#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" msgctxt "AddVolume" msgid "Add" msgstr "" msgctxt "ConfigureTitle" msgid "Configure" msgstr "" msgctxt "ExportDomainIsNotAttachedToAnyDcMsg" msgid "" "Export Domain is not attached to any Data Center. Data can be retrieved only " "when the Domain is attached to a Data Center and is active" msgstr "" msgctxt "RDPTitle" msgid "RDP" msgstr "" msgctxt "VDSMVersionAbout" msgid "VDSM Version -" msgstr "" msgctxt "VNCTitle" msgid "VNC" msgstr "" msgctxt "action" msgid "Action" msgstr "" msgctxt "addAnotherHostClusterGuide" msgid "Add another Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "addBricksButtonLabel" msgid "Add" msgstr "" msgctxt "addBricksReplicaCountIncreaseValidationMsg" msgid "Replica count can be increased by only one" msgstr "" msgctxt "addBricksReplicateConfirmationTitle" msgid "Replicate Confirmation" msgstr "" msgctxt "addBricksStripeCountIncreaseValidationMsg" msgid "Stripe count can be increased by only one" msgstr "" msgctxt "addBricksTitle" msgid "Add Bricks" msgstr "" msgctxt "addBricksToReplicateVolumeFromSameServerMsg" msgid "" "Multiple bricks of a Replicate volume are present on the same server. This " "setup is not optimal. \n" "Do you still want to continue?" msgstr "" msgctxt "addBricksVolume" msgid "Add Bricks" msgstr "" msgctxt "addDesktopsToUserADGroupTitle" msgid "Add Desktop(s) to User/AD Group" msgstr "" msgctxt "addEventNotificationTitle" msgid "Add Event Notification" msgstr "" msgctxt "addIscsiBondTitle" msgid "Add iSCSI Bond" msgstr "" msgctxt "addLocalStorageTitle" msgid "Add Local Storage" msgstr "" msgctxt "addMultipleHostsTitle" msgid "Add Hosts" msgstr "" msgctxt "addOptionVolume" msgid "Add Option" msgstr "" msgctxt "addPermissionToUserTitle" msgid "Add Permission to User" msgstr "" msgctxt "addProviderTitle" msgid "Add Provider" msgstr "" msgctxt "addSystemPermissionToUserTitle" msgid "Add System Permission to User" msgstr "" msgctxt "addUsersAndGroupsTitle" msgid "Add Users and Groups" msgstr "" msgctxt "addVirtualDiskTitle" msgid "Add Virtual Disk" msgstr "" msgctxt "addressIsNotValidHostNameOrIpAddressInvalidReason" msgid "" "The given host address is neither a valid host name nor a valid IP address." msgstr "" msgctxt "administrationOperationsRoleTree" msgid "Administration Operations" msgstr "" msgctxt "advancedDetailsBrickTitle" msgid "Brick Advanced Details" msgstr "" msgctxt "affinityGroupsTitle" msgid "Affinity Groups" msgstr "" msgctxt "alertsTitle" msgid "Alerts" msgstr "" msgctxt "allocCanBeModifiedOnlyWhenImportSingleVm" msgid "Allocation can be modified only when importing a single VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowAccessImageDomainRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to access image domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowBasicVmOperationsRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow basic VM operations - Run/Stop/Pause" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowChangeVmPropertiesRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow Change VM properties" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowChangingTemplateAdminPropertiesRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow changing Template administrative properties" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowChangingVmAdminPropertiesRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow changing VM administrative properties" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowImportExportOperationsRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow import/export operations" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowMigratingVmBetweenHostsInClusterRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow migrating VM between Hosts in a Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowReconnectToVmRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to override the currently opened remote console session" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToAddNewHostToTheClusterRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to add new Host to the Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToAddRemoveDiskToTheVmRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to add/remove disk to the VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToAddRemoveLogicalNetworksForTheClusterRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "" "Allow to add/remove Logical Networks for the Cluster (from the list of " "Networks defined by the Data Center)" msgstr "" msgctxt "" "allowToAddRemovePermissionsForUsersOnObjectsInTheSystemRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to add/remove permissions for Users on objects in the system" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToAddRemoveUsersFromTheSystemRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to Add/Remove Users from the System" msgstr "" msgctxt "" "allowToAddUsersAndGroupsFromDirectoryOnObjectsInTheSystemRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Add users and groups from directory while adding permissions" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToAttachCdToTheVmRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to attach CD to the VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToAttachDiskProfile" msgid "Allow to attach Disk Profile to a Disk" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToAttachDiskProfileToDiskRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to attach Disk Profile to a Disk" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToAttachDiskToVmRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to attach Disk to a VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToChangeHostStatusRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to change Host status: activate/maintenance" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToChangePropertiesOfTheDiskRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to change properties of the Disk" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToChangePropertiesOfTheVmPoolRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to change properties of the VM-Pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToChangeSGIORoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to change SCSI I/O privileges" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToChangeStorageDomainStatusRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "" "Allow to change Storage Domain status: maintenance/activate; attach/detach" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToChangeTemplatePropertiesRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to change Template properties" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToChangeVmCustomPropertiesRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow changing VM custom properties" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToConfigureHostsNetworkPhysicalInterfacesRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to configure Host's Network physical interfaces (Nics)" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToConfigureTemlateNetworkRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to configure Temlate Network" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToConfigureVMsNetworkRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to configure VMs network" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToCopyTemplateBetweenStorageDomainsRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to copy Template between Storage Domains" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToCreateDataCenterRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to create Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToCreateDeleteSnapshotsOfTheVmRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to create/delete snapshots of the VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToCreateDiskProfileRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to create Disk Profile" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToCreateDiskRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to create Disk" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToCreateGlusterVolumesRoleTree" msgid "Allow to create Gluster Volumes" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToCreateLogicalNetworkPerDataCenterRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to create Logical Network per Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToCreateNewClusterRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to create new Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToCreateNewInstnaceRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to create new Vms from Instance Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToCreateNewTemplateRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to create new Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToCreateNewVmsRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to create new Vms" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToCreateStorageDomainRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to create Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToCreateVmPoolRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to create VM-Pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToCreateVnicProfileRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to create vNIC Profile" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToDefineConfigureRolesInTheSystemRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to define/configure roles in the System" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToDeleteDiskProfileRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to delete Disk Profile" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToDeleteDiskRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to delete Disk" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToDeleteGlusterVolumesRoleTree" msgid "Allow to delete Gluster Volumes" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToDeleteLogicalNetworkRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to delete Logical Network" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToDeleteStorageDomainRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to delete Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToDeleteVmPoolRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to delete VM-Pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToDeleteVnicProfileRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to delete vNIC Profile" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToEditClusterPropertiesRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to Edit Cluster properties" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToEditHostPropertiesRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to Edit Host properties; upgrade/install" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToEditLogicalNetworkRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to edit Logical Network's properties" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToEditLogicalNetworksForTheClusterRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "" "Allow to edit Logical Networks properties within the Cluster (e.g. non-" "required or display network)" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToEditVnicProfileRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to edit vNIC Profile" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToGetOrSetSystemConfigurationRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to get or set System Configuration" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToLiveMigrateDiskToAnotherStorageDomainRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to live migrate a Disk to another Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToLoginToTheSystemRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to login to the system" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToManageAuditLogs" msgid "Allow to manage Audit Logs" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToManageBookmarks" msgid "Allow to manage Bookmarks" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToManageEventNotifications" msgid "Allow to manage Event Notifications" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToManageTags" msgid "Allow to manage Tags" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToManipulateAffinityGroupsForClusterRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to add, edit or remove Affinity Groups within the Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToManipulateGlusterVolumesRoleTree" msgid "Allow to manipulate Gluster Volumes" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToModifyDataCenterPropertiesRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to modify Data Center properties" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToModifyStorageDomainPropertiesRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to modify Storage Domain properties" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToMoveDiskToAnotherStorageDomainRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to move Disk to another Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToMoveVmImageToAnotherStorageDomainRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to move VM image to another Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToRemoveClusterRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to remove Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToRemoveDataCenterRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to remove Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToRemoveExistingHostFromTheClusterRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to remove existing Host from the Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToRemoveExistingTemplateRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to remove existing Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToRemoveVmsFromTheSystemRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to remove Vms from the system" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToRunPauseStopVmFromVmPoolRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to Run/Pause/Stop a VM from VM-Pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowToUpdateDiskProfileRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow to update Disk Profile" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowViewingTheVmConsoleScreenRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow viewing the VM Console Screen" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowVmNetworkPortMirroringRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "Allow setting port mirroring to VMs networks" msgstr "" msgctxt "anyHostInCluster" msgid "Any Host in Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "applicationsTitle" msgid "Applications" msgstr "" msgctxt "areYouSurYouWantToDetachSelectedVirtualMachinesMsg" msgid "Are you sure you want to detach selected Virtual Machine(s)?" msgstr "" msgctxt "areYouSureTitle" msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "" msgctxt "areYouSureYouWantDeactivateVMDisksMsg" msgid "Are you sure you want to deactivate the following VM disk(s)?" msgstr "" msgctxt "areYouSureYouWantDetachFollowingStoragesMsg" msgid "Are you sure you want to detach the following storage(s)?" msgstr "" msgctxt "areYouSureYouWantDetachFromUserFollowingVmsMsg" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to detach from the user the following Virtual " "Machine(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "areYouSureYouWantDetachStorageFromDcsMsg" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to detach Storage from the following Data Center(s)?" msgstr "" msgctxt "areYouSureYouWantToMakeTheChangesPersistentMsg" msgid "" "Changes done to the Networking configuration are temporary until explicitly " "saved.\n" "\n" "Are you sure you want to make the changes persistent?" msgstr "" msgctxt "areYouSureYouWantToPlaceFollowingHostsIntoMaintenanceModeMsg" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to place the following host(s) into maintenance mode?" msgstr "" msgctxt "" "areYouSureYouWantToPlaceFollowingStorageDomainsIntoMaintenanceModeMsg" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to place the following Storage Domain into maintenance " "mode?" msgstr "" msgctxt "areYouSureYouWantToRebootTheFollowingVirtualMachinesMsg" msgid "Are you sure you want to Reboot the following Virtual Machines?" msgstr "" msgctxt "areYouSureYouWantToRestartTheFollowingHostsMsg" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to Restart the following Host(s), ungracefully " "stopping running VM(s)?" msgstr "" msgctxt "areYouSureYouWantToShutDownTheFollowingVirtualMachinesMsg" msgid "Are you sure you want to Shut down the following Virtual Machines?" msgstr "" msgctxt "areYouSureYouWantToStopTheFollowingHostsMsg" msgid "Are you sure you want to Stop the following Host(s)?" msgstr "" msgctxt "areYouSureYouWantToStopTheFollowingVirtualMachinesMsg" msgid "Are you sure you want to Power Off the following Virtual Machines?" msgstr "" msgctxt "areYouSureYouWantUnplugVnicMsg" msgid "Are you sure you want to unplug the VM Network Interface?" msgstr "" msgctxt "asciiNameValidationMsg" msgid "Name can contain only 'A-Z', 'a-z', '0-9', '_' or '-' characters." msgstr "" msgctxt "asciiOrNoneValidationMsg" msgid "" "Only alphanumeric and some special characters that conform to the standard " "ASCII character set are allowed." msgstr "" msgctxt "assignDetachNetworkTitle" msgid "Manage Network" msgstr "" msgctxt "assignDetachNetworksTitle" msgid "Manage Networks" msgstr "" msgctxt "assignQuotaForDisk" msgid "Assign Disk Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "assignTagsTitle" msgid "Assign Tags" msgstr "" msgctxt "assignUsersAndGroupsToQuotaTitle" msgid "Assign Users and Groups to Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "atLeastOneDiskMustBeMarkedMsg" msgid "At least one disk must be marked." msgstr "" msgctxt "attachDetachNetworkToFromClustersTitle" msgid "Attach/Detach Network to/from Clusters" msgstr "" msgctxt "attachDiskProfileRoleTree" msgid "Disk Profile" msgstr "" msgctxt "attachExportDomainTitle" msgid "Attach Export Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "attachISOLibraryTitle" msgid "Attach ISO Library" msgstr "" msgctxt "attachLocalStorageDomainToFullyConfigure" msgid "" "Note: to fully configure the Data-Center, at least one local Storage Domain " "should be attached and activated." msgstr "" msgctxt "attachStorageTitle" msgid "Attach Storage" msgstr "" msgctxt "attachToDataCenterTitle" msgid "Attach to Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "attachedHost" msgid "Attached" msgstr "" msgctxt "automaticTitle" msgid "Automatic" msgstr "" msgctxt "backupTemplateTitle" msgid "Backup Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "ballooningNotAvailable" msgid "" "Ballooning is only available for Cluster compatibility version 3.3 and " "higher" msgstr "" msgctxt "baseTemplatesNotFoundOnExportDomainTitle" msgid "Base Template(s) not Found on Export Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "basicOperationsRoleTree" msgid "Basic Operations" msgstr "" msgctxt "blankTemplateCannotBeCopied" msgid "Blank Template cannot be copied" msgstr "" msgctxt "blankTemplateCannotBeEdited" msgid "Blank Template cannot be edited" msgstr "" msgctxt "blankTemplateCannotBeExported" msgid "Blank Template cannot be exported" msgstr "" msgctxt "blankTemplateCannotBeRemoved" msgid "Blank Template cannot be removed" msgstr "" msgctxt "bondNameInvalid" msgid "A bond name must begin with the prefix 'bond' followed by a number." msgstr "" msgctxt "bondNetworkInterfacesTitle" msgid "Bond Network Interfaces" msgstr "" msgctxt "bracketedNotAvailableLabel" msgid "[N/A]" msgstr "" msgctxt "bricksTitle" msgid "Bricks" msgstr "" msgctxt "bridgeMappings" msgid "Bridge Mappings" msgstr "" msgctxt "bridgeMappingsExplanation" msgid "Please use a comma-separated list of 'label:bridge'" msgstr "" msgctxt "cancel" msgid "Cancel" msgstr "" msgctxt "cannotAddBricksNoUpServerFound" msgid "" "Could not find any host in Up status in the cluster. Please try again later." msgstr "" msgctxt "cannotChangeClusterInTreeContext" msgid "Cannot change Cluster in tree context" msgstr "" msgctxt "cannotChangeDCInTreeContext" msgid "Cannot change Data Center in tree context" msgstr "" msgctxt "cannotChangeHostInTreeContext" msgid "Cannot change Host in tree context" msgstr "" msgctxt "cannotChangeRepositoryTypeWithSDAttached" msgid "Cannot change Repository type with Storage Domains attached to it" msgstr "" msgctxt "cannotEditNameInTreeContext" msgid "Cannot edit name in tree context" msgstr "" msgctxt "cannotEnableIdeInterfaceForReadOnlyDisk" msgid "An IDE disk can't be read-only." msgstr "" msgctxt "cannotEnableReadonlyWhenScsiPassthroughEnabled" msgid "" "A VirtIO-SCSI DirectLUN disk can't be set as read-only when SCSI pass-" "through is enabled." msgstr "" msgctxt "cannotEnableScsiPassthroughForLunReadOnlyDisk" msgid "SCSI pass-through is not supported for read-only disks." msgstr "" msgctxt "cannotEnableSgioWhenScsiPassthroughDisabled" msgid "Privileged SCSI I/O can be set only when SCSI pass-through is enabled." msgstr "" msgctxt "cannotEnableVirtioScsiForOs" msgid "VirtIO-SCSI is not supported for the selected OS" msgstr "" msgctxt "cannotHotPlugDiskWithIdeInterface" msgid "" "When the VM is running, cannot activate a disk attached with IDE interface." msgstr "" msgctxt "cannotPlugDiskIncorrectVmStatus" msgid "Cannot activate disk, VM should be in Down, Paused or Up status." msgstr "" msgctxt "cannotRemoveBricksDistributedReplicateVolume" msgid "" "Incorrect bricks selected for removal in Distributed Replicate volume.\n" "Either all the selected bricks should be from the same sub volume or one " "brick each for every sub volume!" msgstr "" msgctxt "cannotRemoveBricksDistributedStripeVolume" msgid "" "Incorrect bricks selected for removal in Distributed Stripe volume.\n" "Selected bricks should be from the same sub volume!" msgstr "" msgctxt "cannotRemoveBricksDistributedStripedReplicateVolume" msgid "" "Incorrect bricks selected for removal in Distributed Striped Replicate " "volume.\n" "Selected bricks should be from the same sub volume!" msgstr "" msgctxt "cannotRemoveBricksReplicateVolume" msgid "Cannot remove more than one brick from a Replicate volume at a time" msgstr "" msgctxt "cannotRemoveBricksStripedReplicateVolume" msgid "" "Incorrect bricks selected for removal in Striped Replicate volume.\n" "Selected bricks should be a multiple of stripe and replica count" msgstr "" msgctxt "cdromTitle" msgid "CD-ROM" msgstr "" msgctxt "changeCDTitle" msgid "Change CD" msgstr "" msgctxt "changeCd" msgid "Change CD" msgstr "" msgctxt "changeClusterCompatibilityVersionTitle" msgid "Change Cluster Compatibility Version" msgstr "" msgctxt "changeCpuLevel" msgid "Change Cluster CPU level" msgstr "" msgctxt "changeCpuLevelConfirmation" msgid "" "There are running VMs. Lowering the Cluster CPU level might prevent " "migration of these VMs to some of the Hosts in the Cluster. Are you sure you " "want to continue?" msgstr "" msgctxt "changeDCQuotaEnforcementModeTitle" msgid "Change Data Center Quota Enforcement Mode" msgstr "" msgctxt "changeDataCenterCompatibilityVersionTitle" msgid "Change Data Center Compatibility Version" msgstr "" msgctxt "clearBricksButtonLabel" msgid "Clear" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloneQuotaTitle" msgid "Copy Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloneTitle" msgid "Clone" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloneVmFromSnapshotTitle" msgid "Clone VM from Snapshot" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloneVmLunsWontBeCloned" msgid "VM's LUN(s) will not be cloned." msgstr "" msgctxt "cloneVmTitle" msgid "Clone Virtual Machine" msgstr "" msgctxt "close" msgid "Close" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAttachmentTypeBase64" msgid "Base64" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAttachmentTypePlainText" msgid "Plain Text" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitBase64Message" msgid "Content must be Base64" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitDnsServerListMessage" msgid "" "List can contain zero or more IP addresses separated by spaces, each in the " "form xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNewAttachmentItem" msgid "/path [Click to Change]" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNewNetworkItem" msgid "ethX [Click to Change]" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitRootPasswordMatchMessage" msgid "Passwords do not match" msgstr "" msgctxt "clusterCanOnlyBeChangedWhenHostInMaintMode" msgid "Cluster can be changed only when the Host is in Maintenance mode." msgstr "" msgctxt "clusterPolicyTitle" msgid "Policy" msgstr "" msgctxt "clusterRoleTree" msgid "Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "clusterServiceValidationMsg" msgid "At least one service should be selected" msgstr "" msgctxt "clustersTitle" msgid "Clusters" msgstr "" msgctxt "commitRemoveBricksButton" msgid "Commit" msgstr "" msgctxt "commitRemoveBricksMessage" msgid "Are you sure you want to commit the removal of the following brick(s)?" msgstr "" msgctxt "commitRemoveBricksTitle" msgid "Commit Brick Removal" msgstr "" msgctxt "configureClusterRoleTree" msgid "Configure Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "configureDataCenterRoleTree" msgid "Configure Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "configureDiskProfileRoleTree" msgid "Configure Disk Profile" msgstr "" msgctxt "configureHostClusterGuide" msgid "Configure Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "configureHostRoleTree" msgid "Configure Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "configureLaterTitle" msgid "Configure Later" msgstr "" msgctxt "configureLocalStorageTitle" msgid "Configure Local Storage" msgstr "" msgctxt "configureNetworkRoleTree" msgid "Configure Network" msgstr "" msgctxt "configurePowerManagement" msgid "Configure Power Management" msgstr "" msgctxt "configureStorageDomainRoleTree" msgid "Configure Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "configureSystemRoleTree" msgid "Configure System" msgstr "" msgctxt "configureVnicProfileRoleTree" msgid "Configure vNIC Profile" msgstr "" msgctxt "configureVolumesRoleTree" msgid "Configure Volumes" msgstr "" msgctxt "configuringLocalStorageHost" msgid "Configuring Local Storage..." msgstr "" msgctxt "" "configuringLocalStoragePermittedOnlyAdministratorsWithSystemLevelPermissionsReason" msgid "" "Configuring local Storage is permitted only to Administrators with System-" "level permissions" msgstr "" msgctxt "confirmConsoleConnect" msgid "Console connect" msgstr "" msgctxt "confirmConsoleConnectMessage" msgid "" "There may be users connected to the console who will not be able to " "reconnect. Do you want to proceed?" msgstr "" msgctxt "confirmDisableGlusterHooks" msgid "Disable Gluster Hooks" msgstr "" msgctxt "confirmStopVolume" msgid "Stop Volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "confirmStopVolumeRebalanceTitle" msgid "Stop Rebalance" msgstr "" msgctxt "confirmTitle" msgid "Confirm" msgstr "" msgctxt "connectToPoolNotSupported" msgid "Connecting to pool not supported." msgstr "" msgctxt "consoleDisconnectedTitle" msgid "Console Disconnected" msgstr "" msgctxt "consoleOptions" msgid "Console Options" msgstr "" msgctxt "copyClusterPolicyTitle" msgid "Clone Cluster Policy" msgstr "" msgctxt "copyDisksTitle" msgid "Copy Disk(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "copyRoleTitle" msgid "Copy Role" msgstr "" msgctxt "copyTemplateTitle" msgid "Copy Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "copytoClipboardTitle" msgid "Copy to Clipboard" msgstr "" msgctxt "couldNotConnectToOvirtEngineServiceMsg" msgid "" "Could not connect to the Engine Service, please try to refresh the page. If " "the problem persists contact your System Administrator." msgstr "" msgctxt "couldNotReadTemplatesFromExportDomainMsg" msgid "Could not read templates from Export Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "couldNotRetrieveLUNsLunsFailure" msgid "Could not retrieve LUNs, please check your storage." msgstr "" msgctxt "cpuPinningUnavailable" msgid "" "'CPU Pinning topology' is only available for cluster compatible with ver 3.1 " "or higher, when 'Do not allow migration' is selected and host is specified" msgstr "" msgctxt "cpuPinningUnavailableLocalStorage" msgid "" "'CPU Pinning topology' is only available for cluster compatible with ver 3.1 " "or higher" msgstr "" msgctxt "cpuProfileTitle" msgid "CPU Profile" msgstr "" msgctxt "cpuQosTitle" msgid "CPU QoS" msgstr "" msgctxt "createNewBondTitle" msgid "Create New Bond" msgstr "" msgctxt "createSnapshotTitle" msgid "Create Snapshot" msgstr "" msgctxt "customInstanceTypeDescription" msgid "" "No instance type - if selected the instance will be attached to no instance " "type" msgstr "" msgctxt "customInstanceTypeName" msgid "Custom" msgstr "" msgctxt "customMtu" msgid "Custom" msgstr "" msgctxt "customPreviewSnapshotTitle" msgid "Custom Preview Snapshot" msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenterAddAnotherClusterAction" msgid "Add another Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenterAddAnotherHostAction" msgid "Add another Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenterAddMoreStorageAction" msgid "Add more Storage" msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenterAttachISOLibraryAction" msgid "Attach ISO Library" msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenterAttachMoreStorageAction" msgid "Attach more Storage" msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenterAttachStorageAction" msgid "Attach Storage" msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenterConfigureClustersAction" msgid "Configure Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenterConfigureHostsAction" msgid "Configure Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenterConfigureISOLibraryAction" msgid "Configure ISO Library" msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenterConfigureStorageAction" msgid "Configure Storage" msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenterDoesntSupportImportDataDomainAlert" msgid "" "The selected Data Center compatibility version does not support importing a " "data domain with its entities (VM's and Templates). The domain will be " "imported without them." msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenterIsNotAccessibleMsg" msgid "Data Center is not accessible." msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenterReInitializeTitle" msgid "Data Center Re-Initialize" msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenterRoleTree" msgid "Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenterSelectHostsAction" msgid "Select Hosts" msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenterTitle" msgid "Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenterUninitializedAlert" msgid "Data Center is uninitialized, in order to initialize add a data domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenterWasAlreadyInitializedDcGuide" msgid "Data Center was already initialized" msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCentersTitle" msgid "Data Centers" msgstr "" msgctxt "dcCanOnlyBeChangedWhenHostInMaintMode" msgid "Data Center can be changed only when the Host is in Maintenance mode." msgstr "" msgctxt "deactivateVmDisksTitle" msgid "Deactivate VM Disk(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "defaultHostSSHPort" msgid "22" msgstr "" msgctxt "defaultMtu" msgid "Default" msgstr "" msgctxt "defaultQuotaPrefix" msgid "DefaultQuota" msgstr "" msgctxt "defineClusterQuotaOnDataCenterTitle" msgid "Edit Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "defineStorageQuotaOnDataCenterTitle" msgid "Edit Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "deleteSnapshotTitle" msgid "Delete Snapshot" msgstr "" msgctxt "destroyStorageDomainTitle" msgid "Destroy Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "detachAllVmsWarning" msgid "" "Note: You chose to detach all VMs from the pool - this will remove the pool " "itself." msgstr "" msgctxt "detachGlusterHostsTitle" msgid "Detach Hosts" msgstr "" msgctxt "detachNetworkInterfacesTitle" msgid "Detach Network Interfaces" msgstr "" msgctxt "detachStorageTitle" msgid "Detach Storage" msgstr "" msgctxt "detachVirtualMachinesTitle" msgid "Detach Virtual Machine(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "detachWarnningNote" msgid "" "The detach operation will move the entities residing on the storage " "domain(s) to an unregistered state. For further information please consult " "documentation." msgstr "" msgctxt "directLUNDiskNotSupported" msgid "" "DirectLUN disk is not supported by the Data Center Compatibility Version" msgstr "" msgctxt "directoryGroupsTitle" msgid "Directory Groups" msgstr "" msgctxt "disableClusterCpuThreadSupportTitle" msgid "Disable CPU Thread Support" msgstr "" msgctxt "disableGlusterHooksMessage" msgid "Are you sure you want to disable the following Hook(s)?" msgstr "" msgctxt "diskExistsOnAllActiveStorageDomainsMsg" msgid "Disk exists on all active Storage Domains" msgstr "" msgctxt "diskProfileTitle" msgid "Disk Profile" msgstr "" msgctxt "diskProfilesTitle" msgid "Disk Profiles" msgstr "" msgctxt "diskRoleTree" msgid "Disk" msgstr "" msgctxt "diskTypeSearchPrefix" msgid "disk_type=" msgstr "" msgctxt "disksAlreadyExistMsg" msgid "Disks already exist on all available Storage Domains." msgstr "" msgctxt "disksTitle" msgid "Disks" msgstr "" msgctxt "distriputedReplicateVolumeAddBricksMsg" msgid "Number of bricks should be a mutiple of Replica Count" msgstr "" msgctxt "distriputedStripeVolumeAddBricksMsg" msgid "Number of bricks should be a mutiple of Stripe Count" msgstr "" msgctxt "distriputedStripedReplicateVolumeAddBricksMsg" msgid "Number of bricks should be a mutiple of Stripe Count and Replica count" msgstr "" msgctxt "distriputedVolumeAddBricksMsg" msgid "At least 1 brick should be present" msgstr "" msgctxt "duplicateBrickMsg" msgid "Brick with the same details already exist" msgstr "" msgctxt "duplicateLabel" msgid "This label has already been specified in another entry." msgstr "" msgctxt "editAffinityGroupsTitle" msgid "Edit Affinity Group" msgstr "" msgctxt "editAndApproveHostTitle" msgid "Edit and Approve Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "editBookmarkTitle" msgid "Edit Bookmark" msgstr "" msgctxt "editClusterPolicyTitle" msgid "Edit Cluster Policy" msgstr "" msgctxt "editClusterTitle" msgid "Edit Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "editCpuQoSTitle" msgid "Edit CPU QoS" msgstr "" msgctxt "editDataCenterTitle" msgid "Edit Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "editDomainTitle" msgid "Edit Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "editHostTitle" msgid "Edit Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "editInstanceTypeTitle" msgid "Edit Instance Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "editIscsiBondTitle" msgid "Edit iSCSI Bond" msgstr "" msgctxt "editLogicalNetworkTitle" msgid "Edit Logical Network" msgstr "" msgctxt "editManagementNetworkInterfaceTitle" msgid "Edit Management Network Interface" msgstr "" msgctxt "editManagementNetworkTitle" msgid "Edit Management Network" msgstr "" msgctxt "editNetworkInterfaceTitle" msgid "Edit Network Interface" msgstr "" msgctxt "editNetworkQoSTitle" msgid "Edit Network QoS" msgstr "" msgctxt "editNextRunConfigurationTitle" msgid "Next Restart Configuration" msgstr "" msgctxt "editOptionVolume" msgid "Edit Option" msgstr "" msgctxt "editPolicyTitle" msgid "Edit Policy" msgstr "" msgctxt "editPoolTitle" msgid "Edit Pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "editProviderTitle" msgid "Edit Provider" msgstr "" msgctxt "editQuotaTitle" msgid "Edit Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "editRoleTitle" msgid "Edit Role" msgstr "" msgctxt "editStorageQoSTitle" msgid "Edit Storage QoS" msgstr "" msgctxt "editTagTitle" msgid "Edit Tag" msgstr "" msgctxt "editTemplateTitle" msgid "Edit Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "editVirtualDiskTitle" msgid "Edit Virtual Disk" msgstr "" msgctxt "editVmTitle" msgid "Edit Virtual Machine" msgstr "" msgctxt "editVolume" msgid "Edit" msgstr "" msgctxt "eitherTotalOrReadWriteCanHaveValues" msgid "Either Total or Read/Write can have values." msgstr "" msgctxt "eject" msgid "Eject" msgstr "" msgctxt "empty" msgid "" msgstr "" msgctxt "emptyAddBricksMsg" msgid "Bricks cannot be empty" msgstr "" msgctxt "emptyBrickDirectoryMsg" msgid "Brick Directory field is mandatory" msgstr "" msgctxt "emptyGlusterHosts" msgid "Unable to fetch the gluster hosts. Please try again" msgstr "" msgctxt "emptyNewGlusterHosts" msgid "There are no new hosts in the cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "emptyOrValidIPaddressInFormatMsg" msgid "" "This field can be empty or contain an IP address in format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" msgstr "" msgctxt "emptyServerBrickMsg" msgid "Server field is mandatory" msgstr "" msgctxt "errorInFetchingBrickAdvancedDetails" msgid "Error in fetching the brick details, please try again." msgstr "" msgctxt "errorInFetchingVolumeOptionList" msgid "Error in fetching volume option list, please try again." msgstr "" msgctxt "errorLoadingFingerprint" msgid "Error in fetching fingerprint" msgstr "" msgctxt "errorRetrievingRelevantStorageDomainMsg" msgid "Error in retrieving the relevant Storage Domain." msgstr "" msgctxt "errorTemplateCannotBeFoundMessage" msgid "" "VM(s) cannot be imported: One of the templates cannot be found. Please " "verify that the template exists in both setup and export domain." msgstr "" msgctxt "errorTitle" msgid "Error" msgstr "" msgctxt "errorWhileRetrievingListOfDomains" msgid "" "Error while retrieving list of domains. Please consult your Storage " "Administrator." msgstr "" msgctxt "errorWhileRetrievingListOfDomainsImportSanStorage" msgid "" "Error while retrieving list of domains. Please consult your Storage " "Administrator." msgstr "" msgctxt "eventDetailsTitle" msgid "Event Details" msgstr "" msgctxt "eventNotifierTitle" msgid "Event Notifier" msgstr "" msgctxt "eventsTitle" msgid "Events" msgstr "" msgctxt "excludeActiveDisks" msgid "" "Include in the previewed VM only the disks that are included in the snapshot." "" msgstr "" msgctxt "exportImagesTitle" msgid "Export Image(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "exportTemplateTitle" msgid "Export Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "exportVirtualMachineTitle" msgid "Export Virtual Machine" msgstr "" msgctxt "externalHostsDiscovered" msgid "Discovered Hosts" msgstr "" msgctxt "externalHostsProvisioned" msgid "Provisioned Hosts" msgstr "" msgctxt "externalProvidersTitle" msgid "External Providers" msgstr "" msgctxt "failedToRetrieveExistingStorageDomainInformationMsg" msgid "Failed to retrieve existing storage domain information." msgstr "" msgctxt "fetchingDataMessage" msgid "Fetching Data" msgstr "" msgctxt "fieldValueShouldFollowMsg" msgid "Field value should follow: " msgstr "" msgctxt "fingerprintAddressError" msgid "Address Error: " msgstr "" msgctxt "fingerprintNotVerified" msgid "" "Fingerprint needs to be verified before importing the gluster configuration" msgstr "" msgctxt "forceRemoveDataCenterTitle" msgid "Force Remove Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "forceStorageDomainCreation" msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "" msgctxt "generalTitle" msgid "General" msgstr "" msgctxt "glusterDomainConfigurationMessage" msgid "" "For data integrity make sure that the server is configured with Quorum (both " "client and server Quorum)" msgstr "" msgctxt "glusterHooksTitle" msgid "Gluster Hooks" msgstr "" msgctxt "glusterSwiftTitle" msgid "Gluster Swift" msgstr "" msgctxt "guestAgentNotResponsiveTitle" msgid "Guest Agent is not responsive" msgstr "" msgctxt "haGlobalMaintenance" msgid "Global Maintenance Enabled" msgstr "" msgctxt "haLocalMaintenance" msgid "Local Maintenance Enabled" msgstr "" msgctxt "haNotActive" msgid "Not Active" msgstr "" msgctxt "hardDiskTitle" msgid "Hard Disk" msgstr "" msgctxt "hideAdvancedOptions" msgid "Hide Advanced Options" msgstr "" msgctxt "highTitle" msgid "High" msgstr "" msgctxt "hosCPUUnavailable" msgid "" "'Use Host CPU' is only available for cluster compatible with ver 3.2 or " "higher, when 'Do not allow migration' is selected or 'Allow manual " "migration' is selected and no host is specified) " msgstr "" msgctxt "hostBricksTitle" msgid "Bricks" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostDoesntSupportLocalStorageConfigurationMsg" msgid "Host doesn't support Local Storage configuration" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostHooksTitle" msgid "Host Hooks" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostIsHa" msgid "Host must be migratable when highly available is selected" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostMustBeInstalledBeforeUpgrade" msgid "Host must be installed before upgrade." msgstr "" msgctxt "hostNameValidationMsg" msgid "" "Host name can't contain blanks or special characters, must be at least one " "character long, and contain 'a-z', '0-9', '_' or '.' characters." msgstr "" msgctxt "hostNonMigratable" msgid "" "Host cannot be set highly available when 'Do not allow migration' or 'Allow " "manual migration' is selected" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostRoleTree" msgid "Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostsTitle" msgid "Hosts" msgstr "" msgctxt "hotLinkStateUpdateNotSupportedExternalNetworks" msgid "" "Updating 'Link State' on a running virtual machine while the NIC is plugged " "is not supported for externally-provided networks" msgstr "" msgctxt "hotMacUpdateNotPossible" msgid "In order to change 'MAC' please Unplug and then Plug again" msgstr "" msgctxt "hotNetworkUpdateNotSupportedExternalNetworks" msgid "" "Detaching an externally-provided network from a plugged NIC on a running " "virtual machine is not supported" msgstr "" msgctxt "hotTypeUpdateNotPossible" msgid "In order to change 'Type' please Unplug and then Plug again" msgstr "" msgctxt "i18NNameValidationMsg" msgid "Name can contain only alphanumeric, '.', '_' or '-' characters." msgstr "" msgctxt "imagesTitle" msgid "Images" msgstr "" msgctxt "importCloneVMMustCollapseSnapshots" msgid "Import of a VM with the clone option must be with collapse snapshot" msgstr "" msgctxt "importDuplicateName" msgid "" "Cannot import network, another network with the same name has been marked " "for import." msgstr "" msgctxt "importImagesTitle" msgid "Import Image(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "importMissingStorages" msgid "" "Some imported VMs depend on one or more templates which are not available in " "the system. Therefore you must Import those VMs with 'collapse snapshots', " "another option is to Import missing templates first and then try import the " "VMs again" msgstr "" msgctxt "importNetworksButton" msgid "Import" msgstr "" msgctxt "importNetworksTitle" msgid "Import Networks" msgstr "" msgctxt "importNotApplicableForDefaultStorage" msgid "" "The selected default Storage Domain is not applicable for all disks (i.e. " "some disks will be imported to a different Storage Domain)." msgstr "" msgctxt "importPreConfiguredDomainTitle" msgid "Import Pre-Configured Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "importProviderCertificateTitle" msgid "Import provider certificate" msgstr "" msgctxt "importSparseDiskToBlockDeviceMustCollapseSnapshots" msgid "" "Import of a thin provisioned raw disk from a block device must be with " "collapse snapshot" msgstr "" msgctxt "importTemplateConflictTitle" msgid "Import Template Conflict" msgstr "" msgctxt "importTemplateThatExistsInSystemMustClone" msgid "" "Import of a Template that exists in the system has to be imported in clone " "mode" msgstr "" msgctxt "importTemplatesTitle" msgid "Import Template(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "importVMThatExistsInSystemMustClone" msgid "" "Import of a VM that exists in the system has to be imported in clone mode" msgstr "" msgctxt "importVMWithTemplateNotInSystemMustCollapseSnapshots" msgid "" "Import of a VM based on template that does not exist in the system must be " "with collapse snapshot" msgstr "" msgctxt "importVirtualMachinesTitle" msgid "Import Virtual Machine(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "importVmConflictTitle" msgid "Import Virtual Machine Conflict" msgstr "" msgctxt "importingStorageDomainProgress" msgid "Importing Storage Domain..." msgstr "" msgctxt "initrdPathInvalid" msgid "If initrd path is specified, kernel path must be specified as well." msgstr "" msgctxt "installHostTitle" msgid "Install Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "interfaceListTitle" msgid "InterfaceList" msgstr "" msgctxt "interfaceMappings" msgid "Interface Mappings" msgstr "" msgctxt "interfaceMappingsExplanation" msgid "Please use a comma-separated list of 'label:interface'" msgstr "" msgctxt "interfaceMappingsInvalid" msgid "The given mappings are of an invalid format." msgstr "" msgctxt "invalidBrickDirectoryAtleastTwoCharacterseMsg" msgid "Brick Directory should be at least 2 characters" msgstr "" msgctxt "invalidBrickDirectoryContainsSpaceMsg" msgid "Brick Directory should not contain any space" msgstr "" msgctxt "invalidBrickDirectoryMsg" msgid "Invalid Brick Directory" msgstr "" msgctxt "invalidBrickDirectoryStartWithSlashMsg" msgid "Brick Directory should start with '/'" msgstr "" msgctxt "invalidEmailAddressInvalidReason" msgid "Invalid E-Mail address" msgstr "" msgctxt "invalidImportMsg" msgid "" "There are selected items with non-matching architectures. Please select only " "items with the same architecture to proceed the import process." msgstr "" msgctxt "invalidImportTitle" msgid "Invalid Import Configuration" msgstr "" msgctxt "invalidMacAddressMsg" msgid "Invalid MAC address" msgstr "" msgctxt "iscsiBondsTitle" msgid "iSCSI Bonds" msgstr "" msgctxt "joinBondsTitle" msgid "Join Bonds" msgstr "" msgctxt "kernelParamsInvalid" msgid "" "If kernel parameters are specified, kernel path must be specified as well." msgstr "" msgctxt "ksmNotAvailable" msgid "" "KSM control is only available for Cluster compatibility version 3.4 and " "higher" msgstr "" msgctxt "latestTemplateVersionDescription" msgid "" "In case the vm is stateless, vm will be re-created with the LATEST template " "version" msgstr "" msgctxt "latestTemplateVersionName" msgid "" msgstr "" msgctxt "liveStorageMigrationStorageFilteringNote" msgid "" "Note: Target domains are filtered by the source domain type (file/block)" msgstr "" msgctxt "liveStorageMigrationWarning" msgid "Moving disk(s) while the VM is running" msgstr "" msgctxt "loadingFingerprint" msgid "fetching fingerprint..." msgstr "" msgctxt "localDataCenterAlreadyContainsAHostDcGuide" msgid "Local Data Center already contains a Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "localfsMountPashIsIllegalMsg" msgid "Mount path is illegal, please use [/path] convention." msgstr "" msgctxt "logicalNetworksTitle" msgid "Logical Networks" msgstr "" msgctxt "loginAllButtonLabel" msgid "Login All" msgstr "" msgctxt "loginButtonLabel" msgid "Login" msgstr "" msgctxt "lowTitle" msgid "Low" msgstr "" msgctxt "lunUnusable" msgid "LUN is not usable" msgstr "" msgctxt "lunsAlreadyInUse" msgid "The following LUNs are already in use:" msgstr "" msgctxt "lunsAlreadyPartOfSD" msgid "The following LUNs are already part of Storage Domains:" msgstr "" msgctxt "maintenanceHostsTitle" msgid "Maintenance Host(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "maintenanceStorageDomainsTitle" msgid "Storage Domain maintenance" msgstr "" msgctxt "manageGlusterSwiftTitle" msgid "Manage Gluster Swift" msgstr "" msgctxt "managePolicyUnits" msgid "Manage Policy Units" msgstr "" msgctxt "manualTitle" msgid "Manual" msgstr "" msgctxt "mediumTitle" msgid "Medium" msgstr "" msgctxt "mgmgtNetworkRole" msgid "Management" msgstr "" msgctxt "mgmtNotAttachedToolTip" msgid "Can't save configuration - Management Network must be attached" msgstr "" msgctxt "migrateVirtualMachinesTitle" msgid "Migrate Virtual Machine(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "missingQuotaClusterEnforceMode" msgid "Missing Quota for the selected Cluster, Please define proper Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "missingQuotaStorageEnforceMode" msgid "" "Missing Quota for the selected Storage Domain(s), Please define proper Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "monitorTitle" msgid "Monitor" msgstr "" msgctxt "mountOptionsHint" msgid "" "Enter additional Mount Options, as you would normally provide them to the " "mount command using the -o argument.\n" "The mount options should be provided in a comma-separated list. See 'man " "mount' for a list of valid mount options." msgstr "" msgctxt "moveBricksDownButtonLabel" msgid "Move Down" msgstr "" msgctxt "moveBricksUpButtonLabel" msgid "Move Up" msgstr "" msgctxt "moveDisksTitle" msgid "Move Disk(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "moveVirtualMachineTitle" msgid "Move Virtual Machine" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameMustBeUniqueInvalidReason" msgid "Name must be unique." msgstr "" msgctxt "nameMustBeUpToAndStartWithMsg" msgid "Name must be up to 126 characters and start with any word character." msgstr "" msgctxt "nameMustContainAlphanumericMaxLenMsg" msgid "" "Name must contain alphanumeric characters or '_' (maximum length 15 " "characters)." msgstr "" msgctxt "networkInterfacesTitle" msgid "Network Interfaces" msgstr "" msgctxt "networkNameStartMsg" msgid "Network name shouldn't start with 'bond'." msgstr "" msgctxt "networkPXETitle" msgid "Network (PXE)" msgstr "" msgctxt "networkProfilesTitle" msgid "Profiles" msgstr "" msgctxt "networkQoSTitle" msgid "Network QoS" msgstr "" msgctxt "networkRoleTree" msgid "Network" msgstr "" msgctxt "networksTitle" msgid "Networks" msgstr "" msgctxt "neverTitle" msgid "Never" msgstr "" msgctxt "newAffinityGroupsTitle" msgid "New Affinity Group" msgstr "" msgctxt "newBookmarkTitle" msgid "New Bookmark" msgstr "" msgctxt "newClusterGuideMeTitle" msgid "New Cluster - Guide Me" msgstr "" msgctxt "newClusterPolicyTitle" msgid "New Cluster Policy" msgstr "" msgctxt "newClusterTitle" msgid "New Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "newCpuQoSTitle" msgid "New CPU QoS" msgstr "" msgctxt "newDataCenterGuideMeTitle" msgid "New Data Center - Guide Me" msgstr "" msgctxt "newDataCenterTitle" msgid "New Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "newDomainTitle" msgid "New Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "newExternalSubnetTitle" msgid "New External Subnet" msgstr "" msgctxt "newHostTitle" msgid "New Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "newISOLibraryTitle" msgid "New ISO Library" msgstr "" msgctxt "newInstanceTypeTitle" msgid "New Instance Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "newLocalDomainTitle" msgid "New Local Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "newLogicalNetworkTitle" msgid "New Logical Network" msgstr "" msgctxt "newNetworkInterfaceTitle" msgid "New Network Interface" msgstr "" msgctxt "newNetworkQoSTitle" msgid "New Network QoS" msgstr "" msgctxt "newNetworkQosButton" msgid "New" msgstr "" msgctxt "newPoolTitle" msgid "New Pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "newQuotaTitle" msgid "New Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "newRoleTitle" msgid "New Role" msgstr "" msgctxt "newStorageQoSTitle" msgid "New Storage QoS" msgstr "" msgctxt "newStorageTitle" msgid "New Storage" msgstr "" msgctxt "newTagTitle" msgid "New Tag" msgstr "" msgctxt "newTemplateTitle" msgid "New Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "newVirtualDiskTitle" msgid "New Virtual Disk" msgstr "" msgctxt "newVirtualMachineGuideMeTitle" msgid "New Virtual Machine - Guide Me" msgstr "" msgctxt "newVmTitle" msgid "New Virtual Machine" msgstr "" msgctxt "newVolumeTitle" msgid "New Volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "nfsMountPashIsIllegalMsg" msgid "" "NFS mount path is illegal, please use [IP:/path or FQDN:/path] convention." msgstr "" msgctxt "nfsVersion3" msgid "V3 (default)" msgstr "" msgctxt "nfsVersion4" msgid "V4" msgstr "" msgctxt "nfsVersionAutoNegotiate" msgid "Auto Negotiate" msgstr "" msgctxt "no" msgid "No" msgstr "" msgctxt "noActionSelectedManageGlusterSwift" msgid "Please select an action to continue" msgstr "" msgctxt "noActiveDataCenters" msgid "There are no active Data Centers in the system." msgstr "" msgctxt "noActiveSourceStorageDomainAvailableMsg" msgid "No active source Storage Domain is available" msgstr "" msgctxt "noActiveStorageDomainWithTemplateMsg" msgid "" "The Template that the VM is based on does not exist on any active Storage " "Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "noActiveStorageDomainsInDC" msgid "" "There are no active Storage Domains that you have permissions to create a " "disk on in the relevant Data Center." msgstr "" msgctxt "noActiveTargetStorageDomainAvailableMsg" msgid "No active target Storage Domain is available" msgstr "" msgctxt "noAlerts" msgid "No" msgstr "" msgctxt "noAuthUrl" msgid "" "No authentication URL found; please configure one using the 'engine-config' " "utility, then restart the engine service." msgstr "" msgctxt "noAvailableVms" msgid "No available VMs" msgstr "" msgctxt "noCanDoActionMessage" msgid "No Message" msgstr "" msgctxt "noCds" msgid "No CDs" msgstr "" msgctxt "noDataDomainAttachedReason" msgid "Cannot create an ISO domain in a non-active Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "noDisksSelected" msgid "No disks selected" msgstr "" msgctxt "noHostsAbout" msgid "[No Hosts]" msgstr "" msgctxt "noKeyAvailable" msgid "No available keys" msgstr "" msgctxt "noLUNsSelectedInvalidReason" msgid "No LUNs selected. Please select LUNs." msgstr "" msgctxt "noNetworksSelected" msgid "No networks selected" msgstr "" msgctxt "noNewDevicesWereFoundMsg" msgid "" "No new devices were found. This may be due to either: incorrect multipath " "configuration on the Host or wrong address of the iscsi target or a failure " "to authenticate on the target device. Please consult your Storage " "Administrator." msgstr "" msgctxt "noResolveActionSelectedGlusterHook" msgid "Please select a resolve action to continue" msgstr "" msgctxt "noSpecialCharactersWithDotMsg" msgid "Name can contain only 'A-Z', 'a-z', '0-9', '_', '-' or '.' characters." msgstr "" msgctxt "noStorageDomainAvailableMsg" msgid "" "No active Storage Domain is available - check Storage Domains and Hosts " "status." msgstr "" msgctxt "noStorageDomainsFound" msgid "No storage domains to import have been found." msgstr "" msgctxt "noStorageDomainsSelectedInvalidReason" msgid "No storage domains selected. Please select storage domains to import." msgstr "" msgctxt "noStoragesToImport" msgid "" "The selected domain already has an ISO domain and an export domains attached" msgstr "" msgctxt "noUpHostReason" msgid "There should be at least one active Host in the Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "nonUtfValidationMsg" msgid "UTF characters are not allowed." msgstr "" msgctxt "noneTitle" msgid "[None]" msgstr "" msgctxt "normalTitle" msgid "Normal" msgstr "" msgctxt "notAvailableLabel" msgid "N/A" msgstr "" msgctxt "notAvailableWithNoTemplates" msgid "Not available when Templates are not configured." msgstr "" msgctxt "notAvailableWithNoUpDC" msgid "Not available when no Data Center is up." msgstr "" msgctxt "notRunningVm" msgid "Not Running" msgstr "" msgctxt "notSpecifiedLabel" msgid "Not Specified" msgstr "" msgctxt "noteLocalStorageAlreadyConfiguredForThisHostMsg" msgid "" "Note: Local Storage is already configured for this Host. The Host belongs to" msgstr "" msgctxt "" "notePermissionsContainigTheseOperationsShuoldAssociatDcOrEqualRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "" "note: Permissions containing these operations should be associated with Data " "Center Object (or equivalent)" msgstr "" msgctxt "" "notePermissionsContainigTheseOperationsShuoldAssociatSdOrAboveRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "" "note: Permissions containig these operations should be associated with " "Storage Domain Object (or above)" msgstr "" msgctxt "notePermissionsContainingDiskProfileOperationsRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "" "Note: Permissions containing these operations should be associated with Disk " "Profile or Storage Domain Object (or above)" msgstr "" msgctxt "notePermissionsContainingOperationsRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "" "note: Permissions containing these operations should be associated with Disk " "or Storage Domain Object (or above)" msgstr "" msgctxt "" "notePermissionsContainingTheseOperationsShouldAssociateNetworkOrEqualRoleTreeTooltip" msgid "" "note: Permissions containing these operations should be associated with " "Network Object (or equivalent)" msgstr "" msgctxt "noteRemovingTheTagWillAlsoRemoveAllItsDescendants" msgid "" "NOTE:\n" " - Removing the tag will also remove all of its descendants.\n" " - Tag and descendants will be erased from all objects that are attached to " "them." msgstr "" msgctxt "noteTheDeletedItemsMightStillAppearOntheSubTab" msgid "" "Note: The deleted items might still appear on the sub-tab, since the remove " "operation might be long. Use the Refresh button, to get the updated status." msgstr "" msgctxt "noteThisActionWillRemoveTemplatePermanentlyFromStorageDomains" msgid "" "Note: This action will remove the Template permanently from all Storage " "Domains." msgstr "" msgctxt "nullOperationOutOfSyncNetwork" msgid "Invalid operation, an out-of-sync network can only be detached." msgstr "" msgctxt "nullOperationTooManyNonVlans" msgid "Cannot have more than one non-VLAN network on one interface." msgstr "" msgctxt "nullOperationUnmanagedNetwork" msgid "Invalid operation, an unmanaged network can only be detached." msgstr "" msgctxt "nullOperationVmWithVlans" msgid "" "Cannot have a non-VLAN VM network and VLAN-tagged networks on one interface." msgstr "" msgctxt "numaDisabledInfoMessage" msgid "" "To enable NUMA set migration mode to non-migratable, and pin VM to host that " "supports NUMA topologhy" msgstr "" msgctxt "numaInfoMessage" msgid "" "Click on Numa Pinning to configure VM's virtual node span on top of physical " "host NUMA nodes" msgstr "" msgctxt "oVirtEngineForServersAndDesktopsAbout" msgid "oVirt Engine for Servers and Desktops:" msgstr "" msgctxt "oVirtEnterpriseVirtualizationEngineHypervisorHostsAbout" msgid "oVirt Engine Hypervisor Hosts:" msgstr "" msgctxt "ok" msgid "OK" msgstr "" msgctxt "onlyOneBootableDisk" msgid "There can be only one bootable disk defined" msgstr "" msgctxt "openCustomPreviewDialog" msgid "None of the above, take me to the 'Custom Preview Snapshot' dialog." msgstr "" msgctxt "osVersionAbout" msgid "OS Version -" msgstr "" msgctxt "parameterTitle" msgid "Parameters" msgstr "" msgctxt "permissionsTitle" msgid "Permissions" msgstr "" msgctxt "playSpiceConsole" msgid "Play" msgstr "" msgctxt "pleaseSelectKey" msgid "Please select a key..." msgstr "" msgctxt "pleaseSelectStorageDomainToImportImportSanStorage" msgid "Please select a Storage Domain to import" msgstr "" msgctxt "poolNameValidationMsg" msgid "" "Name can contain only alphanumeric, '.', '_' or '-' characters, and " "optionally one sequence of '?' to specify mask for the VM indexes" msgstr "" msgctxt "poolsTitle" msgid "Pools" msgstr "" msgctxt "portHostnameOrIpPort" msgid "The address has to be in form: [port://]hostnameOrIp[:port]" msgstr "" msgctxt "portMirroringNotChangedIfUsedByVms" msgid "'Port Mirroring' cannot be changed if the vNIC Profile is used by a VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "portMirroringNotSupportedExternalNetworks" msgid "'Port Mirroring' is not supported for externally-provided networks" msgstr "" msgctxt "posixVfsTypeHint" msgid "Enter a valid FS type (e.g. nfs/glusterfs/cifs/smbfs etc." msgstr "" msgctxt "powerManagementConfigurationTitle" msgid "Power Management Configuration" msgstr "" msgctxt "preserveActiveDisks" msgid "" "Include in the previewed VM all disks (keep the disks that are not included " "in the snapshot as-is)." msgstr "" msgctxt "previewPartialSnapshotTitle" msgid "Preview Partial Snapshot" msgstr "" msgctxt "previewSnapshotTitle" msgid "Preview Snapshot" msgstr "" msgctxt "primaryPmVariant" msgid "Primary" msgstr "" msgctxt "providerNetworksTitle" msgid "Networks" msgstr "" msgctxt "providerUrlWarningTitle" msgid "Change Provider URL" msgstr "" msgctxt "providersTitle" msgid "Providers" msgstr "" msgctxt "provisioningOperationsRoleTree" msgid "Provisioning Operations" msgstr "" msgctxt "qosNotSupportedDcVersion" msgid "Network QoS is supported only for Data Center version 3.3 or higher" msgstr "" msgctxt "quotaIsEmptyValidation" msgid "Quota must contain limitations" msgstr "" msgctxt "quotaMustBeSelectedInvalidReason" msgid "" "Quota enforcement activated. Quota must be defined for the selected storage " "domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "quotaTitle" msgid "Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "rdpIsNotSupportedInYourBrowser" msgid "RDP is not supported in your browser" msgstr "" msgctxt "rebalanceStatusTitle" msgid "Rebalance Status" msgstr "" msgctxt "rebootVirtualMachinesTitle" msgid "Reboot Virtual Machine(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "relevantDCnotActive" msgid "The relevant Data Center is not active." msgstr "" msgctxt "removeAffinityGroupsTitle" msgid "Remove Affinity Group(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeAllBricksButtonLabel" msgid "Remove All" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeBackedUpTemplatesTitle" msgid "Remove Backed up Template(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeBackedUpVMsTitle" msgid "Remove Backed up VM(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeBookmarksTitle" msgid "Remove Bookmark(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeBricksButtonLabel" msgid "Remove" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeBricksMessage" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the following Brick(s)?" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeBricksStatusTitle" msgid "Remove Bricks Status" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeBricksTitle" msgid "Remove Bricks" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeBricksWarning" msgid "NOTE:\n" " -Removing brick(s) can result in data loss." msgstr "" msgctxt "removeClusterPolicyTitle" msgid "Remove Cluster Policy" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeClusterTitle" msgid "Remove Cluster(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeCpuProfileTitle" msgid "Remove CPU Profile(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeCpuQoSTitle" msgid "Remove CPU QoS" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeDataCenterTitle" msgid "Remove Data Center(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeDataCenterWarnningNote" msgid "" "Remove the Data Center(s) will move the entities residing on the storage " "domain(s) to an unregistered state. For further information please consult " "documentation." msgstr "" msgctxt "removeDiskProfileTitle" msgid "Remove Disk Profile(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeDisksTitle" msgid "Remove Disk(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeHostsTitle" msgid "Remove Host(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeInstanceTypeTitle" msgid "Remove Instance Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeIscsiBondTitle" msgid "Remove iSCSI Bond(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeLogicalNetworkTitle" msgid "Remove Logical Network(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeNetworkFromProvider" msgid "Remove network(s) from the external provider(s) as well." msgstr "" msgctxt "removeNetworkInterfacesTitle" msgid "Remove Network Interface(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeNetworkQoSMessage" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove this Network QoS" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeNetworkQoSTitle" msgid "Remove Network QoS" msgstr "" msgctxt "removePermissionTitle" msgid "Remove Permission" msgstr "" msgctxt "removePoolsTitle" msgid "Remove Pool(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeProviderTitle" msgid "Remove Provider(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeQuotaAssignmentFromUsersTitle" msgid "Remove Quota Assignment from User(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeQuotasTitle" msgid "Remove Quota(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeRolesTitle" msgid "Remove Role(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeStorageQoSTitle" msgid "Remove Storage QoS" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeStoragesTitle" msgid "Remove Storage(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeSystemPermissionsTitle" msgid "Remove System Permission(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeTagsTitle" msgid "Remove Tag(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeTemplateDisksTitle" msgid "Remove Template Disk(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeTemplatesTitle" msgid "Remove Template(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeUsersTitle" msgid "Remove User(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeVirtualMachineTitle" msgid "Remove Virtual Machine" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeVirtualMachinesTitle" msgid "Remove Virtual Machine(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeVmDisksAllSharedMsg" msgid "All VM disks are sharable and cannot be removed" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeVmDisksMsg" msgid "Remove VM Disk(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeVmDisksNoDisksMsg" msgid "VM has no disks" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeVmDisksSnapshotsMsg" msgid "Cannot remove VM with detaching disks - VM has snapshots" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeVmDisksTemplateMsg" msgid "VM is created from template thus disks must be removed" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeVnicProfileTitle" msgid "Remove VM Interface Profile(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeVolumesTitle" msgid "Remove Volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeVolumesWarning" msgid "NOTE:\n" " -Removing volume will erase all information about the volume." msgstr "" msgctxt "replaceBrickTitle" msgid "Replace Brick" msgstr "" msgctxt "replicateVolumeAddBricksMsg" msgid "Number of bricks should be equal to Replica Count" msgstr "" msgctxt "requestToServerFailed" msgid "A Request to the Server failed" msgstr "" msgctxt "requestToServerFailedWithCode" msgid "A Request to the Server failed with the following Status Code" msgstr "" msgctxt "resetAllOptionsMsg" msgid "Are you sure you want to reset all the options?" msgstr "" msgctxt "resetAllOptionsTitle" msgid "Reset All Options" msgstr "" msgctxt "resetAllVolume" msgid "Reset All" msgstr "" msgctxt "resetOptionVolumeMsg" msgid "Are you sure you want to reset the following option?" msgstr "" msgctxt "resetOptionVolumeTitle" msgid "Reset Option" msgstr "" msgctxt "resetTitle" msgid "Reset" msgstr "" msgctxt "resetVolume" msgid "Reset" msgstr "" msgctxt "resolveConflictsGlusterHookTitle" msgid "Resolve Conflicts" msgstr "" msgctxt "restartHostsTitle" msgid "Restart Host(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "retainBricksButton" msgid "Retain" msgstr "" msgctxt "retainBricksMessage" msgid "Are you sure you want to retain the following brick(s)?" msgstr "" msgctxt "retainBricksTitle" msgid "Retain Bricks" msgstr "" msgctxt "retrievingCDsTitle" msgid "Retrieving CDs..." msgstr "" msgctxt "rngNotSupported" msgid "" "Random Number Generator not supported for this cluster level or is disabled " "in the engine config." msgstr "" msgctxt "rngNotSupportedByCluster" msgid "Random Number Generator requirements must be set in Cluster." msgstr "" msgctxt "rngNotSupportedByClusterCV" msgid "" "Random Number Generator is not supported by your cluster compatibility " "version." msgstr "" msgctxt "rngRateInvalid" msgid "If period is specified, bytes per period must be specified as well." msgstr "" msgctxt "rolesPermissionsTitle" msgid "Role's Permissions" msgstr "" msgctxt "rolesTitle" msgid "Roles" msgstr "" msgctxt "rootRoleTree" msgid "root" msgstr "" msgctxt "rootTag" msgid "Root" msgstr "" msgctxt "runVirtualMachinesTitle" msgid "Run Virtual Machine(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "runningVm" msgid "Running" msgstr "" msgctxt "saveNetworkConfigurationTitle" msgid "Save network configuration" msgstr "" msgctxt "secondaryPmVariant" msgid "Secondary" msgstr "" msgctxt "selectHostTitle" msgid "Select Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "selectHostsClusterGuide" msgid "Select Hosts" msgstr "" msgctxt "selectVm" msgid "Select a VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "send" msgid "Send" msgstr "" msgctxt "servicesTitle" msgid "Services" msgstr "" msgctxt "sessionsTitle" msgid "Sessions" msgstr "" msgctxt "setUnlimitedSpecificQuotaModeTitle" msgid "Notice" msgstr "" msgctxt "shareableDiskNotSupported" msgid "" "Shareable Disk is not supported by the Data Center Compatibility Version" msgstr "" msgctxt "shareableDiskNotSupportedByConfiguration" msgid "Shareable Disk is not supported by the selected configuration" msgstr "" msgctxt "showAdvancedOptions" msgid "Show Advanced Options" msgstr "" msgctxt "shutdownVirtualMachinesTitle" msgid "Shut down Virtual Machine(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "smtDisabled" msgid "SMT Disabled" msgstr "" msgctxt "smtEnabled" msgid "SMT Enabled" msgstr "" msgctxt "snapshotCannotBeCreatedLockedSnapshotMsg" msgid "" "Snapshot cannot be created since the VM is performing an operation on a " "Snapshot." msgstr "" msgctxt "snapshotCannotBeCreatedPreviewSnapshotMsg" msgid "Snapshot cannot be created since the VM is previewing a Snapshot." msgstr "" msgctxt "snapshotCannotBeCreatedStatelessSnapshotMsg" msgid "Snapshot cannot be created since the VM contains a stateless Snapshot." msgstr "" msgctxt "snapshotsTitle" msgid "Snapshots" msgstr "" msgctxt "sourceStorageDomainIsNotActiveMsg" msgid "Source Storage Domain is not active" msgstr "" msgctxt "space" msgid " " msgstr "" msgctxt "specialAsciiI18NOrNoneValidationMsg" msgid "" "Only alphanumeric and some special characters that conform to the standard " "ASCII character set and UTF letters are allowed." msgstr "" msgctxt "specialKeys" msgid "Special Keys" msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceTitle" msgid "SPICE" msgstr "" msgctxt "staticIpAddressSameAsHostname" msgid "" "The network's IP address cannot be statically modified if it's the same " "address supplied as the hostname." msgstr "" msgctxt "stopHostsTitle" msgid "Stop Host(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "stopRebalance" msgid "Stop" msgstr "" msgctxt "stopRemoveBricksButton" msgid "Stop" msgstr "" msgctxt "stopRemoveBricksMessage" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to stop the removal operation of the following bricks?" msgstr "" msgctxt "stopRemoveBricksTitle" msgid "Stop Brick Removal" msgstr "" msgctxt "stopSpiceConsole" msgid "Stop" msgstr "" msgctxt "stopVirtualMachinesTitle" msgid "Power Off Virtual Machine(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "stopVolumeMessage" msgid "Are you sure you want to stop the following Volume(s)?" msgstr "" msgctxt "stopVolumeWarning" msgid "NOTE:\n" " -Stopping volume will make its data inaccessible." msgstr "" msgctxt "storageDomainMustBeSpecifiedInvalidReason" msgid "Storage Domain must be specified." msgstr "" msgctxt "storageDomainRoleTree" msgid "Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageDomainsAttachedToDataCenterWarningMessage" msgid "" "Storage Domain(s) are already attached to a Data Center. Approving this " "operation might cause data corruption if both Data Centers are active." msgstr "" msgctxt "storageDomainsAttachedToDataCenterWarningTitle" msgid "Are you sure?" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageQosTitle" msgid "Storage QoS" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageTitle" msgid "Storage" msgstr "" msgctxt "stripeVolumeAddBricksMsg" msgid "Number of bricks should be equal to Stripe Count" msgstr "" msgctxt "stripedReplicateVolumeAddBricksMsg" msgid "Number of bricks should be equal to Stripe Count * Replica count" msgstr "" msgctxt "subnetMaskIsNotValid" msgid "Subnet Mask is not Valid" msgstr "" msgctxt "successLoadingFingerprint" msgid "Fetched fingerprint successfully" msgstr "" msgctxt "suspendSpiceConsole" msgid "Suspend" msgstr "" msgctxt "switchToMaintenanceModeToEnableUpgradeReason" msgid "Switch to maintenance mode to enable Upgrade." msgstr "" msgctxt "systemPermissionTitle" msgid "System Permission" msgstr "" msgctxt "systemRoleTree" msgid "System" msgstr "" msgctxt "systemTitle" msgid "System" msgstr "" msgctxt "templateAlreadyExistsMsg" msgid "Templates already exist" msgstr "" msgctxt "templateImportTitle" msgid "Template Import" msgstr "" msgctxt "templateNoExistsMsg" msgid "No Templates exist" msgstr "" msgctxt "templateRoleTree" msgid "Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "templatesNotFoundOnExportDomainTitle" msgid "Template(s) not Found on Export Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "" "templatesResideOnSeveralDcsMakeSureExportedTemplatesResideOnSameDcMsg" msgid "" "Templates reside on several Data Centers. Make sure the exported Templates " "reside on the same Data Center." msgstr "" msgctxt "templatesTitle" msgid "Templates" msgstr "" msgctxt "testFailedInsufficientParams" msgid "Insufficient parameters to test connectivity" msgstr "" msgctxt "testFailedUnknownErrorMsg" msgid "Test Failed (unknown error)." msgstr "" msgctxt "testingInProgressItWillTakeFewSecondsPleaseWaitMsg" msgid "Testing in progress. It will take a few seconds. Please wait..." msgstr "" msgctxt "theClusterIsntAttachedToADcClusterGuide" msgid "The Cluster isn't attached to a Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "theExportDomainIsInactiveMsg" msgid "" "The Export Domain is inactive. Data can be retrieved only when the Domain is " "activated" msgstr "" msgctxt "theFieldContainsSpecialCharactersInvalidReason" msgid "" "The field contains special characters. Only numbers, letters, '-' and '_' " "are allowed." msgstr "" msgctxt "theFieldMustContainTimeValueInvalidReason" msgid "The field must contain a time value" msgstr "" msgctxt "" "theFollowingTemplatesAreMissingOnTargetExportDomainForTemplateVersionsMsg" msgid "" "The following template versions are based on templates which do not exist on " "the export domain and are required for the template version to function.\n" "If you proceed you will not be able to import these template versions unless " "you already have the relevant templates on the target domains, or by using " "Clone.\n" "Do you wish to continue anyway?" msgstr "" msgctxt "theFollowingTemplatesAreMissingOnTargetExportDomainMsg" msgid "" "The following virtual machines are based on templates which do not exist on " "the export domain and are required for the virtual machines to function.\n" "If you proceed you will not be able to import these virtual machines unless " "you already have the relevant templates on the target domains.\n" "Do you wish to continue anyway?" msgstr "" msgctxt "theRelevantExportDomainIsNotActivePleaseActivateItMsg" msgid "The relevant Export Domain is not active. Please activate it." msgstr "" msgctxt "thereAreNoCompatibleStorageDomainsAttachThisDcMsg" msgid "" "There are no compatible Storage Domains to attach to this Data Center. " "Please add new Storage from the Storage tab." msgstr "" msgctxt "thereAreNoDataCenterStorageDomainAttachedMsg" msgid "There are No Data Centers to which the Storage Domain can be attached" msgstr "" msgctxt "thereAreNoISOversionsVompatibleWithHostCurrentVerMsg" msgid "" "There are no ISO versions that are compatible with the Host's current " "version." msgstr "" msgctxt "thereAreNoNetworksAvailablePleaseAddAdditionalNetworksMsg" msgid "There are no networks available. Please add additional networks." msgstr "" msgctxt "thereIsNoActiveStorageDomainCreateDiskInMsg" msgid "" "There is no active Storage Domain to create the Disk in. Please activate a " "Storage Domain." msgstr "" msgctxt "thereIsNoDataStorageDomainToImportTemplateIntoMsg" msgid "" "There is no Data Storage Domain to import the Template into. Please attach a " "Data Storage Domain to the Template's Data Center." msgstr "" msgctxt "thereIsNoExportDomainBackupVmAttachExportDomainToVmsDcMsg" msgid "" "There is no Export Domain to Backup the Virtual Machine into. Attach an " "Export Domain to the Virtual Machine(s) Data Center." msgstr "" msgctxt "thereIsNoExportDomainToExportTheTemplateIntoMsg" msgid "" "There is no Export Domain to export the Template into. Please attach an " "Export Domain to the Template's Data Center." msgstr "" msgctxt "thereIsNoStorageDomainUnderTheSpecifiedPathMsg" msgid "" "There is no storage domain under the specified path. Check event log for " "more details." msgstr "" msgctxt "thinTitle" msgid "Thin" msgstr "" msgctxt "thisClusterBelongsToALocalDcWhichAlreadyContainHostClusterGuide" msgid "" "This Cluster belongs to a Local Data Center which already contain a Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "thisFieldCantBeEmptyInvalidReason" msgid "This field can't be empty." msgstr "" msgctxt "thisFieldCantConatainSpacesMsg" msgid "This field can't contain spaces." msgstr "" msgctxt "thisFieldMustContainCidrInFormatMsg" msgid "" "This field must contain a CIDR in format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/yy, where xxx is " "between 0 and 255 and yy is between 0 and 32." msgstr "" msgctxt "thisFieldMustContainIPaddressInFormatMsg" msgid "This field must contain an IP address in format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" msgstr "" msgctxt "thisFieldMustContainIntegerNumberInvalidReason" msgid "This field must contain integer number" msgstr "" msgctxt "thisFieldMustContainNonNegativeIntegerNumberInvalidReason" msgid "This field must contain positive integer number" msgstr "" msgctxt "thisFieldMustContainSubnetInFormatMsg" msgid "This field must contain a subnet in format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" msgstr "" msgctxt "thisNetworkDoesNotExistInTheClusterErr" msgid "This Network does not exist in the Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "timeZoneCannotBeChangedAfterVMInit" msgid "Time Zone cannot be changed after the Virtual Machine is initialized." msgstr "" msgctxt "toggleFullScreen" msgid "Toggle Full Screen" msgstr "" msgctxt "trimmingSpacesInField" msgid "This field can't contain trimming whitespace characters." msgstr "" msgctxt "trustedServiceDisabled" msgid "" "Cannot change Cluster's trust support state while host/s existed in the " "cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "unattachedHost" msgid "Unattached" msgstr "" msgctxt "unknown" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "" msgctxt "unlimitedQoSTitle" msgid "[Unlimited]" msgstr "" msgctxt "unplugVnicTitle" msgid "Unplug VM Network Interface" msgstr "" msgctxt "unsupported" msgid "Unsupported" msgstr "" msgctxt "updateManagementNetworkWarning" msgid "" "Changing certain properties (e.g. VLAN, MTU) of the management network could " "lead to loss of connectivity to hosts in the data center, if its underlying " "network infrastructure isn't configured to accommodate the changes. Are you " "sure you want to proceed?" msgstr "" msgctxt "uriInvalidFormat" msgid "Given URI is of an invalid format." msgstr "" msgctxt "usb" msgid "USB" msgstr "" msgctxt "usbDevicesNoUsbdevicesClientSpiceUsbRedirectorNotInstalled" msgid "" "USB Devices,No USB devices,Client's SPICE USB Redirector is not installed" msgstr "" msgctxt "usersTitle" msgid "Users" msgstr "" msgctxt "valueDoesntNotMatchPatternKeyValueKeyValueInvalidReason" msgid "Value doesn't not match pattern: key=value,key=value..." msgstr "" msgctxt "valueDoesntNotNatchPatternKeyValueKeyKeyValueInvalidReason" msgid "Value doesn't not match pattern: key=value,key,key=value..." msgstr "" msgctxt "viewContentEmptyGlusterHook" msgid "Hook content is empty or binary" msgstr "" msgctxt "viewContentErrorGlusterHook" msgid "Unable to fetch the hook content, please try again later." msgstr "" msgctxt "viewContentGlusterHookTitle" msgid "Hook Content" msgstr "" msgctxt "virtualMachinesTitle" msgid "Virtual Machines" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmAddAnotherVirtualDiskAction" msgid "Add another Virtual Disk" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmAlreadyExistsMsg" msgid "VMs already exist" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmConfigureVirtualDisksAction" msgid "Configure Virtual Disks" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmHighPriority" msgid "High" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmImportTitle" msgid "VM Import" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmLowPriority" msgid "Low" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmMediumPriority" msgid "Medium" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmNetworkRole" msgid "VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmNoExistsMsg" msgid "No VMs exist" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmPoolRoleTree" msgid "VM Pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmRoleTree" msgid "VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmUnknownPriority" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmsAttachedToInstanceTypeNote" msgid "" "There are VMs attached to this instance type-this will make them attached to " "'Custom'" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmsAttachedToInstanceTypeWarningMessage" msgid "The following VMs are attached to the instance type" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmsResideOnSeveralDCsMakeSureTheExportedVMResideOnSameDcMsg" msgid "" "Virtual Machines reside on several Data Centers. Make sure the exported " "Virtual Machines reside on the same Data Center." msgstr "" msgctxt "vmsTitle" msgid "VMs" msgstr "" msgctxt "vnicProfileTitle" msgid "VM Interface Profile" msgstr "" msgctxt "vnicProfilesTitle" msgid "VNIC Profiles" msgstr "" msgctxt "volumeEmptyClusterValidationMsg" msgid "" "No host found in 'UP' state in the cluster, please select another cluster." msgstr "" msgctxt "volumeRebalanceStatusTitle" msgid "Rebalance Status" msgstr "" msgctxt "volumeRoleTree" msgid "Volume" msgstr "" msgctxt "volumeTransportTypesValidationMsg" msgid "At least one transport type should be selected." msgstr "" msgctxt "volumesTitle" msgid "Volumes" msgstr "" msgctxt "withLocalStorageDomainMsg" msgid "" "with local Storage Domain. If OK is clicked - this Host will be moved to a " "new Data Center, and a new Local Storage Domain will be created. Hit Cancel " "to abort the operation." msgstr "" msgctxt "yes" msgid "Yes" msgstr "" msgctxt "youAreAboutChangeClusterCompatibilityVersionMsg" msgid "" "You are about to change the Cluster Compatibility Version. Are you sure you " "want to continue?" msgstr "" msgctxt "youAreAboutChangeClusterCompatibilityVersionNonResponsiveHostsMsg" msgid "" "You are about to change the Cluster Compatibility Version and the cluster " "contains some non responsive hosts. If these hosts do not support the " "selected compatibility level they may move to non operational after " "connectivity is restored.\n" "\n" "Are you sure you want to continue?" msgstr "" msgctxt "youAreAboutChangeClusterCpuThreadSupportMsg" msgid "" "You are about to disable CPU thread support for this cluster. Disabling this " "can affect the ability to run VMs with certain CPU configurations.\n" "\n" "Please ensure there are no VMs in this cluster making use of specific CPU " "settings such as CPU-pinning which may be affected by this change.\n" "\n" "Are you sure you want to continue?" msgstr "" msgctxt "youAreAboutChangeDCQuotaEnforcementMsg" msgid "" "Moving Quota to Enforce Mode\n" "All the templates, virtual machines, and disks must be assigned into " "specific quota allocations otherwise will be unusable.\n" "Users should be added as quota consumers.\n" "\n" "Please consider using Audit mode until you define Quotas for the users.\n" "\n" "Are you sure you want to continue?" msgstr "" msgctxt "youAreAboutChangeDcCompatibilityVersionMsg" msgid "" "You are about to change the Data Center Compatibility Version. Are you sure " "you want to continue?" msgstr "" msgctxt "youAreAboutToAttachDetachNetworkToFromTheClustersMsg" msgid "" "You are about to attach the network to all the selected clusters and to " "detach the network from all the unselected clusters.\n" "\n" "Are you sure you want to continue?" msgstr "" msgctxt "youAreAboutToCreateUnlimitedSpecificQuotaMsg" msgid "" "You are about to set an Unlimited quota on specific resource. This is " "inadvisable.\n" "The aggregated value of this quota will be Unlimited.\n" "Do you wish to proceed?" msgstr "" msgctxt "youHavntConfigPmMsg" msgid "" "You haven't configured Power Management for this Host. Are you sure you want " "to continue?" msgstr "" msgctxt "youMustApproveTheActionByClickingOnThisCheckboxInvalidReason" msgid "You must approve the action by clicking on this checkbox." msgstr ""