#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" msgctxt "ExternalStatus" msgid "External status: " msgstr "" msgctxt "GeneralVmPopup" msgid "General" msgstr "" msgctxt "GuestCpuCount" msgid "Guest CPU Count" msgstr "" msgctxt "UnlimitedNetworkQoS" msgid "Unlimited" msgstr "" msgctxt "actionTableNextPageButtonLabel" msgid "Next >>" msgstr "" msgctxt "actionTablePrevPageButtonLabel" msgid "<< Prev" msgstr "" msgctxt "activateDisk" msgid "Activate" msgstr "" msgctxt "activateInterface" msgid "Activate" msgstr "" msgctxt "activateVmDiskPopup" msgid "Activate Disk(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "activateVmDiskPopupToolTip" msgid "" "When the VM is running, disks attached with an IDE interface won't be " "activated." msgstr "" msgctxt "active" msgid "Active" msgstr "" msgctxt "activeDirectoryOU" msgid "Active Directory OU" msgstr "" msgctxt "activeDirectoryOUToolTip" msgid "This field will map to MachineObjectOU within Sysprep" msgstr "" msgctxt "addInstanceImages" msgid "Create" msgstr "" msgctxt "addPermission" msgid "Add" msgstr "" msgctxt "addVmHostDevice" msgid "Add device" msgstr "" msgctxt "addressSanStorage" msgid "Address" msgstr "" msgctxt "admin" msgid "Admin" msgstr "" msgctxt "advancedOptionsLabel" msgid "" "It is recommended to keep the default values in the fields below unchanged." msgstr "" msgctxt "advancedParameters" msgid "Advanced Parameters" msgstr "" msgctxt "aliasDisk" msgid "Alias" msgstr "" msgctxt "aliasVm" msgid "Alias" msgstr "" msgctxt "aliasVmDiskPopup" msgid "Alias" msgstr "" msgctxt "aliasVmDiskTable" msgid "Alias" msgstr "" msgctxt "allDisksLabel" msgid "All" msgstr "" msgctxt "allocationDisk" msgid "Allocation Policy" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowConsoleReconnect" msgid "Disable strict user checking" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowMigrationOnlyAdminVmPopup" msgid "" "Allow VM migration only upon Administrator specific request (system will not " "trigger automatic migration of this VM)" msgstr "" msgctxt "andBreak" msgid " and " msgstr "" msgctxt "anyHostInClusterVmPopup" msgid "Any Host in Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "applicationsLabel" msgid "Installed Applications" msgstr "" msgctxt "applyLater" msgid "Apply later" msgstr "" msgctxt "approveOperation" msgid "Approve operation" msgstr "" msgctxt "assignNics" msgid "Instantiate VM network interfaces by picking a vNIC profile." msgstr "" msgctxt "assignQuota" msgid "Assign Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "attachCdVmPopup" msgid "Attach CD" msgstr "" msgctxt "attachDisk" msgid "Attach" msgstr "" msgctxt "attachDiskVmDiskPopup" msgid "Attach Disk" msgstr "" msgctxt "attachInstanceImages" msgid "Attach" msgstr "" msgctxt "attachVirtioDrivers" msgid "Attach VirtIO-Drivers" msgstr "" msgctxt "attachedToDisk" msgid "Attached To" msgstr "" msgctxt "attachedToInstanceType" msgid "The field is attached to the currently selected instance type" msgstr "" msgctxt "authz" msgid "Authorization provider" msgstr "" msgctxt "auto" msgid "Auto" msgstr "" msgctxt "autoConverge" msgid "Auto Converge" msgstr "" msgctxt "autoConvergeLabel" msgid "Auto Converge migrations" msgstr "" msgctxt "availOnlyTemplSelectedVmPopup" msgid "(Available only when a template is selected)" msgstr "" msgctxt "balloonDeviceGeneralType" msgid "Balloon" msgstr "" msgctxt "baseTemplate" msgid "base template" msgstr "" msgctxt "basedOnTemplateVmPopup" msgid "Based on Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "bootMenuEnabled" msgid "Enable boot menu" msgstr "" msgctxt "bootOptionsVmPopup" msgid "Boot Options" msgstr "" msgctxt "bootSequenceDownButtonLabel" msgid "Down" msgstr "" msgctxt "bootSequenceUpButtonLabel" msgid "Up" msgstr "" msgctxt "bootSequenceVmPopup" msgid "Boot Sequence:" msgstr "" msgctxt "bootable" msgid "Bootable" msgstr "" msgctxt "bootableDisk" msgid "Bootable" msgstr "" msgctxt "browserNotSupportedMsg" msgid "Your browser/platform does not support console opening" msgstr "" msgctxt "browserPlugin" msgid "Browser plugin" msgstr "" msgctxt "bytes" msgid "(Bytes)" msgstr "" msgctxt "cardStatusNetworkInterface" msgid "Card Status" msgstr "" msgctxt "changedFieldsList" msgid "Changed fields list" msgstr "" msgctxt "channelDeviceGeneralType" msgid "Channel" msgstr "" msgctxt "cinderDisk" msgid "Cinder" msgstr "" msgctxt "cinderDisksLabel" msgid "Cinder" msgstr "" msgctxt "cinderVolumeTypeDisk" msgid "Volume Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "cinderVolumeTypeInfoIcon" msgid "Volume Types should be manually created and configured in Cinder." msgstr "" msgctxt "clickForHelp" msgid "Click for help" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloneSnapshot" msgid "Clone" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloneVM" msgid "Clone" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloneVm" msgid "Clone VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloneVmPopup" msgid "Clone" msgstr "" msgctxt "clonedVmName" msgid "Clone Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "closeButtonLabel" msgid "Close" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAttachmentContentBase64ToolTip" msgid "Enter the attachment content encoded in base-64" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAttachmentContentLabel" msgid "Content" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAttachmentContentTextToolTip" msgid "Enter the attachment content" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAttachmentLabel" msgid "File Attachment" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAttachmentSelectLabel" msgid "Select pathname above" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAttachmentToolTip" msgid "Enter the full pathname where this file should be saved on the guest" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAttachmentTypeLabel" msgid "Content Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAttachmentTypeToolTip" msgid "Choose the input encoding type for the selected attachment" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAuthenticationLabel" msgid "Authentication" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAuthorizedKeysLabel" msgid "SSH Authorized Keys" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAuthorizedKeysToolTip" msgid "" "Add SSH keys (separated by newlines) to be added to the root user's " "authorized_keys file" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitConfigureTimeZoneLabel" msgid "Configure Time Zone" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitDnsSearchDomainsLabel" msgid "DNS Search Domains" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitDnsSearchDomainsToolTip" msgid "Enter a space-separated list of DNS search domains" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitDnsServersLabel" msgid "DNS Servers" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitDnsServersToolTip" msgid "Enter a space-separated list of DNS server IP addresses" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitHostnameLabel" msgid "VM Hostname" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitHostnameToolTip" msgid "Enter the hostname to be assigned to the guest" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkBootProtocolLabel" msgid "Boot Protocol" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkBootProtocolToolTip" msgid "Choose boot protocol for the selected network interface" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkGatewayLabel" msgid "Gateway" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkGatewayToolTip" msgid "Enter the gateway for the selected network interface" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkIpAddressLabel" msgid "IP Address" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkIpAddressToolTip" msgid "Enter the IP address for the selected network interface" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkLabel" msgid "Network" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkNetmaskLabel" msgid "Netmask" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkNetmaskToolTip" msgid "" "Enter the netmask (dotted-quad format) for the selected network interface" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkSelectLabel" msgid "Select network above" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkStartOnBootLabel" msgid "Start on Boot" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkStartOnBootToolTip" msgid "Enable to start the selected network interface when the guest boots" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkToolTip" msgid "Enter the name of a network interface, e.g. \"eth0\"" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworskLabel" msgid "Networks" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitObjectAddLabel" msgid "Add new" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitObjectRemoveLabel" msgid "Remove selected" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitOrSysprep" msgid "Use Cloud-Init/Sysprep" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitRegenerateKeysLabel" msgid "Regenerate SSH Keys" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitRegenerateKeysToolTip" msgid "Regenerate system SSH keys (typically in /etc/ssh)" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitRootPasswordLabel" msgid "Password" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitRootPasswordToolTip" msgid "Choose a password for the guest" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitRootPasswordVerificationLabel" msgid "Verify Password" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitRootPasswordVerificationToolTip" msgid "Verify the password for the guest" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitTimeZoneLabel" msgid "Time Zone" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitTimeZoneToolTip" msgid "Select the guest's time zone" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitUserNameLabel" msgid "User Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "clusterCompatibilityVersionVm" msgid "Cluster Compatibility Version" msgstr "" msgctxt "clusterDefaultOption" msgid "Use cluster default" msgstr "" msgctxt "collapseSnapshots" msgid "Collapse Snapshots" msgstr "" msgctxt "commaBreak" msgid ", " msgstr "" msgctxt "commentLabel" msgid "Comment" msgstr "" msgctxt "commitSnapshot" msgid "Commit" msgstr "" msgctxt "compress" msgid "Compress" msgstr "" msgctxt "connect" msgid "Connect" msgstr "" msgctxt "connecting" msgid "Connecting" msgstr "" msgctxt "consoleConnectedClientIp" msgid "Console Client IP" msgstr "" msgctxt "consoleConnectedUserVm" msgid "Console User" msgstr "" msgctxt "consoleDeviceEnabled" msgid "Enable VirtIO serial console" msgstr "" msgctxt "consoleDeviceGeneralType" msgid "Console" msgstr "" msgctxt "consoleDisconnectActionVmPopup" msgid "Console Disconnect Action" msgstr "" msgctxt "consoleInvocation" msgid "Console Invocation" msgstr "" msgctxt "consoleInvokeNative" msgid "" "Downloads a console configuration file to be opened by Remote Viewer " "application installed on your system (found under \"Console Client " "Resources\" page.)." msgstr "" msgctxt "consoleOptions" msgid "Console Options" msgstr "" msgctxt "consolePublicKeyLabel" msgid "User's Public Key" msgstr "" msgctxt "consolePublicKeyMessage" msgid "" "Specify public key for SSH authentication. Used to access guest serial " "console." msgstr "" msgctxt "consoleVmPopup" msgid "Console" msgstr "" msgctxt "controllerDeviceGeneralType" msgid "Controller" msgstr "" msgctxt "copyDisk" msgid "Copy" msgstr "" msgctxt "copyTemplatePermissions" msgid "Copy Template Permissions" msgstr "" msgctxt "copyVmPermissions" msgid "Copy VM permissions" msgstr "" msgctxt "coresPerSocket" msgid "Cores per Virtual Socket" msgstr "" msgctxt "correltaionIdEvent" msgid "Correlation Id" msgstr "" msgctxt "cpuAllocVmPopup" msgid "CPU Allocation:" msgstr "" msgctxt "cpuModelLabel" msgid "Custom CPU Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "cpuPinningLabel" msgid "CPU Pinning topology" msgstr "" msgctxt "cpuPinningLabelExplanation" msgid "" "Format: v#p[_v#p]\n" "Examples:\n" "0#0 => pin vCPU 0 to pCPU 0\n" "0#0_1#3 => pin vCPU 0 to pCPU 0 and pin vCPU 1 to pCPU 3\n" "1#1-4,^2 => pin vCPU 1 to pCPU set 1 to 4, excluding 2" msgstr "" msgctxt "cpuProfileLabel" msgid "CPU Profile" msgstr "" msgctxt "cpuQosName" msgid "QoS Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "cpuShares" msgid "CPU Shares" msgstr "" msgctxt "cpuSocketsVmPopup" msgid "CPU Sockets" msgstr "" msgctxt "createAsSubTemplate" msgid "Create as a Template Sub Version" msgstr "" msgctxt "createSnapshot" msgid "Create" msgstr "" msgctxt "creationDateDisk" msgid "Creation Date" msgstr "" msgctxt "currentIconVmPopup" msgid "Current Icon" msgstr "" msgctxt "currentQuota" msgid "Current" msgstr "" msgctxt "currentSnapshotLabel" msgid "Current" msgstr "" msgctxt "customEventIdEvent" msgid "Custom Event Id" msgstr "" msgctxt "customLocaleLabel" msgid "Custom Locale" msgstr "" msgctxt "customMacNetworkInterfacePopup" msgid "Custom MAC address" msgstr "" msgctxt "customPreviewSnapshot" msgid "Custom..." msgstr "" msgctxt "customPreviewSnapshotTableTitle" msgid "Double-click to select an entire row" msgstr "" msgctxt "customPropertiesVm" msgid "Custom Properties" msgstr "" msgctxt "customPropsVmPopup" msgid "Custom Properties" msgstr "" msgctxt "customScriptInfo" msgid "" "Custom scripts that will be run on the virtual machine when it starts. The " "scripts entered in this field are custom YAML sections that are added to " "those produced by the Manager, and allow you to automate tasks such as " "creating users and files, configuring yum repositories and running commands" msgstr "" msgctxt "customScriptLabel" msgid "Custom Script" msgstr "" msgctxt "customScriptToolTip" msgid "Add Script that will run at startup" msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenter" msgid "Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "dateSnapshot" msgid "Date" msgstr "" msgctxt "dcVmDiskPopup" msgid "Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "dcVmPopup" msgid "Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "deactivateDisk" msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "" msgctxt "deactivateInterface" msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "" msgctxt "defaultStorage" msgid "Default Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "defineSpiceProxyEnable" msgid "Override SPICE proxy" msgstr "" msgctxt "definedMemPoolGeneral" msgid "Defined Memory" msgstr "" msgctxt "definedMemTemplateGeneral" msgid "Defined Memory" msgstr "" msgctxt "definedMemoryVm" msgid "Defined Memory" msgstr "" msgctxt "deleteProtectionPopup" msgid "Delete Protection" msgstr "" msgctxt "deleteSnapshot" msgid "Delete" msgstr "" msgctxt "description" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "descriptionDisk" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "descriptionInstanceTypeGeneral" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "descriptionPoolGeneral" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "descriptionSnapshot" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "descriptionTask" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "descriptionTemplateGeneral" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "descriptionVm" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "descriptionVmDiskPopup" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "descriptionVmDiskTable" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "descriptionVmPopup" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "desktop" msgid "Desktop" msgstr "" msgctxt "desktopChanges" msgid "Desktop with newer configuration for next run" msgstr "" msgctxt "desktopInPreview" msgid "Desktop in Preview" msgstr "" msgctxt "destDisk" msgid "Destination" msgstr "" msgctxt "detachedFromInstanceType" msgid "The field is not attached to any instance type" msgstr "" msgctxt "details" msgid "Details" msgstr "" msgctxt "devAdditionalSizeSanStorage" msgid "Additional Size" msgstr "" msgctxt "devSizeSanStorage" msgid "Dev. Size" msgstr "" msgctxt "deviceAddress" msgid "Address" msgstr "" msgctxt "deviceBootOrderAlias" msgid "Boot Order" msgstr "" msgctxt "deviceManagedAlias" msgid "Managed" msgstr "" msgctxt "devicePluggedAlias" msgid "Plugged" msgstr "" msgctxt "deviceReadOnlyAlias" msgid "Read Only" msgstr "" msgctxt "deviceSource" msgid "Device source" msgstr "" msgctxt "deviceSpecParamsAlias" msgid "Spec Params" msgstr "" msgctxt "deviceType" msgid "Device Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "directLunDisk" msgid "Direct LUN" msgstr "" msgctxt "disableSmartcard" msgid "Disable smartcard" msgstr "" msgctxt "discardChangesIconVmPopup" msgid "Discard changes" msgstr "" msgctxt "diskAlignment" msgid "Alignment" msgstr "" msgctxt "diskDeviceGeneralType" msgid "Disk" msgstr "" msgctxt "diskHotPlugNotSupported" msgid "" "Disk Activate/Deactivate while VM is running, is supported only for Clusters " "of version 3.1 and above" msgstr "" msgctxt "diskInterfaceInfo" msgid "VirtIO-SCSI can be enabled from Resource Allocation tab on VM dialog" msgstr "" msgctxt "diskNamePrefix" msgid "Disk " msgstr "" msgctxt "diskProfile" msgid "Disk Profile" msgstr "" msgctxt "diskProfileVmDiskPopup" msgid "Disk Profile" msgstr "" msgctxt "diskSnapshotAlias" msgid "Disk Alias" msgstr "" msgctxt "diskSnapshotDescription" msgid "Snapshot Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "diskSnapshotIDDisk" msgid "Disk Snapshot ID" msgstr "" msgctxt "diskSnapshotSize" msgid "Size" msgstr "" msgctxt "disksAllocation" msgid "Disks Allocation:" msgstr "" msgctxt "disksLabel" msgid "Disks" msgstr "" msgctxt "disksSnapshot" msgid "Disks" msgstr "" msgctxt "domainPoolGeneral" msgid "Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "domainTemplateGeneral" msgid "Directory Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "domainVm" msgid "Directory Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "domainVmPopup" msgid "Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "dontAutoConverge" msgid "Don't Auto Converge" msgstr "" msgctxt "dontCompress" msgid "Don't compress" msgstr "" msgctxt "down" msgid "Down" msgstr "" msgctxt "dropsInterface" msgid "Drops" msgstr "" msgctxt "editDisk" msgid "Edit" msgstr "" msgctxt "editInstanceImages" msgid "Edit" msgstr "" msgctxt "editInterface" msgid "Edit" msgstr "" msgctxt "editProfile" msgid "Edit" msgstr "" msgctxt "elementName" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "empty" msgid "" msgstr "" msgctxt "emptyListBoxText" msgid "Please select an item..." msgstr "" msgctxt "emulatedMachineLabel" msgid "Custom Emulated Machine" msgstr "" msgctxt "enableSpiceProxy" msgid "Enable SPICE Proxy" msgstr "" msgctxt "enableWanOptions" msgid "Enable WAN Options" msgstr "" msgctxt "error" msgid "Error" msgstr "" msgctxt "errorPopupCaption" msgid "Operation Canceled" msgstr "" msgctxt "everyonePermission" msgid "Everyone" msgstr "" msgctxt "exampleInterfacePopup" msgid "Example:" msgstr "" msgctxt "exportDisk" msgid "Export" msgstr "" msgctxt "extendImageSizeBy" msgid "Extend size by(GB)" msgstr "" msgctxt "firsNamePermissionsPopup" msgid "First Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "firstDeviceVmPopup" msgid "First Device" msgstr "" msgctxt "forceRemove" msgid "Force Remove" msgstr "" msgctxt "foremanLabel" msgid "Foreman/Satellite" msgstr "" msgctxt "formatDisk" msgid "Format" msgstr "" msgctxt "formatSanImStorage" msgid "Format" msgstr "" msgctxt "fqdn" msgid "FQDN" msgstr "" msgctxt "freeSpaceDisk" msgid "Free Space" msgstr "" msgctxt "generalLabel" msgid "General" msgstr "" msgctxt "getDiskAlignment" msgid "Scan Alignment" msgstr "" msgctxt "gluster" msgid "Gluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "goPermissionsPopup" msgid "GO" msgstr "" msgctxt "graphicsDeviceGeneralType" msgid "Graphics" msgstr "" msgctxt "graphicsProtocol" msgid "Graphics protocol" msgstr "" msgctxt "group" msgid "Group" msgstr "" msgctxt "guestAgent" msgid "Use Guest Agent" msgstr "" msgctxt "guestAgentData" msgid "Guest Agent Data" msgstr "" msgctxt "guestFreeCachedBufferedMemInfo" msgid "Guest OS Memory Free/Cached/Buffered" msgstr "" msgctxt "guestOSDiffers" msgid "Actual operating system type differs from the configuration" msgstr "" msgctxt "guestOperatingSystem" msgid "Operating System" msgstr "" msgctxt "guestOsArchitecture" msgid "Architecture" msgstr "" msgctxt "guestOsKernelInfo" msgid "Kernel Version" msgstr "" msgctxt "guestOsTimezone" msgid "Timezone" msgstr "" msgctxt "guestOsType" msgid "Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "guestTimezoneDiffers" msgid "Actual timezone in the guest differs from the configuration" msgstr "" msgctxt "hideQuotaDistribution" msgid "Hide Quota Distribution" msgstr "" msgctxt "highAvailVmPopup" msgid "High Availability" msgstr "" msgctxt "highPriorityOnly" msgid "High Priority Only" msgstr "" msgctxt "highlyAvailTemplateGeneral" msgid "Highly Available" msgstr "" msgctxt "highlyAvailableVm" msgid "Highly Available" msgstr "" msgctxt "highlyAvailableVmPopup" msgid "Highly Available" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostClusterTemplateGeneral" msgid "Host Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostClusterVmPopup" msgid "Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostPasswordLabel" msgid "Password" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostPublicKeyLable" msgid "SSH PublicKey" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostVmDiskPopup" msgid "Use Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostVmPopup" msgid "Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostdevDeviceGeneralType" msgid "Host Device" msgstr "" msgctxt "htmlNonBreakingSpace" msgid " " msgstr "" msgctxt "htmlTab" msgid " " msgstr "" msgctxt "iconLimitationsIconVmPopup" msgid "" "Icons limitations: max dimensions: width 150px, heigth 120px; max size 24kB; " "supported formats: jpg, png, gif" msgstr "" msgctxt "iconTabVmPopup" msgid "Icon" msgstr "" msgctxt "idEvent" msgid "ID" msgstr "" msgctxt "idVmDiskTable" msgid "ID" msgstr "" msgctxt "illegalStatus" msgid "Disk in status Illegal" msgstr "" msgctxt "imageDisk" msgid "Image" msgstr "" msgctxt "imageDisksLabel" msgid "Images" msgstr "" msgctxt "imageLocked" msgid "Image Locked" msgstr "" msgctxt "importAsTemplate" msgid "Import as Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "inactive" msgid "Inactive" msgstr "" msgctxt "increaseNumberOfVMsInPoolBy" msgid "Increase number of VMs in pool by" msgstr "" msgctxt "inheritFromCluster" msgid "Inherit from cluster setting" msgstr "" msgctxt "inheritFromGlobal" msgid "Inherit from global setting" msgstr "" msgctxt "inheritedPermission" msgid "Inherited Permission" msgstr "" msgctxt "initialRunGeneral" msgid "General" msgstr "" msgctxt "initialRunVmPopup" msgid "Initial Run" msgstr "" msgctxt "initialRunWindows" msgid "Windows" msgstr "" msgctxt "initializing" msgid "Initializing" msgstr "" msgctxt "initrdPathVmPopup" msgid "initrd path" msgstr "" msgctxt "inputLocaleLabel" msgid "Input Locale" msgstr "" msgctxt "installFailed" msgid "Install Failed" msgstr "" msgctxt "installedApp" msgid "Installed Applications" msgstr "" msgctxt "installedAppsSnapshot" msgid "Installed Applications" msgstr "" msgctxt "installedAppsVm" msgid "Installed Applications" msgstr "" msgctxt "installing" msgid "Installing" msgstr "" msgctxt "installingOS" msgid "Installing OS" msgstr "" msgctxt "instanceImages" msgid "Instance Images" msgstr "" msgctxt "instanceType" msgid "Instance Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "interfaceDeviceGeneralType" msgid "Interface" msgstr "" msgctxt "interfaceDisk" msgid "Interface" msgstr "" msgctxt "interfaceVmDiskPopup" msgid "Interface" msgstr "" msgctxt "invokeNoVnc" msgid "Uses noVnc client that runs inside your browser. " msgstr "" msgctxt "ioThreadsEnabled" msgid "IO Threads Enabled" msgstr "" msgctxt "ioThreadsVmPopup" msgid "IO Threads:" msgstr "" msgctxt "ipv4VmGuestAgent" msgid "IPv4" msgstr "" msgctxt "ipv6VmGuestAgent" msgid "IPv6" msgstr "" msgctxt "iqn" msgid "IQN" msgstr "" msgctxt "isBootableVmDiskPopup" msgid "Bootable" msgstr "" msgctxt "isReadOnlyVmDiskPopup" msgid "Read Only" msgstr "" msgctxt "isScsiPassthroughEditor" msgid "Enable SCSI Pass-Through" msgstr "" msgctxt "isSgIoUnfilteredEditor" msgid "Allow Privileged SCSI I/O" msgstr "" msgctxt "isShareableVmDiskPopup" msgid "Shareable" msgstr "" msgctxt "isStatelessPoolGeneral" msgid "Is Stateless" msgstr "" msgctxt "isStatelessTemplateGeneral" msgid "Is Stateless" msgstr "" msgctxt "isUsingScsiReservationEditor" msgid "Using SCSI Reservation" msgstr "" msgctxt "isVirtioScsiEnabled" msgid "VirtIO-SCSI Enabled" msgstr "" msgctxt "isVirtioScsiEnabledInfo" msgid "Attach a VirtIO-SCSI controller when running the VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "kdumping" msgid "Kdumping" msgstr "" msgctxt "kernelParamsVmPopup" msgid "kernel parameters" msgstr "" msgctxt "kernelPathVmPopup" msgid "kernel path" msgstr "" msgctxt "lastNamePermissionsPopup" msgid "Last Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "latchApproveOperationLabel" msgid "Approve operation" msgstr "" msgctxt "latest" msgid "latest" msgstr "" msgctxt "lineBreak" msgid "
" msgstr "" msgctxt "linkStateNetworkInterface" msgid "Link State" msgstr "" msgctxt "linkedNetworkInterface" msgid "Up" msgstr "" msgctxt "linuxBootOptionsVmPopup" msgid "Linux Boot Options:" msgstr "" msgctxt "loadLabel" msgid "Load" msgstr "" msgctxt "loadingLabel" msgid "Loading..." msgstr "" msgctxt "loadingTaskTree" msgid "Loading..." msgstr "" msgctxt "loggedInUserVm" msgid "Logged-in User" msgstr "" msgctxt "logicalNetworks" msgid "Logical Networks" msgstr "" msgctxt "lunAlreadyUsedWarning" msgid "LUN is already in use - attaching it could cause data corruption." msgstr "" msgctxt "lunDisksLabel" msgid "Direct LUN" msgstr "" msgctxt "lunIdSanStorage" msgid "LUN ID" msgstr "" msgctxt "macInterface" msgid "MAC" msgstr "" msgctxt "macVmGuestAgent" msgid "MAC" msgstr "" msgctxt "maintenance" msgid "Maintenance" msgstr "" msgctxt "makeTemplateClusterLabel" msgid "Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "makeTemplateFromSnapshot" msgid "Make Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "makeTemplateIsTemplatePublicEditorLabel" msgid "Allow all users to access this Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "makeTemplatePopupDescriptionLabel" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "makeTemplatePopupNameLabel" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "makeTemplateQuotaLabel" msgid "Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "makeTemplateStorageDomainLabel" msgid "Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "maxAssignedVmsPerUser" msgid "Maximum number of VMs per user" msgstr "" msgctxt "mb" msgid "MB" msgstr "" msgctxt "mbps" msgid "(Mbps)" msgstr "" msgctxt "memAllocVmPopup" msgid "Memory Allocation:" msgstr "" msgctxt "memSizeVmPopup" msgid "Memory Size" msgstr "" msgctxt "memoryBalloonDeviceEnabled" msgid "Memory Balloon Device Enabled" msgstr "" msgctxt "memoryDeviceGeneralType" msgid "Memory" msgstr "" msgctxt "memorySnapshot" msgid "Memory" msgstr "" msgctxt "messageEvent" msgid "Message" msgstr "" msgctxt "migrateCompressedLabel" msgid "Enable migration compression" msgstr "" msgctxt "migrating" msgid "Migrating" msgstr "" msgctxt "migrationDowntimeLabel" msgid "Migration downtime (ms)" msgstr "" msgctxt "migrationToDifferentClusterWarning" msgid "" "Choosing different cluster may lead to unexpected results. Please consult " "documentation." msgstr "" msgctxt "monitors" msgid "Monitors" msgstr "" msgctxt "monitorsVmPopup" msgid "Monitors" msgstr "" msgctxt "moveDisk" msgid "Move" msgstr "" msgctxt "name" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameInstanceTypeGeneral" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameInterface" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameNetworkInterfacePopup" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "namePoolGeneral" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameSanImStorage" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameSnapshot" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameTemplateGeneral" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameVm" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameVmGuestAgent" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameVmPopup" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "namespace" msgid "Namespace" msgstr "" msgctxt "namespacePermissionsPopup" msgid "Namespace:" msgstr "" msgctxt "nativeClient" msgid "Native client" msgstr "" msgctxt "nativeUsbSupportWarning" msgid "" "Migration is NOT currently supported using SPICE Native USB redirection on " "cluster version lower than 3.2" msgstr "" msgctxt "networkNameInterface" msgid "Network Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "networkProfilePopup" msgid "Network" msgstr "" msgctxt "newDisk" msgid "New" msgstr "" msgctxt "newIconVmPopup" msgid "New Icon" msgstr "" msgctxt "newInterface" msgid "New" msgstr "" msgctxt "newProfile" msgid "New" msgstr "" msgctxt "newVm" msgid "New VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "newtools" msgid "New guest tools are available" msgstr "" msgctxt "nicNetworkHost" msgid "Network Device" msgstr "" msgctxt "nicsLabel" msgid "Network Interfaces" msgstr "" msgctxt "no" msgid "No" msgstr "" msgctxt "noItemsToDisplay" msgid "No items to display" msgstr "" msgctxt "noVnc" msgid "noVNC" msgstr "" msgctxt "noWatchdogLabel" msgid "" msgstr "" msgctxt "nonOperational" msgid "Non Operational" msgstr "" msgctxt "nonResponsive" msgid "Non Responsive" msgstr "" msgctxt "none" msgid "Disable Single Sign On" msgstr "" msgctxt "noneQos" msgid "None" msgstr "" msgctxt "notAvailableLabel" msgid "N/A" msgstr "" msgctxt "notConfigured" msgid "Not Configured" msgstr "" msgctxt "notResponding" msgid "Not Responding" msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfCpuCoresPoolGeneral" msgid "Number of CPU Cores" msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfCpuCoresTemplateGeneral" msgid "Number of CPU Cores" msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfCpuCoresVm" msgid "Number of CPU Cores" msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfIoThreadsVmPopup" msgid "Num Of IO Threads" msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfMonitorsPoolGeneral" msgid "Number of Monitors" msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfMonitorsTemplateGeneral" msgid "Number of Monitors" msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfMonitorsVm" msgid "Number of Monitors" msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfSockets" msgid "Virtual Sockets" msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfVCPUs" msgid "Total Virtual CPUs" msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfVmsPoolPopup" msgid "Number of VMs" msgstr "" msgctxt "numaNodeCountLabel" msgid "NUMA Node Count" msgstr "" msgctxt "numaSectionLabel" msgid "Configure NUMA:" msgstr "" msgctxt "numaSummaryTotals" msgid "Totals:" msgstr "" msgctxt "numaSupportButtonLabel" msgid "NUMA Pinning" msgstr "" msgctxt "numaTunaModeLabel" msgid "Tune Mode" msgstr "" msgctxt "numaUnassignedInstructions" msgid "Drag a vNUMA onto a NUMA node to pin the vNUMA to that node." msgstr "" msgctxt "objectPermission" msgid "Object" msgstr "" msgctxt "openInFullScreen" msgid "Open in Full Screen" msgstr "" msgctxt "optimizedFor" msgid "Optimized for" msgstr "" msgctxt "originEvent" msgid "Origin" msgstr "" msgctxt "originPoolGeneral" msgid "Origin" msgstr "" msgctxt "originTemplateGeneral" msgid "Origin" msgstr "" msgctxt "originVm" msgid "Origin" msgstr "" msgctxt "originalAllocationDisk" msgid "Original Allocation Policy" msgstr "" msgctxt "originalNetworkNameInterface" msgid "Original Network Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "osPoolGeneral" msgid "Operating System" msgstr "" msgctxt "osTemplateGeneral" msgid "Operating System" msgstr "" msgctxt "osVm" msgid "Operating System" msgstr "" msgctxt "osVmPopup" msgid "Operating System" msgstr "" msgctxt "overriddenSpiceProxyAddress" msgid "Overridden SPICE proxy address" msgstr "" msgctxt "overrideMigrationDowntimeLabel" msgid "Use custom migration downtime" msgstr "" msgctxt "overrideSerialNumberPolicy" msgid "Provide custom serial number policy" msgstr "" msgctxt "passThroughHostCpu" msgid "Pass-Through Host CPU" msgstr "" msgctxt "pathSanStorage" msgid "#path" msgstr "" msgctxt "paused" msgid "Paused" msgstr "" msgctxt "pendingApproval" msgid "Pending Approval" msgstr "" msgctxt "permanentlyRemoveLabel" msgid "Remove permanently" msgstr "" msgctxt "permissionsCreationDate" msgid "Creation Date" msgstr "" msgctxt "physMemGaurPoolGeneral" msgid "Physical Memory Guaranteed" msgstr "" msgctxt "physMemGauranteedVm" msgid "Physical Memory Guaranteed" msgstr "" msgctxt "physMemGuarVmPopup" msgid "Physical Memory Guaranteed" msgstr "" msgctxt "pinToNumaNode" msgid "Pin to NUMA node" msgstr "" msgctxt "pkts" msgid "(Pkts)" msgstr "" msgctxt "plugged" msgid "Plugged" msgstr "" msgctxt "pluggedNetworkInterface" msgid "Plugged" msgstr "" msgctxt "poolTypeVmPopup" msgid "Pool Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "poolVmPopup" msgid "Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "pooledDesktop" msgid "Desktop (Pool)" msgstr "" msgctxt "pooledServer" msgid "Server (Pool)" msgstr "" msgctxt "portMirroring" msgid "Port Mirroring" msgstr "" msgctxt "portMirroringEnabled" msgid "Enabled" msgstr "" msgctxt "portSanStorage" msgid "Port" msgstr "" msgctxt "powerOffVm" msgid "Power Off" msgstr "" msgctxt "poweringDown" msgid "Powering Down" msgstr "" msgctxt "poweringUp" msgid "Powering Up" msgstr "" msgctxt "preparingForMaintenance" msgid "Preparing For Maintenance" msgstr "" msgctxt "prestartedPoolPopup" msgid "Prestarted" msgstr "" msgctxt "prestartedVms" msgid "Prestarted VMs" msgstr "" msgctxt "previewPartialSnapshotQuestionLabel" msgid "What would you like to do?" msgstr "" msgctxt "previewPartialSnapshotSubsetDisksLabel" msgid "" "You chose to preview a snapshot that contains only a subset of these disks" msgstr "" msgctxt "previewSnapshot" msgid "Preview" msgstr "" msgctxt "previousCurrentSnapshotLabel" msgid "Current (Previous)" msgstr "" msgctxt "priorForRunMigrationQueueVmPopup" msgid "Priority for Run/Migration queue:" msgstr "" msgctxt "priorityTemplateGeneral" msgid "Priority" msgstr "" msgctxt "priorityVm" msgid "Priority" msgstr "" msgctxt "productIdSanStorage" msgid "Product ID" msgstr "" msgctxt "profileDescriptionLabel" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "profileNameInterface" msgid "Profile Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "profileNameLabel" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "profileNetworkInterfacePopup" msgid "Profile" msgstr "" msgctxt "providerLabel" msgid "Provider" msgstr "" msgctxt "provisionedSizeDisk" msgid "Virtual Size" msgstr "" msgctxt "provisionedSizeVmDiskTable" msgid "Virtual Size" msgstr "" msgctxt "qosName" msgid "QoS Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "quotaDisk" msgid "Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "quotaTemplateGeneral" msgid "Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "quotaVm" msgid "Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "quotaVmDiskPopup" msgid "Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "quotaVmPopup" msgid "Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "rdpInvokeAuto" msgid "" "Uses RDP browser plugin if supported. Otherwise switches to \"Native " "client\" invocation." msgstr "" msgctxt "rdpInvokeNative" msgid "" "Downloads a console configuration file to be opened by Remote Desktop client " "application on your system. Required for Network Level Authentication." msgstr "" msgctxt "rdpInvokePlugin" msgid "" "Uses browser plugin to invoke the RDP session (MS Internet Explorer only). " "Required for Single Sign On." msgstr "" msgctxt "rdpNotAvailable" msgid "RDP isn't available for this machine." msgstr "" msgctxt "rdpOptions" msgid "RDP Options" msgstr "" msgctxt "rdpPluginNotSupportedByBrowser" msgid "Your browser doesn't support RDP plugin" msgstr "" msgctxt "readOnly" msgid "Read Only" msgstr "" msgctxt "readonlyLabel" msgid "Read-Only" msgstr "" msgctxt "reasonLabel" msgid "Reason" msgstr "" msgctxt "reboot" msgid "Reboot" msgstr "" msgctxt "rebootVm" msgid "Reboot" msgstr "" msgctxt "rebooting" msgid "Rebooting" msgstr "" msgctxt "redirDeviceGeneralType" msgid "USB Redirection" msgstr "" msgctxt "refreshRate" msgid "Refresh Rate" msgstr "" msgctxt "registerDisksLabel" msgid "Register Disks" msgstr "" msgctxt "remoteDesktop" msgid "Remote Desktop" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeConfirmationPopupMessage" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the following items?" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeDisk" msgid "Remove" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeInterface" msgid "Remove" msgstr "" msgctxt "removePermission" msgid "Remove" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeProfile" msgid "Remove" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeVmHostDevice" msgid "Remove device" msgstr "" msgctxt "repinVmHost" msgid "Pin to another host" msgstr "" msgctxt "requiredRngSources" msgid "Required Random Number Generator sources:" msgstr "" msgctxt "resourceAllocVmPopup" msgid "Resource Allocation" msgstr "" msgctxt "restoreMemoryPopup" msgid "Restore saved memory" msgstr "" msgctxt "restoring" msgid "Restoring" msgstr "" msgctxt "rngBytes" msgid "Bytes per period" msgstr "" msgctxt "rngDevEnabled" msgid "Random Generator enabled" msgstr "" msgctxt "rngDevExplanation" msgid "" "Enables/disables Random Number Generator device. If 'period' and 'bytes' are " "empty, libvirt default is used. If you specify 'period' you need to specify " "'bytes' as well." msgstr "" msgctxt "rngDeviceGeneralType" msgid "RNG" msgstr "" msgctxt "rngDeviceTab" msgid "Random Generator" msgstr "" msgctxt "rngPeriod" msgid "Period duration (ms)" msgstr "" msgctxt "rngSourceHwrng" msgid "/dev/hwrng source" msgstr "" msgctxt "rngSourceRandom" msgid "/dev/random source" msgstr "" msgctxt "rolePermission" msgid "Role" msgstr "" msgctxt "roleToAssignPermissionsPopup" msgid "Role to Assign:" msgstr "" msgctxt "rootTemplate" msgid "Root Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "runAndPauseVmPopup" msgid "Start in Pause Mode" msgstr "" msgctxt "runMigrationOptionsVmPopup" msgid "Migration Options:" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOnPoolGeneral" msgid "Run On" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOnSelectedHostVmPopup" msgid "Run VM on the selected host (no migration allowed)" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOnVm" msgid "Run On" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOnVmPopup" msgid "Start Running On:" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOnce" msgid "Run Once" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupAttachFloppyLabel" msgid "Attach Floppy" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupAttachIsoLabel" msgid "Attach CD" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupBootOptionsLabel" msgid "Boot Options" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupBootSequenceLabel" msgid "Boot Sequence:" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupCloudInitLabel" msgid "Use Cloud-Init" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupCustomPropertiesLabel" msgid "Custom Properties" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupDisplayConsoleSpiceLabel" msgid "SPICE" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupDisplayConsoleVncLabel" msgid "VNC" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupInitialRunLabel" msgid "Initial Run" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupInitrdPathLabel" msgid "initrd path" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupKernelParamsLabel" msgid "kernel params" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupKernelPathLabel" msgid "kernel path" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupLinuxBootOptionsLabel" msgid "Linux Boot Options" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupRunAndPauseLabel" msgid "Start in Pause Mode" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupRunAsStatelessLabel" msgid "Run Stateless" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupSysPrepDomainNameLabel" msgid "Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupSysPrepPasswordLabel" msgid "Password" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupSysPrepPasswordVerificationLabel" msgid "Verify Password" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupSysPrepUserNameLabel" msgid "User Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOnceSysPrepToEnableLabel" msgid "To enable Sysprep, attach the \"[sysprep]\" Floppy to this VM." msgstr "" msgctxt "runOnceUseAlternateCredentialsLabel" msgid "Alternate Credentials" msgstr "" msgctxt "rxNetworkHost" msgid "Rx" msgstr "" msgctxt "rxNetworkVM" msgid "vNIC Rx" msgstr "" msgctxt "rxRate" msgid "Rx Rate" msgstr "" msgctxt "rxTotal" msgid "Total Rx" msgstr "" msgctxt "scsiReservationInfoIcon" msgid "" "When one of the activated VM disks uses SCSI reservation, the VM can't be " "migrated." msgstr "" msgctxt "searchPermissionsPopup" msgid "Search:" msgstr "" msgctxt "secondDeviceVmPopup" msgid "Second Device" msgstr "" msgctxt "selectedActionTable" msgid "selected" msgstr "" msgctxt "serialSanStorage" msgid "Serial" msgstr "" msgctxt "server" msgid "Server" msgstr "" msgctxt "serverChanges" msgid "Server with newer configuration for next run" msgstr "" msgctxt "serverInPreview" msgid "Server in Preview" msgstr "" msgctxt "shareable" msgid "Shareable" msgstr "" msgctxt "showQuotaDistribution" msgid "Show Quota Distribution" msgstr "" msgctxt "shutDownVm" msgid "Shutdown" msgstr "" msgctxt "singleDestinationStorage" msgid "Storage" msgstr "" msgctxt "singleQuota" msgid " and Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "singleQxlEnabled" msgid "Single PCI" msgstr "" msgctxt "sizeDisk" msgid "Actual Size" msgstr "" msgctxt "sizeVmDiskPopup" msgid "Size(GB)" msgstr "" msgctxt "sizeVmDiskTable" msgid "Actual Size" msgstr "" msgctxt "smartcardDeviceGeneralType" msgid "Smartcard" msgstr "" msgctxt "smartcardVmPopup" msgid "Smartcard Enabled" msgstr "" msgctxt "snapshotContainsMemory" msgid "The selected snapshot to be previewed contains memory" msgstr "" msgctxt "snapshotCreationWithMemoryAndPartialDisksWarning" msgid "Saving memory may cause data loss when excluding disks!" msgstr "" msgctxt "snapshotDescriptionActiveVm" msgid "Active VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "snapshotDescriptionActiveVmBeforePreview" msgid "Active VM before the preview" msgstr "" msgctxt "snapshotDisks" msgid "Disks to include:" msgstr "" msgctxt "snapshotPreviewWithExcludedDisksWarning" msgid "Excluded disks will be deleted when the snapshot is committed." msgstr "" msgctxt "snapshotPreviewWithMemoryAndPartialDisksWarning" msgid "Previewing memory may cause data loss when excluding disks!" msgstr "" msgctxt "soundDeviceGeneralType" msgid "Sound" msgstr "" msgctxt "soundcardEnabled" msgid "Soundcard enabled" msgstr "" msgctxt "sourceDisk" msgid "Source" msgstr "" msgctxt "space" msgid " " msgstr "" msgctxt "specificUserGroupPermission" msgid "Specific User/Group" msgstr "" msgctxt "specificVmPopup" msgid "Specific" msgstr "" msgctxt "speedInterface" msgid "Speed" msgstr "" msgctxt "speedNetworkHost" msgid "Speed" msgstr "" msgctxt "spice" msgid "SPICE" msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceCopyPasteEnabled" msgid "Enable SPICE clipboard copy and paste" msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceFileTransferEnabled" msgid "Enable SPICE file transfer" msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceHtml5" msgid "SPICE HTML5 browser client (Tech preview)" msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceHtml5DoesntSupportSpiceProxy" msgid "SPICE-HTML5 does not support SPICE Proxy." msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceInvokeAuto" msgid "" "If there is a SPICE plugin installed in your browser, it is used for " "invoking the console session.Otherwise SPICE configuration file is " "downloaded which will automatically launch locally installed Remote Viewer " "(found under \"Console Client Resources\" page.)." msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceInvokeHtml5" msgid "" "Uses SPICE HTML5 client that runs inside your browser. This client is a " "Technology preview and it's possible some functions (e.g. keyboard layouts) " "will not work as expected." msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceInvokePlugin" msgid "" "Uses SPICE browser plugin for invoking console session. For this you must " "have SPICE console plugin installed in your browser." msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceNotAvailable" msgid "" "SPICE isn't available for this machine. For enabling it, change the VM " "console protocol." msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceOptions" msgid "SPICE Options" msgstr "" msgctxt "spicePluginNotSupportedByBrowser" msgid "Your browser doesn't support SPICE plugin" msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceProxyCanBeEnabledOnlyWhenDefined" msgid "No SPICE proxy defined on system level" msgstr "" msgctxt "spmPriority" msgid "SPM Priority" msgstr "" msgctxt "ssoMethod" msgid "Single Sign On method" msgstr "" msgctxt "statelessDesktop" msgid "Stateless Desktop" msgstr "" msgctxt "statelessDesktopChanges" msgid "Stateless Desktop with newer configuration for next run" msgstr "" msgctxt "statelessServer" msgid "Stateless Server" msgstr "" msgctxt "statelessServerChanges" msgid "Stateless Server with newer configuration for next run" msgstr "" msgctxt "statelessVmPopup" msgid "Stateless" msgstr "" msgctxt "statistics" msgid "Statistics" msgstr "" msgctxt "statusDisk" msgid "Status" msgstr "" msgctxt "statusNetworkHost" msgid "Network Device Status" msgstr "" msgctxt "statusSnapshot" msgid "Status" msgstr "" msgctxt "statusTask" msgid "Status" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageAllocVmPopup" msgid "Storage Allocation:" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageDomainDisk" msgid "Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageDomainVmDiskPopup" msgid "Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageDomainVmDiskTable" msgid "Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageDomainsDisk" msgid "Storage Domain(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageDomainsLabelDisk" msgid "Domains" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIdVgName" msgid "Storage ID (VG Name)" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiDiscoverTargetsLabel" msgid "Discover Targets" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiPopupAddressLabel" msgid "Address" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiPopupChapPassLabel" msgid "CHAP password" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiPopupChapUserLabel" msgid "CHAP username" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiPopupDiscoverButtonLabel" msgid "Discover" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiPopupLoginButtonLabel" msgid "Login" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiPopupLunToTargetsTabLabel" msgid "LUNs > Targets" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiPopupPortLabel" msgid "Port" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiPopupTargetsToLunTabLabel" msgid "Targets > LUNs" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiPopupUserAuthLabel" msgid "User Authentication:" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiSelectStorageLabel" msgid "Select Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageName" msgid "Storage Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageTargets" msgid "Storage Targets" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageTypeDisk" msgid "Storage Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageTypeVmDiskPopup" msgid "Storage Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "suspended" msgid "Suspended" msgstr "" msgctxt "sysprepAdminPasswordLabel" msgid "Admin Password" msgstr "" msgctxt "sysprepAdminPasswordToolTip" msgid "Choose a password for the admin login" msgstr "" msgctxt "sysprepAdminPasswordVerificationLabel" msgid "Verify Admin Password" msgstr "" msgctxt "sysprepAdminPasswordVerificationToolTip" msgid "Verify the password" msgstr "" msgctxt "sysprepLabel" msgid "Sysprep" msgstr "" msgctxt "sysprepOrgNameLabel" msgid "Organization Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "systemLocaleLabel" msgid "System Locale" msgstr "" msgctxt "systemVmPopup" msgid "System" msgstr "" msgctxt "targetDisk" msgid "Target" msgstr "" msgctxt "targetNameSanStorage" msgid "Target Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "template" msgid "Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "templateDescription" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "templateName" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "templatePoolGeneral" msgid "Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "templateProvisVmPopup" msgid "Template Provisioning" msgstr "" msgctxt "templateVersion" msgid "Version" msgstr "" msgctxt "templateVersionName" msgid "Sub Version Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "templateVm" msgid "Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "thinVmPopup" msgid "Thin" msgstr "" msgctxt "timeEvent" msgid "Time" msgstr "" msgctxt "timeTask" msgid "Time" msgstr "" msgctxt "timeZoneInfo" msgid "" "This option sets the time zone offset of the guest hardware clock. For " "Windows OS this should correspond to the time zone set in the guest (during " "installation or afterwards). Most default Linux installations expect " "hardware clock to be GMT+00:00." msgstr "" msgctxt "timeZoneVm" msgid "Time Zone" msgstr "" msgctxt "totalCoresVmPopup" msgid "Total Cores" msgstr "" msgctxt "txNetworkHost" msgid "Tx" msgstr "" msgctxt "txNetworkVM" msgid "vNIC Tx" msgstr "" msgctxt "txRate" msgid "Tx Rate" msgstr "" msgctxt "txTotal" msgid "Total Tx" msgstr "" msgctxt "typeDisk" msgid "Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "typeInterface" msgid "Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "typeNetworkInterfacePopup" msgid "Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "tzPoolGeneral" msgid "Time Zone" msgstr "" msgctxt "tzTemplateGeneral" msgid "Time Zone" msgstr "" msgctxt "tzVmPopup" msgid "Time Zone" msgstr "" msgctxt "uiLanguageLabel" msgid "UI Language" msgstr "" msgctxt "unAvailablePropertyLabel" msgid "[N/A]" msgstr "" msgctxt "unPinNode" msgid "Un pin virtual node" msgstr "" msgctxt "unassigned" msgid "Unassigned" msgstr "" msgctxt "unassignedVNumaNodesLabel" msgid "Unassigned virtual nodes" msgstr "" msgctxt "unattachedDisk" msgid "Unattached" msgstr "" msgctxt "undoSnapshot" msgid "Undo" msgstr "" msgctxt "unknown" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "" msgctxt "unknownDeviceGeneralType" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "" msgctxt "unlimitedQos" msgid "Unlimited" msgstr "" msgctxt "unlinkedNetworkInterface" msgid "Down" msgstr "" msgctxt "unplugged" msgid "Unplugged" msgstr "" msgctxt "unpluggedNetworkInterface" msgid "Unplugged" msgstr "" msgctxt "until" msgid "until" msgstr "" msgctxt "untilEndTime" msgid "Until" msgstr "" msgctxt "up" msgid "Up" msgstr "" msgctxt "updateAvailable" msgid "Update available" msgstr "" msgctxt "uploadIconVmPopup" msgid "Upload" msgstr "" msgctxt "usbAutoshare" msgid "Enable USB Auto-Share" msgstr "" msgctxt "usbPolicyPoolGeneral" msgid "USB Policy" msgstr "" msgctxt "usbPolicyTemplateGeneral" msgid "USB Policy" msgstr "" msgctxt "usbPolicyVm" msgid "USB Policy" msgstr "" msgctxt "usbPolicyVmPopup" msgid "USB Support" msgstr "" msgctxt "useDefaultIconVmPopup" msgid "Use default" msgstr "" msgctxt "useLocalDrives" msgid "Use Local Drives" msgstr "" msgctxt "user" msgid "User" msgstr "" msgctxt "userLocaleLabel" msgid "User Locale" msgstr "" msgctxt "userNamePermissionsPopup" msgid "User Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "userPermission" msgid "User" msgstr "" msgctxt "vendorIdSanStorage" msgid "Vendor ID" msgstr "" msgctxt "vendorUrl" msgid "http://www.ovirt.org" msgstr "" msgctxt "videoDeviceGeneralType" msgid "Video" msgstr "" msgctxt "videoType" msgid "Video Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "virt" msgid "Virt" msgstr "" msgctxt "virtualMachineSnapshotCreatePopupDescriptionLabel" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "virtualMachineSnapshotCreatePopupMemoryLabel" msgid "Save Memory" msgstr "" msgctxt "virtualMachineSnapshotPreviewPopupMemoryLabel" msgid "Restore Memory" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmConfiguration" msgid "VM Configuration" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmId" msgid "VM Id" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmIdPopup" msgid "VM Id" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmInitPasswordNotSetToolTip" msgid "Password is not set" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmInitPasswordSetLabel" msgid "Use already configured password" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmInitPasswordSetToolTip" msgid "Password is set, uncheck to change password" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmNetworkQosName" msgid "QoS Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmStatusSaving" msgid "Saving" msgstr "" msgctxt "vms" msgid "VMs" msgstr "" msgctxt "vnc" msgid "VNC" msgstr "" msgctxt "vncKeyboardLayoutVmPopup" msgid "VNC Keyboard Layout" msgstr "" msgctxt "vncNotAvailable" msgid "" "VNC isn't available for this machine. For enabling it, change the VM console " "protocol." msgstr "" msgctxt "vncNotSupportedMsg" msgid "" "VNC console access is not supported from the user portal.
Please ask the " "administrator to configure this virtual machine to use SPICE for console " "access." msgstr "" msgctxt "vncOptions" msgid "VNC Options" msgstr "" msgctxt "vnicNetworkTemplate" msgid "vNIC" msgstr "" msgctxt "vnicNetworkVM" msgid "vNIC" msgstr "" msgctxt "vnicStatusNetworkVM" msgid "vNIC Status" msgstr "" msgctxt "volumeAllBricksDown" msgid "Up but all bricks are down" msgstr "" msgctxt "volumeBricksDown" msgid "Up but one or more bricks are down" msgstr "" msgctxt "waitForGlusterTask" msgid "Waiting ..." msgstr "" msgctxt "waitForLaunchStatus" msgid "Wait For Launch" msgstr "" msgctxt "watchdog" msgid "Watchdog" msgstr "" msgctxt "watchdogAction" msgid "Watchdog Action" msgstr "" msgctxt "watchdogDeviceGeneralType" msgid "Watchdog" msgstr "" msgctxt "watchdogModel" msgid "Watchdog Model" msgstr "" msgctxt "webBasedClientsUnsupported" msgid "" "SPICE-HTML5 and noVNC cannot be used in Internet Explorer. Moreover, " "Websocket proxy must be configured in the engine." msgstr "" msgctxt "wipeAfterDeleteVmDiskPopup" msgid "Wipe After Delete" msgstr "" msgctxt "yes" msgid "Yes" msgstr ""