#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" msgctxt "addToBond" msgid "Add {0} to Bond" msgstr "" msgctxt "alreadyAssignedClonedTemplateName" msgid "This name was already assigned to another cloned Template." msgstr "" msgctxt "alreadyAssignedClonedVmName" msgid "This name was already assigned to another cloned Virtual Machine." msgstr "" msgctxt "areYouSureYouWantToDeleteSanpshot" msgid "" "Are you sure you want to delete snapshot from {0} with description ''{1}''?" msgstr "" msgctxt "attachTo" msgid "Attach {0} to" msgstr "" msgctxt "bondWith" msgid "Bond {0} with" msgstr "" msgctxt "bootableDiskIsRequiredToBootFromDisk" msgid "" "Virtual Machine must have at least one bootable disk defined to boot from " "hard disk." msgstr "" msgctxt "breakBond" msgid "Break Bond {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "brickDetailsNotSupportedInClusterCompatibilityVersion" msgid "" "Brick Details not supported for this Cluster''s compatibility version({0})." msgstr "" msgctxt "bridlessNetworkNotSupported" msgid "Non-VM networks are not supported for Cluster version {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "commonMessageWithBrackets" msgid "{0} ({1})" msgstr "" msgctxt "connectingToGuestWithNotResponsiveAgentMsg" msgid "" "Could not connect to the agent on the guest, it may be unresponsive or not " "installed.As a result, some features may not work." msgstr "" msgctxt "cpuInfoLabel" msgid "{0} ({1} Socket(s), {2} Core(s) per Socket)" msgstr "" msgctxt "cpuInfoMessage" msgid "{0} ({1} Socket(s), {2} Core(s) per Socket)" msgstr "" msgctxt "createFailedDomainAlreadyExistStorageMsg" msgid "Create operation failed. Domain {0} already exists in the system." msgstr "" msgctxt "createOperationFailedDcGuideMsg" msgid "Create operation failed. Domain {0} already exists in the system." msgstr "" msgctxt "customPropertyOneOfTheParamsIsntSupported" msgid "One of the parameters isn''t supported (available parameter(s): {0})" msgstr "" msgctxt "customPropertyValueShouldBeInFormatReason" msgid "the value for parameter <{0}> should be in the format of: <{1}>" msgstr "" msgctxt "customSpmPriority" msgid "Custom({0})" msgstr "" msgctxt "detachNetwork" msgid "Detach Network {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "detachNote" msgid "Note: {0} will be removed!" msgstr "" msgctxt "directLUNDisksWillNotBePartOfTheExport" msgid "Direct LUN disk(s) will not be a part of the VM export: {0}." msgstr "" msgctxt "directLUNDisksWillNotBePartOfTheSnapshot" msgid "Direct LUN disk(s) will not be a part of the VM snapshot: {0}." msgstr "" msgctxt "directLUNDisksWillNotBePartOfTheTemplate" msgid "Direct LUN disk(s) will not be a part of the VM template: {0}." msgstr "" msgctxt "diskAlignment" msgid "{0} (Last scan: {1})" msgstr "" msgctxt "disklessVmCannotRunAsStateless" msgid "Diskless Virtual Machine cannot run in stateless mode" msgstr "" msgctxt "editBondInterfaceTitle" msgid "Edit Bond Interface {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "editInterfaceTitle" msgid "Edit Interface {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "editNetworkTitle" msgid "Edit Network {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "errConnectingVmUsingRdpMsg" msgid "Error connecting to Virtual Machine using RPD:{0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "errConnectingVmUsingSpiceMsg" msgid "Error connecting to Virtual Machine using SPICE:{0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "extendBond" msgid "Extend {0} with" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostNameMsg" msgid "" "This field can''t contain blanks or special characters, must be at least one " "character long, legal values are 0-9, a-z, ''_'', ''.'' and a length of up " "to {0} characters." msgstr "" msgctxt "hostNumberOfRunningVms" msgid "{0} ({1} Running VM(s))" msgstr "" msgctxt "hotPlugNotSupported" msgid "Hot Plug is not supported on cluster version {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "hotProfileUpdateNotSupported" msgid "" "Updating 'profile' on a running virtual machine while the NIC is plugged is " "not supported on cluster version {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "importClusterHostFingerprintEmpty" msgid "Fingerprint field is empty for host with address {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "importClusterHostNameEmpty" msgid "Name field is empty for host with address {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "importClusterHostPasswordEmpty" msgid "Root Password field is empty for host with address {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "importFailedDomainAlreadyExistStorageMsg" msgid "Import operation failed. Domain {0} already exists in the system." msgstr "" msgctxt "importProcessHasBegunForTemplates" msgid "" "Import process has begun for Template(s): {0}.You can check import status in " "the main ''Events'' tab" msgstr "" msgctxt "importProcessHasBegunForVms" msgid "" "Import process has begun for VM(s): {0}.You can check import status in the " "main ''Events'' tab" msgstr "" msgctxt "incorrectVCPUNumber" msgid "" "Incorrect number of Total Virtual CPUs. It is not possible to compose this " "number from the available Virtual Sockets and Cores per Virtual Sockets" msgstr "" msgctxt "integerValidationNumberBetweenInvalidReason" msgid "{0} between {1} and {2}." msgstr "" msgctxt "integerValidationNumberGreaterInvalidReason" msgid "{0} greater than {1}." msgstr "" msgctxt "integerValidationNumberLessInvalidReason" msgid "{0} less than {1}." msgstr "" msgctxt "interfaceIsRequiredToBootFromNetwork" msgid "" "Virtual Machine must have at least one network interface defined to boot " "from network." msgstr "" msgctxt "lenValidationFieldMusnotExceed" msgid "Field content must not exceed {0} characters." msgstr "" msgctxt "lunAlreadyPartOfStorageDomainWarning" msgid "LUN is already part of Storage Domain: {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "lunUsedByDiskWarning" msgid "LUN is already used by disk: {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "lunUsedByVG" msgid "Used by VG: {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "maxMemSizeIs" msgid "Maximum memory size is {0} MB." msgstr "" msgctxt "memSizeBetween" msgid "Memory size is between {0} MB and {1} MB" msgstr "" msgctxt "minMemSizeIs" msgid "Minimum memory size is {0} MB." msgstr "" msgctxt "mtuOverrideNotSupported" msgid "Overriding MTU configuration is not supported for Cluster version {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameCanContainOnlyMsg" msgid "" "Name can contain only ''A-Z'', ''a-z'', ''0-9'', ''_'' or ''-'' characters, " "max length: {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameMustConataionOnlyAlphanumericChars" msgid "" "Name must contain only alphanumeric characters, \"-\", \"_\" or \".\". " "Maximum length: {0}." msgstr "" msgctxt "networkDc" msgid "{0} in Data Center {1}" msgstr "" msgctxt "networkDcDescription" msgid "{0} in Data Center {1} ({2})" msgstr "" msgctxt "newNameWithSuffixCannotContainBlankOrSpecialChars" msgid "" "Name (with suffix) can contain only alphanumeric, '.', '_' or '-' characters." " Maximum length: {0}." msgstr "" msgctxt "noActiveStorageDomain" msgid "No Storage Domain is active." msgstr "" msgctxt "noExportableDisksFoundForTheExport" msgid "" "There are no disks allowing an export, only the configuration will be a part " "of the VM export." msgstr "" msgctxt "noExportableDisksFoundForTheSnapshot" msgid "" "There are no disks allowing a snapshot, only the configuration will be a " "part of the VM snapshot." msgstr "" msgctxt "noExportableDisksFoundForTheTemplate" msgid "" "There are no disks allowing an export, only the configuration will be a part " "of the VM template." msgstr "" msgctxt "noOfBricksSelected" msgid "({0} bricks selected)" msgstr "" msgctxt "noValidOperation" msgid "No valid Operation for {0} and " msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfVmsInPoolInvalod" msgid "" "The max allowed num of VMs is {0} when the length of the pool name is {1}" msgstr "" msgctxt "numberOfVmsForHostsLoad" msgid "{0} VMs" msgstr "" msgctxt "poolNameLengthInvalid" msgid "The max allowed name length is {0} for {1} VMs in pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "pressKeyToReleaseCursor" msgid "Press {0} to Release Cursor" msgstr "" msgctxt "providerUrlWarningText" msgid "" "Changing the URL of this provider might hurt the proper functioning of the " "following entities provided by it.{0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "rebalanceStatusConfirmationMessage" msgid "No Rebalance ever happened on volume : {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "refreshInterval" msgid "Refresh Interval: {0} sec" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeBricksReplicateVolumeMessage" msgid "" "Replica count will be reduced from {0} to {1}. Are you sure you want to " "remove the following Brick(s)?" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeFromBond" msgid "Remove {0} from Bond" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeNetwork" msgid "Remove Network {0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeNetworkQoSMessage" msgid "" "This Network QoS is used by {0} Vnic Profiles.Are you sure you want to " "remove this Network QoS?Profiles using this QoS:" msgstr "" msgctxt "schedulerAllowOverbookingInfo" msgid "" "Overbooking: Allows running cluster''s scheduling requests in parallel, " "without preserving resource allocation. This option allows handling a mass " "of scheduling requests ({0} requests), while some requests may fail due to " "the re-use of the same resource allocation (Use this option only if you are " "familiar with this behavior)." msgstr "" msgctxt "schedulerOptimizationInfo" msgid "" "Optimize scheduling for host weighing (ordering):Utilization: include weight " "modules in shceduling to allow best selectionSpeed: skip host weighing in " "case there are more than {0} pending requests" msgstr "" msgctxt "sharedDisksWillNotBePartOfTheExport" msgid "Shared disk(s) will not be a part of the VM export: {0}." msgstr "" msgctxt "sharedDisksWillNotBePartOfTheSnapshot" msgid "Shared disk(s) will not be a part of the VM snapshot: {0}." msgstr "" msgctxt "sharedDisksWillNotBePartOfTheTemplate" msgid "Shared disk(s) will not be a part of the VM template: {0}." msgstr "" msgctxt "snapshotDisksWillNotBePartOfTheExport" msgid "Disk snapshot(s) will not be a part of the VM export: {0}." msgstr "" msgctxt "snapshotDisksWillNotBePartOfTheSnapshot" msgid "Disk snapshot(s) will not be a part of the VM snapshot: {0}." msgstr "" msgctxt "snapshotDisksWillNotBePartOfTheTemplate" msgid "Snapshot disk(s) will not be a part of the VM template: {0}." msgstr "" msgctxt "storageDomainIsNotActive" msgid "''{0}'' Storage Domain is not active. Please activate it." msgstr "" msgctxt "suffixCauseToClonedTemplateNameCollision" msgid "" "This suffix will cause a name collision with another cloned Template: {0}." msgstr "" msgctxt "suffixCauseToClonedVmNameCollision" msgid "" "This suffix will cause a name collision with another cloned Virtual Machine: " "{0}." msgstr "" msgctxt "suggestDetachNetwork" msgid "You could detach {0} first." msgstr "" msgctxt "templateDiskDescription" msgid "{0} (from Storage Domain {1})" msgstr "" msgctxt "templatesAlreadyExistonTargetExportDomain" msgid "" "Template(s): {0} already exist on the target Export Domain. If you want to " "override them, please check the ''Force Override'' check-box." msgstr "" msgctxt "unreachableGlusterHosts" msgid "Unable to fetch the Fingerprint of the host(s) {0,list,text}" msgstr "" msgctxt "urlSchemeInvalidScheme" msgid "" "Given URL contains invalid scheme ''{0}'', only the following schemes are " "allowed:{1}" msgstr "" msgctxt "urlSchemeMustBeEmpty" msgid "Given URL must not contain a scheme (e.g. ''{0}'')." msgstr "" msgctxt "urlSchemeMustNotBeEmpty" msgid "" "Given URL does not contain a scheme, it must contain one of the following:" "{0}" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmStorageDomainIsNotAccessible" msgid "Disks'' Storage Domains are not accessible." msgstr "" msgctxt "vmsAlreadyExistOnTargetExportDomain" msgid "" "VM(s): {0} already exist on the target Export Domain. If you want to " "override them, please check the ''Force Override'' check-box." msgstr "" msgctxt "vncInfoMessage" msgid "" "Please use your VNC client to connect to this VM.

Use the following " "parameters:
IP:Port -- {0}:{1}

Password: {2}
(note: this " "password is valid for {3} seconds)" msgstr "" msgctxt "vnicFromTemplate" msgid "Vnic {0} from Template {1}" msgstr "" msgctxt "vnicFromVm" msgid "Vnic {0} from VM {1}" msgstr "" msgctxt "vnicProfileFromNetwork" msgid "VM Interface Profile {0} from Network {1}" msgstr "" msgctxt "youAreAboutToDisconnectHostInterfaceMsg" msgid "" "You are about to disconnect the Management Interface ({0}).As a result, the " "Host might become unreachable.Are you sure you want to disconnect the " "Management Interface?" msgstr ""