount the device" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHostStorageDeviceNotFoundException" msgid "Storage device(s) not found" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHostStorageDevicePVCreateFailedException" msgid "Failed to create LVM Physical Volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHostStorageDeviceVGCreateFailedException" msgid "Failed to create LVM VG" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHostStorageDeviceVGScanFailedException" msgid "vgscan failed" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHostStorageMountPointInUseException" msgid "Mount point is in use" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHostFailedToSetSelinuxContext" msgid "Failed to set selinux context on the brick" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHostFailedToRunRestorecon" msgid "Failed to set selinux label on the brick" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterHostUUIDNotFound" msgid "Gluster host UUID not found" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterLibgfapiException" msgid "Command failed due to gluster libgfapi exception" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterMissingArgumentException" msgid "Command failed due to a missing argument" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterMountBrokerRootCreateFailed" msgid "Failed to create root geo-rep mount broker." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterPermissionDeniedException" msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterServiceActionNotSupported" msgid "Gluster service action not supported" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterServicesActionFailed" msgid "Gluster service action failed" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterSnapshotActivateFailedException" msgid "Failed to activate gluster volume snapshot" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterSnapshotConfigFailedException" msgid "Failed to configure gluster volume snapshot" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterSnapshotConfigGetFailedException" msgid "Failed to get the gluster volume snapshot configuration" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterSnapshotConfigSetFailedException" msgid "Failed to set the gluster volume snapshot configuration" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterSnapshotCreateFailedException" msgid "Failed to create snapshot for gluster volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterSnapshotDeactivateFailedException" msgid "Failed to de-activate gluster volume snapshot" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterSnapshotDeleteFailedException" msgid "Failed to delete gluster volume snapshot" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterSnapshotException" msgid "Error in executing gluster snapshot command" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterSnapshotInfoFailedException" msgid "Gluster snapshot info failed" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterSnapshotRestoreFailedException" msgid "Failed to restore the gluster volume snapshot" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterSnapshotScheduleFlagUpdateFailedException" msgid "Failed to set the gluster volume snapshot scheduler flag" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterSyntaxErrorException" msgid "Command failed due to a Syntax error" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterVolumeDeleteFailed" msgid "Gluster Volume Delete Failed." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterVolumeEmptyCheckFailed" msgid "Failed to check if gluster volume is empty" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterVolumeGeoRepSessionPauseFailed" msgid "Failed to pause the geo-replication session." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterVolumeGeoRepSessionResumeFailed" msgid "Resume of geo-replication session failed on gluster volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterVolumeGeoRepSessionStartFailed" msgid "Gluster volume geo-replication start failed" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterVolumeGeoRepSessionStopFailed" msgid "Failed to stop geo-replication session" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterVolumeGeoRepStatusFailed" msgid "" "Failed to get status information of geo-replication session(s) on gluster " "volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterVolumeProfileStartFailed" msgid "Gluster Volume Profile Start Failed." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterVolumeProfileStopFailed" msgid "Gluster Volume Profile Stop Failed." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterVolumeRebalanceStartFailed" msgid "Gluster Volume Rebalance Start Failed." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterVolumeRebalanceStatusFailedException" msgid "Failed to get gluster volume rebalance status" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterVolumeRebalanceStopFailed" msgid "Gluster Volume Rebalance Stop Failed." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterVolumeRemoveBricksCommitFailed" msgid "Failed to commit removal of Bricks from Gluster Volume." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterVolumeRemoveBricksFailed" msgid "Gluster Volume Remove Bricks Failed." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterVolumeRemoveBricksStartFailed" msgid "Failed to start removal of Bricks from Gluster Volume." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterVolumeRemoveBricksStopFailed" msgid "Failed to stop removal of Bricks from Gluster Volume." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterVolumeRemoveBrickStatusFailed" msgid "Failed to get status of gluster volume remove bricks" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterVolumeReplaceBrickStartFailed" msgid "Gluster Volume Replace Brick Start Failed." msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterVolumeStatusAllFailedException" msgid "Failed to get gluster tasks list" msgstr "" msgctxt "GlusterXmlErrorException" msgid "XML error" msgstr "" msgctxt "GraphicsConsoleCantBeObtained" msgid "" "Graphics console can't be obtained. Is vm ready for connecting to console?" msgstr "" msgctxt "HOST_ALREADY_EXISTS" msgid "Cannot add Host. Host with same characteristics already exists." msgstr "" msgctxt "HOST_DEVICES_TAKEN_BY_OTHER_VM" msgid "Some of the configured host devices were acquired by other VM." msgstr "" msgctxt "HostIdMismatch" msgid "Host id not found or does not match manager host id" msgstr "" msgctxt "HOT_PLUG_MEM" msgid "Failed to hotplug memory" msgstr "" msgctxt "ImageDeamonError" msgid "Unsuccessful request to vdsm-image-daemon" msgstr "" msgctxt "ImageDeamonUnsupported" msgid "vdsm-image-daemon is not supported in host" msgstr "" msgctxt "ImageDeleteError" msgid "Could not remove all files" msgstr "" msgctxt "ImageDoesNotExistInDomainError" msgid "Image does not exist in domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "imageErr" msgid "Drive image file could not be found" msgstr "" msgctxt "ImageIsEmpty" msgid "Image is empty" msgstr "" msgctxt "ImageIsNotEmpty" msgid "Image is not empty" msgstr "" msgctxt "ImageIsNotLegalChain" msgid "Image is not a legal chain" msgstr "" msgctxt "ImageMissingFromVm" msgid "Image missing from VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "ImageNotOnTargetDomain" msgid "Image cannot be found on the specified domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "ImagePathError" msgid "Image path does not exist or cannot be accessed/created" msgstr "" msgctxt "IMAGES_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR" msgid "This domain does not support images" msgstr "" msgctxt "ImagesActionError" msgid "Error images action" msgstr "" msgctxt "ImageTicketsError" msgid "Unexpected error with image tickets" msgstr "" msgctxt "ImageValidationError" msgid "Image validation error" msgstr "" msgctxt "ImportError" msgid "Error importing image" msgstr "" msgctxt "ImportInfoError" msgid "Import candidate info error" msgstr "" msgctxt "ImportUnknownType" msgid "Unknown import type" msgstr "" msgctxt "InaccessiblePhysDev" msgid "Multipath cannot access physical device" msgstr "" msgctxt "IncorrectFormat" msgid "Incorrect Volume format" msgstr "" msgctxt "InternalVolumeNonWritable" msgid "Volume cannot be access to writes, it's Internal volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "InvalidDefaultExceptionException" msgid "Cannot set exception as default, type not supported" msgstr "" msgctxt "InvalidIpAddress" msgid "Invalid IP address" msgstr "" msgctxt "InvalidJob" msgid "Job is invalid" msgstr "" msgctxt "InvalidParameterException" msgid "Invalid parameter" msgstr "" msgctxt "InvalidRecovery" msgid "Recovery is invalid" msgstr "" msgctxt "InvalidResourceName" msgid "Invalid resource name" msgstr "" msgctxt "InvalidTask" msgid "Task invalid" msgstr "" msgctxt "InvalidTaskMng" msgid "invalid Task Manager" msgstr "" msgctxt "InvalidTaskType" msgid "Invalid task type" msgstr "" msgctxt "IRS_IMAGE_STATUS_ILLEGAL" msgid "" "This operation is currently blocked due to the status of the Image file.\n" "The Image file status is transient (probably locked by another parallel " "operation). Please wait for the status to clear and try again." msgstr "" msgctxt "IRS_REPOSITORY_NOT_FOUND" msgid "" "Error connecting to the Storage Pool Manager service.\n" "Possible reasons:\n" " - Storage Pool Manager service is in non-active state.\n" " - No Active Host in the Data Center." msgstr "" msgctxt "ISCSI_LOGIN_AUTH_ERROR" msgid "Failed to login to iSCSI node due to authorization failure" msgstr "" msgctxt "iSCSIDiscoveryError" msgid "Failed discovery of iSCSI targets" msgstr "" msgctxt "iSCSIifaceError" msgid "iscsiadm iface error" msgstr "" msgctxt "iSCSILoginError" msgid "Failed to login to iSCSI node" msgstr "" msgctxt "iSCSILogoutError" msgid "Failed to logout from iSCSI node" msgstr "" msgctxt "iSCSISetupError" msgid "Failed to setup iSCSI subsystem" msgstr "" msgctxt "IsoCannotBeMasterDomain" msgid "ISO domain cannot be a master storage domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "IsSpm" msgid "Operation not allowed while SPM is active" msgstr "" msgctxt "LABELED_NETWORK_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUND" msgid "A labeled network interface could not be found." msgstr "" msgctxt "LogicalVolumeAddTagError" msgid "Add tag to Logical Volume error" msgstr "" msgctxt "LogicalVolumeAlreadyExists" msgid "Cannot create logical volume - already exists" msgstr "" msgctxt "LogicalVolumeCachingError" msgid "Logical volume cache error" msgstr "" msgctxt "LogicalVolumeDoesNotExistError" msgid "Logical volume does not exist" msgstr "" msgctxt "LogicalVolumeExtendError" msgid "Logical Volume extend failed" msgstr "" msgctxt "LogicalVolumePermissionsError" msgid "Cannot update/change logical volume permissions" msgstr "" msgctxt "LogicalVolumeRefreshError" msgid "Cannot refresh Logical Volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "LogicalVolumeRemoveTagError" msgid "Remove tag from Logical Volume error" msgstr "" msgctxt "LogicalVolumeRenameError" msgid "Cannot rename Logical Volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "LogicalVolumeReplaceTagError" msgid "Replace Logical Volume tag error" msgstr "" msgctxt "LogicalVolumeScanError" msgid "Logical volume scanning error" msgstr "" msgctxt "LogicalVolumesListError" msgid "Cannot get Logical Volumes list from Volume Group" msgstr "" msgctxt "LogicalVolumesScanError" msgid "Logical volume scanning error" msgstr "" msgctxt "LogicalVolumeWrongTagError" msgid "Wrong logical volume tag" msgstr "" msgctxt "LVMSetupError" msgid "LVM setup failed" msgstr "" msgctxt "MAC_ADDRESS_IS_IN_USE" msgid "Mac Address is in use." msgstr "" msgctxt "MAC_POOL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED" msgid "Error Initializing MAC Pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "MAC_POOL_NO_MACS_LEFT" msgid "No available MAC addresses left in the MAC Address Pool." msgstr "" msgctxt "MAC_POOL_NOT_INITIALIZED" msgid "" "MAC Address Pool is not defined. Please check your configuration using " "Configuration Tool." msgstr "" msgctxt "MergeSnapshotsError" msgid "Error merging snapshots" msgstr "" msgctxt "MergeVolumeRollbackError" msgid "Cannot rollback merge volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "MetaDataGeneralError" msgid "General Meta data error" msgstr "" msgctxt "MetaDataKeyError" msgid "Meta data key error" msgstr "" msgctxt "MetaDataKeyNotFoundError" msgid "Meta Data key not found error" msgstr "" msgctxt "MetaDataMappingError" msgid "Meta Data mapping failed" msgstr "" msgctxt "MetadataOverflowError" msgid "Metadata is too big. Cannot change Metadata" msgstr "" msgctxt "MetaDataParamError" msgid "Meta Data parameter invalid" msgstr "" msgctxt "MetaDataSealIsBroken" msgid "Meta Data seal is broken (checksum mismatch)" msgstr "" msgctxt "MetaDataValidationError" msgid "Meta Data self-validation failed" msgstr "" msgctxt "migrateErr" msgid "Fatal error during migration" msgstr "" msgctxt "MIGRATION_CANCEL_ERROR" msgid "Migration not in progress" msgstr "" msgctxt "MIGRATION_DEST_INVALID_HOSTNAME" msgid "Migration destination has an invalid hostname" msgstr "" msgctxt "MiscBlockReadException" msgid "Internal block device read failure" msgstr "" msgctxt "MiscBlockWriteException" msgid "Internal block device write failure" msgstr "" msgctxt "MiscBlockWriteIncomplete" msgid "Internal block device write incomplete" msgstr "" msgctxt "MiscDirCleanupFailure" msgid "Directory cleanup failure" msgstr "" msgctxt "MiscFileReadException" msgid "Internal file read failure" msgstr "" msgctxt "MiscFileWriteException" msgid "Internal file write failure" msgstr "" msgctxt "MissingOvfFileFromVM" msgid "Missing OVF file from VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "MissingTagOnLogicalVolume" msgid "Missing logical volume tag." msgstr "" msgctxt "MissParam" msgid "Missing required parameter" msgstr "" msgctxt "MixedSDVersionError" msgid "Domain format is different from master storage domain format" msgstr "" msgctxt "MkfsError" msgid "Cannot create file system on device" msgstr "" msgctxt "MountParsingError" msgid "Mount parsing error" msgstr "" msgctxt "MountTypeError" msgid "Mount type error" msgstr "" msgctxt "MoveImageError" msgid "Error moving image" msgstr "" msgctxt "MoveTemplateImageError" msgid "Cannot move template's image because it is used by a VM." msgstr "" msgctxt "MultipathRestartError" msgid "Multipath service restart error" msgstr "" msgctxt "MultipathSetupError" msgid "Failed to setup multipath" msgstr "" msgctxt "MultipleMoveImageError" msgid "Error moving multiple image" msgstr "" msgctxt "NETWORK_LABEL_CONFLICT" msgid "" "The networks represented by label cannot be configured on the same network " "interface." msgstr "" msgctxt "nfsErr" msgid "Storage Domain access timeout" msgstr "" msgctxt "NO_ACTIVE_ISO_DOMAIN_IN_DATA_CENTER" msgid "There is no active ISO Domain in Data Center." msgstr "" msgctxt "NO_FREE_VM_IN_POOL" msgid "Can not allocate VM. There is no available VMs in pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "NO_IMPLEMENTATION" msgid "Not implemented" msgstr "" msgctxt "noConPeer" msgid "Could not connect to peer host" msgstr "" msgctxt "NonLeafVolumeNotWritable" msgid "Volume cannot be accessed to writes, it's not a leaf volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "nonresp" msgid "Guest agent non responsive" msgstr "" msgctxt "NoSpaceLeftOnDomain" msgid "No space left on domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "NotImplementedException" msgid "Method not implemented" msgstr "" msgctxt "noVM" msgid "Desktop does not exist" msgstr "" msgctxt "noVmType" msgid "Unsupported VM type" msgstr "" msgctxt "OperationInProgress" msgid "Operation is already in progress" msgstr "" msgctxt "OrphanVolumeError" msgid "Orphan volume, volume hasn't image" msgstr "" msgctxt "outOfMem" msgid "Not enough free memory to create Desktop" msgstr "" msgctxt "OverwriteImageError" msgid "Can't overwrite image" msgstr "" msgctxt "PartitionedPhysDev" msgid "Partitioned physical device" msgstr "" msgctxt "PhysDevInitializationError" msgid "" "Physical device initialization failed. Please check that the device is empty " "and accessible by the host." msgstr "" msgctxt "PoolUpgradeInProgress" msgid "Upgrading a pool while an upgrade is in process is unsupported" msgstr "" msgctxt "prepareIllegalVolumeError" msgid "Cannot prepare illegal volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "ProblemWhileTryingToMountTarget" msgid "Problem while trying to mount target" msgstr "" msgctxt "PROVIDER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE" msgid "" "Failed to authenticate with the external provider. Please confirm username " "and passowrd." msgstr "" msgctxt "PROVIDER_FAILURE" msgid "" "Failed to communicate with the external provider, see log for additional " "details." msgstr "" msgctxt "PROVIDER_IMPORT_CERTIFICATE_ERROR" msgid "Failed to import provider certificate." msgstr "" msgctxt "PROVIDER_SSL_FAILURE" msgid "SSL problem while trying to connect to the external provider." msgstr "" msgctxt "ReachedMaxNumberOfHostsInDC" msgid "" "The maximum number of Hosts allowed in the Data Center has been reached" msgstr "" msgctxt "ReconstructMasterError" msgid "Cannot reconstruct master domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "recovery" msgid "Recovering from crash or Initializing" msgstr "" msgctxt "RemoveiSCSINodeError" msgid "Remove iSCSI node error" msgstr "" msgctxt "RemoveiSCSIPortalError" msgid "Remove iSCSI portal error" msgstr "" msgctxt "RESOURCE_MANAGER_CANT_ALLOC_VDS_MIGRATION" msgid "Migration operation canceled, no available Destination Host." msgstr "" msgctxt "RESOURCE_MANAGER_MIGRATION_FAILED_AT_DST" msgid "Migration failed. Probably due to an error on destination Host." msgstr "" msgctxt "RESOURCE_MANAGER_VDS_NOT_FOUND" msgid "Host not found." msgstr "" msgctxt "ResourceAcqusitionFailed" msgid "" "Could not acquire resource. Probably resource factory threw an exception" msgstr "" msgctxt "ResourceDoesNotExist" msgid "Resource does not exist" msgstr "" msgctxt "ResourceException" msgid "General Exception" msgstr "" msgctxt "ResourceNamespaceNotEmpty" msgid "Resource Namespace is not empty" msgstr "" msgctxt "ResourceReferenceInvalid" msgid "Cannot perform operation. This resource has been released or expired" msgstr "" msgctxt "ResourceTimeout" msgid "Resource timeout" msgstr "" msgctxt "SetiSCSIAuthError" msgid "Set iSCSI authentication error" msgstr "" msgctxt "SetiSCSIPasswdError" msgid "Set iSCSI password error" msgstr "" msgctxt "SetiSCSIUsernameError" msgid "Set iSCSI username error" msgstr "" msgctxt "SETUP_NETWORKS_ROLLBACK" msgid "Reverting back to last known saved configuration." msgstr "" msgctxt "SharedVolumeNonWritable" msgid "Shared volume is read only" msgstr "" msgctxt "SNAPSHOT_FAILED" msgid "Live snapshot failed." msgstr "" msgctxt "SourceImageActionError" msgid "Error during source image manipulation" msgstr "" msgctxt "sparse" msgid "sparse creation faild" msgstr "" msgctxt "SpmFenceError" msgid "Error fencing SPM" msgstr "" msgctxt "SpmParamsMismatch" msgid "Pool previous lver/id don't match request" msgstr "" msgctxt "SpmStartError" msgid "Error starting SPM" msgstr "" msgctxt "SpmStatusError" msgid "Not SPM" msgstr "" msgctxt "SpmStopError" msgid "Error stopping SPM" msgstr "" msgctxt "STORAGE_DOMAIN_REFRESH_ERROR" msgid "Cannot refresh storage domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainAccessError" msgid "Domain is either partially accessible or entirely inaccessible" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainActionError" msgid "Error in storage domain action" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainActivateError" msgid "Error activating storage domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainActive" msgid "Illegal action, domain active" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainAlreadyAttached" msgid "" "The Domain is already used by another Data Center.\n" "In order to use it, detach it from the Data Center it is currently attached " "to." msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainAlreadyExists" msgid "Storage domain already exists" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainAttachError" msgid "Error attaching storage domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainCheckError" msgid "Domain has errors" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainClassError" msgid "Invalid domain class value" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainCreationError" msgid "Error creating a storage domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainDeactivateError" msgid "Error deactivating storage domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainDescriptionTooLongError" msgid "Storage domain description is too long" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainDetachError" msgid "Error detaching storage domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainDoesNotExist" msgid "" "Storage domain cannot be reached. Please ensure it is accessible from the " "host(s)." msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainFormatError" msgid "Error formatting a storage domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainFSNotMounted" msgid "Storage domain remote path not mounted" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainIllegalRemotePath" msgid "Remote path is illegal" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainInsufficientPermissions" msgid "Insufficient access permissions to underlying storage" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainIsMadeFromTooManyPVs" msgid "Storage domain is made from too many PVs" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainIsMemberOfPool" msgid "Storage domain already a member of a pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainLayoutError" msgid "Storage domain layout corrupted" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainMasterCopyError" msgid "Error copying master storage domain's data" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainMasterError" msgid "Cannot access master storage domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainMasterUnmountError" msgid "Error unmounting master storage domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainMetadataCreationError" msgid "Error creating a storage domain's metadata" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainMetadataFileMissing" msgid "Could not retrieve metadata file name for domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainMetadataNotFound" msgid "Storage domain invalid, metadata not found" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainNotActive" msgid "Storage domain not active" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainNotEmpty" msgid "" "Error in creating a Storage Domain. The selected storage path is not empty " "(probably contains another Storage Domain). Either remove the existing " "Storage Domain from this path, or change the Storage path)." msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainNotInPool" msgid "Storage domain not in pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainNotMemberOfPool" msgid "Domain is not member in pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainStateTransitionIllegal" msgid "Domain state change illegal" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainStatusError" msgid "Unsupported Storage Domain status" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainTargetUnsupported" msgid "Storage Domain target is unsupported" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainTypeError" msgid "Unsupported Storage Domain type" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageDomainTypeNotBackup" msgid "Domain type should be 'Export' but is not" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageException" msgid "General Storage Exception" msgstr "" msgctxt "StoragePoolActionError" msgid "Error Data Center Storage action" msgstr "" msgctxt "StoragePoolAlreadyExists" msgid "Error creating Data Center Storage (already exists)" msgstr "" msgctxt "StoragePoolCheckError" msgid "Pool check failed" msgstr "" msgctxt "StoragePoolConnected" msgid "Cannot perform action while storage pool is connected" msgstr "" msgctxt "StoragePoolConnectionError" msgid "Error Data Center Storage connection" msgstr "" msgctxt "StoragePoolCreationError" msgid "Error creating Data Center Storage" msgstr "" msgctxt "StoragePoolDescriptionTooLongError" msgid "Storage pool description is too long" msgstr "" msgctxt "StoragePoolDestroyingError" msgid "Error destroying Data Center Storage" msgstr "" msgctxt "StoragePoolDisconnectionError" msgid "Error Data Center Storage disconnection" msgstr "" msgctxt "StoragePoolHasPotentialMaster" msgid "Master role should be moved to another domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "StoragePoolHigherVersionMasterFound" msgid "Found master domain with higher master version than input" msgstr "" msgctxt "StoragePoolInternalError" msgid "Data Center Storage not defined" msgstr "" msgctxt "StoragePoolMasterNotFound" msgid "Cannot find master domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "StoragePoolNotConnected" msgid "Data Center Storage not connected" msgstr "" msgctxt "StoragePoolTooManyMasters" msgid "Too many masters for StoragePool" msgstr "" msgctxt "StoragePoolUnknown" msgid "Unknown pool id, pool not connected" msgstr "" msgctxt "StoragePoolWrongMaster" msgid "Wrong Master domain or its version" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageServerAccessPermissionError" msgid "" "Permission settings on the specified path do not allow access to the storage." "\n" "Verify permission settings on the specified storage path." msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageServerActionError" msgid "Error storage server action" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageServerConnectionError" msgid "Error storage server connection" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageServerDisconnectionError" msgid "Error storage server disconnection" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageServeriSCSIError" msgid "iSCSI connection error" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageServerValidationError" msgid "" "The specified path does not exist or cannot be reached.\n" "Verify the path is correct, and for remote storage,\n" "check the connection to your storage" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageTypeError" msgid "Storage type error" msgstr "" msgctxt "StorageUpdateVmError" msgid "Cannot update VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "TaskAborted" msgid "Task is aborted" msgstr "" msgctxt "TaskClearError" msgid "Could not clear task" msgstr "" msgctxt "TaskDirError" msgid "Can't find/access task dir" msgstr "" msgctxt "TaskHasRefs" msgid "operation cannot be performed - task has active references" msgstr "" msgctxt "TaskInProgress" msgid "Running Task in progress" msgstr "" msgctxt "TaskMetaDataLoadError" msgid "Can't load Task Metadata" msgstr "" msgctxt "TaskMetaDataSaveError" msgid "Can't save Task Metadata" msgstr "" msgctxt "TaskNotFinished" msgid "Task not finished" msgstr "" msgctxt "TaskPersistError" msgid "Can't persist task" msgstr "" msgctxt "TaskStateError" msgid "Operation is not allowed in this task state" msgstr "" msgctxt "TaskStateTransitionError" msgid "cannot move task to requested state" msgstr "" msgctxt "TemplateCreationError" msgid "Error creating template from VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "thawErr" msgid "Unable to thaw guest filesystems" msgstr "" msgctxt "ticketErr" msgid "Error while setting SPICE ticket" msgstr "" msgctxt "TooManyDomainsInStoragePoolError" msgid "Too many domains in storage pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "TooManyPVsInVG" msgid "Tried to create a VG from too many PVs" msgstr "" msgctxt "unavail" msgid "Resource unavailable" msgstr "" msgctxt "unexpected" msgid "Unexpected exception" msgstr "" msgctxt "UnicodeArgumentException" msgid "Unicode arguments are not supported" msgstr "" msgctxt "UnknownTask" msgid "Task id unknown" msgstr "" msgctxt "UnmanagedTask" msgid "Operation can't be performed on unmanaged task" msgstr "" msgctxt "unsupFormat" msgid "Unsupported image format" msgstr "" msgctxt "UnsupportedDomainVersion" msgid "Storage format is unsupported" msgstr "" msgctxt "UnsupportedGlusterVolumeReplicaCountError" msgid "Unsupported Gluster Volume Replica Count" msgstr "" msgctxt "UnsupportedOperationErr" msgid "Operation not supported" msgstr "" msgctxt "UPDATE_NUM_VFS_FAILURE" msgid "Failed to change the number of virtual functions." msgstr "" msgctxt "UPDATE_VNIC_FAILED" msgid "Failed to update VM Network Interface." msgstr "" msgctxt "V2V_JOB_ALREADY_EXIST" msgid "Job id already exists" msgstr "" msgctxt "V2V_JOB_DOESNT_EXIST" msgid "Job Id does not exists" msgstr "" msgctxt "V2V_JOB_NOT_DONE" msgid "Job status is not done" msgstr "" msgctxt "V2V_NO_SUCH_OVF" msgid "OVF file does not exists" msgstr "" msgctxt "VDS_NETWORK_ERROR" msgid "Network error during communication with the Host." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_INVALID_SERVER_CLUSTER_ID" msgid "Invalid Host Cluster id." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_NOT_QUALIFIED_FOR_SNAPSHOT_MERGE" msgid "To merge snapshots, a VM must be Down, Up or Paused." msgstr "" msgctxt "VM_TEMPLATE_CANT_LOCATE_DISKS_IN_DB" msgid "Cannot locate the Templates' disks in the database." msgstr "" msgctxt "VMCantBeObtained" msgid "VM can't be obtained" msgstr "" msgctxt "VMPathNotExists" msgid "Cannot found VMs directory" msgstr "" msgctxt "VOLUME_GROUP_BLOCK_SIZE_ERROR" msgid "Volume Group block size error" msgstr "" msgctxt "VOLUME_WAS_NOT_PREPARED_BEFORE_TEARDOWN" msgid "Volume was not prepared before being torn down" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeAccessError" msgid "Error accessing a volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeAlreadyExists" msgid "Volume already exists" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeCannotGetParent" msgid "Cannot get parent volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeCopyError" msgid "Volume copy failed" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeCreationError" msgid "Error creating a new volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeDoesNotExist" msgid "Volume does not exist" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeExtendingError" msgid "Error extending volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeGeneralException" msgid "General Exception" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeGroupActionError" msgid "Error volume group action" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeGroupAddTagError" msgid "Add tag to Volume Group error" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeGroupAlreadyExistsError" msgid "Volume Group Already Exists" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeGroupCreateError" msgid "Cannot create Volume Group" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeGroupDoesNotExist" msgid "Volume Group does not exist" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeGroupExtendError" msgid "Cannot extend Volume Group" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeGroupHasDomainTag" msgid "Volume Group has domain tag - requires cleaning" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeGroupPermissionsError" msgid "Could not update/change volume group permissions" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeGroupReadTagError" msgid "Read Volume Group's tag error" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeGroupRemoveError" msgid "Volume Group remove error" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeGroupRemoveTagError" msgid "Remove tag from Volume Group error" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeGroupRenameError" msgid "Volume Group rename error" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeGroupReplaceTagError" msgid "Replace Volume Group tag error" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeGroupScanError" msgid "Volume Group scanning error" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeGroupSizeError" msgid "" "Volume Group not big enough; The minimal size for a Storage Domain is 10GB" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeGroupUninitialized" msgid "Volume Group not initialize" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeImageHasChildren" msgid "Cannot delete volume image which has children (non-ethical)" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeIsBusy" msgid "Volume is busy" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeMetadataReadError" msgid "Error while processing volume meta data" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeMetadataWriteError" msgid "Error while updating volume meta data" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeNonShareable" msgid "Volume cannot be shared, it's not Shared/Template volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeNonWritable" msgid "Volume cannot be access to writes" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeOwnershipError" msgid "Volume ownership error" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumesZeroingError" msgid "Cannot zero out volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "VolumeUnlinkError" msgid "Volume unlink failed" msgstr ""