#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" msgctxt "GeneralVmPopup" msgid "General" msgstr "" msgctxt "UnlimitedNetworkQoS" msgid "Unlimited" msgstr "" msgctxt "actionTableNextPageButtonLabel" msgid "Next >>" msgstr "" msgctxt "actionTablePrevPageButtonLabel" msgid "<< Prev" msgstr "" msgctxt "activateDisk" msgid "Activate" msgstr "" msgctxt "activateInterface" msgid "Activate" msgstr "" msgctxt "activateVmDiskPopup" msgid "Activate" msgstr "" msgctxt "active" msgid "Active" msgstr "" msgctxt "addDisk" msgid "Add" msgstr "" msgctxt "addPermission" msgid "Add" msgstr "" msgctxt "addressSanStorage" msgid "Address" msgstr "" msgctxt "advancedOptionsLabel" msgid "" "* It is recommended to keep the default values in the fields below unchanged." "" msgstr "" msgctxt "advancedParameters" msgid "Advanced Parameters" msgstr "" msgctxt "aliasDisk" msgid "Alias" msgstr "" msgctxt "aliasVm" msgid "Alias" msgstr "" msgctxt "aliasVmDiskPopup" msgid "Alias" msgstr "" msgctxt "aliasVmDiskTable" msgid "Alias" msgstr "" msgctxt "allDisksLabel" msgid "All" msgstr "" msgctxt "allocationDisk" msgid "Allocation Policy" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowConsoleReconnect" msgid "Disable strict user checking" msgstr "" msgctxt "allowMigrationOnlyAdminVmPopup" msgid "" "Allow VM migration only upon Administrator specific request (system will not " "trigger automatic migration of this VM)" msgstr "" msgctxt "andBreak" msgid " and " msgstr "" msgctxt "anyHostInClusterVmPopup" msgid "Any Host in Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "applicationsLabel" msgid "Installed Applications" msgstr "" msgctxt "approveOperation" msgid "Approve operation" msgstr "" msgctxt "assignQuota" msgid "Assign Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "attachCdVmPopup" msgid "Attach CD" msgstr "" msgctxt "attachDiskVmDiskPopup" msgid "Attach Disk" msgstr "" msgctxt "attachedToDisk" msgid "Attached To" msgstr "" msgctxt "auto" msgid "Auto" msgstr "" msgctxt "availOnlyTemplSelectedVmPopup" msgid "(Available only when a template is selected)" msgstr "" msgctxt "basedOnTemplateVmPopup" msgid "Based on Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "bootOptionsVmPopup" msgid "Boot Options" msgstr "" msgctxt "bootSequenceDownButtonLabel" msgid "Down" msgstr "" msgctxt "bootSequenceUpButtonLabel" msgid "Up" msgstr "" msgctxt "bootSequenceVmPopup" msgid "Boot Sequence:" msgstr "" msgctxt "bootable" msgid "Bootable" msgstr "" msgctxt "bootableDisk" msgid "Bootable" msgstr "" msgctxt "browserNotSupportedMsg" msgid "Your browser/platform does not support console opening" msgstr "" msgctxt "browserPlugin" msgid "Browser plugin" msgstr "" msgctxt "cardStatusNetworkInteface" msgid "Card Status" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloneSnapshot" msgid "Clone" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloneVM" msgid "Clone" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloneVmPopup" msgid "Clone" msgstr "" msgctxt "closeButtonLabel" msgid "Close" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAttachmentContentBase64ToolTip" msgid "Enter the attachment content encoded in base-64" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAttachmentContentLabel" msgid "Content" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAttachmentContentTextToolTip" msgid "Enter the attachment content" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAttachmentLabel" msgid "File Attachment" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAttachmentSelectLabel" msgid "Select pathname above" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAttachmentToolTip" msgid "Enter the full pathname where this file should be saved on the guest" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAttachmentTypeLabel" msgid "Content Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAttachmentTypeToolTip" msgid "Choose the input encoding type for the selected attachment" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAuthorizedKeysLabel" msgid "SSH Authorized Keys" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitAuthorizedKeysToolTip" msgid "" "Add SSH keys (separated by newlines) to be added to the root user's " "authorized_keys file" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitDnsSearchDomainsLabel" msgid "DNS Search Domains" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitDnsSearchDomainsToolTip" msgid "Enter a space-separated list of DNS search domains" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitDnsServersLabel" msgid "DNS Servers" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitDnsServersToolTip" msgid "Enter a space-separated list of DNS server IP addresses" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitHostnameLabel" msgid "Hostname" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitHostnameToolTip" msgid "Enter the hostname to be assigned to the guest" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkDhcpLabel" msgid "Use DHCP" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkDhcpToolTip" msgid "Enable to use DHCP on the selected network interface" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkGatewayLabel" msgid "Gateway" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkGatewayToolTip" msgid "Enter the gateway for the selected network interface" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkIpAddressLabel" msgid "IP Address" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkIpAddressToolTip" msgid "Enter the IP address for the selected network interface" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkLabel" msgid "Network" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkNetmaskLabel" msgid "Netmask" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkNetmaskToolTip" msgid "" "Enter the netmask (dotted-quad format) for the selected network interface" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkSelectLabel" msgid "Select network above" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkStartOnBootLabel" msgid "Start on Boot" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkStartOnBootToolTip" msgid "Enable to start the selected network interface when the guest boots" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitNetworkToolTip" msgid "Enter the name of a network interface, e.g. \"eth0\"" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitObjectAddLabel" msgid "Add new" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitObjectRemoveLabel" msgid "Remove selected" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitRegenerateKeysLabel" msgid "Regenerate System SSH Keys" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitRegenerateKeysToolTip" msgid "Regenerate system SSH keys (typically in /etc/ssh)" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitRootPasswordLabel" msgid "Root Password" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitRootPasswordToolTip" msgid "Choose a root password for the guest" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitRootPasswordVerificationLabel" msgid "Verify Root Password" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitRootPasswordVerificationToolTip" msgid "Verify the root password for the guest" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitTimeZoneLabel" msgid "Time Zone" msgstr "" msgctxt "cloudInitTimeZoneToolTip" msgid "Select the guest's time zone" msgstr "" msgctxt "clusterCompatibilityVersionVm" msgid "Cluster Compatibility Version" msgstr "" msgctxt "collapseSnapshots" msgid "Collapse Snapshots" msgstr "" msgctxt "commaBreak" msgid ", " msgstr "" msgctxt "commentLabel" msgid "Comment" msgstr "" msgctxt "commitSnapshot" msgid "Commit" msgstr "" msgctxt "consoleConnectedUserVm" msgid "Console User" msgstr "" msgctxt "consoleDeviceEnabled" msgid "VirtIO Console Device Enabled" msgstr "" msgctxt "consoleInvocation" msgid "Console Invocation" msgstr "" msgctxt "consoleOptions" msgid "Console Options" msgstr "" msgctxt "consoleVmPopup" msgid "Console" msgstr "" msgctxt "copyDisk" msgid "Copy" msgstr "" msgctxt "copyTemplatePermissions" msgid "Copy Template Permissions" msgstr "" msgctxt "copyVmPermissions" msgid "Copy VM permissions" msgstr "" msgctxt "coresPerSocket" msgid "Cores per Virtual Socket" msgstr "" msgctxt "correltaionIdEvent" msgid "Correlation Id" msgstr "" msgctxt "cpuAllocVmPopup" msgid "CPU Allocation:" msgstr "" msgctxt "cpuPinningLabel" msgid "CPU Pinning topology" msgstr "" msgctxt "cpuPinningLabelExplanation" msgid "" "Format: v#p[_v#p]Examples:0#0 => pin vCPU 0 to pCPU 00#0_1#3 => pin vCPU 0 " "to pCPU 0 and pin vCPU 1 to pCPU 31#1-4,^2 => pin vCPU 1 to pCPU set 1 to 4, " "excluding 2" msgstr "" msgctxt "cpuShares" msgid "CPU Shares" msgstr "" msgctxt "cpuSocketsVmPopup" msgid "CPU Sockets" msgstr "" msgctxt "createSnapshot" msgid "Create" msgstr "" msgctxt "creationDateDisk" msgid "Creation Date" msgstr "" msgctxt "ctrlAltDel" msgid "Pass Ctrl-Alt-Del to virtual machine" msgstr "" msgctxt "ctrlAltDeletIsNotSupportedOnWindows" msgid "Ctrl-Alt-Del is always passed for this client OS" msgstr "" msgctxt "currentQuota" msgid "Current" msgstr "" msgctxt "currentSnapshotLabel" msgid "Current" msgstr "" msgctxt "customEventIdEvent" msgid "Custom Event Id" msgstr "" msgctxt "customMacNetworkIntefacePopup" msgid "Custom MAC address" msgstr "" msgctxt "customPropertiesVm" msgid "Custom Properties" msgstr "" msgctxt "customPropsVmPopup" msgid "Custom Properties" msgstr "" msgctxt "dataCenter" msgid "Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "dateSnapshot" msgid "Date" msgstr "" msgctxt "dcVmDiskPopup" msgid "Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "dcVmPopup" msgid "Data Center" msgstr "" msgctxt "deactivateDisk" msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "" msgctxt "deactivateInterface" msgid "Deactivate" msgstr "" msgctxt "defaultDisTypeTemplateGeneral" msgid "Default Display Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "defaultDisplayTypePoolGeneral" msgid "Default Display Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "defaultDisplayTypeVm" msgid "Default Display Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "defaultStorage" msgid "Default Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "definedMemPoolGeneral" msgid "Defined Memory" msgstr "" msgctxt "definedMemTemplateGeneral" msgid "Defined Memory" msgstr "" msgctxt "definedMemoryVm" msgid "Defined Memory" msgstr "" msgctxt "deleteProtectionPopup" msgid "Delete Protection" msgstr "" msgctxt "deleteSnapshot" msgid "Delete" msgstr "" msgctxt "descriptionDisk" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "descriptionPoolGeneral" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "descriptionSnapshot" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "descriptionTask" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "descriptionTemplateGeneral" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "descriptionVm" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "descriptionVmDiskPopup" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "descriptionVmDiskTable" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "descriptionVmPopup" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "desktop" msgid "Desktop" msgstr "" msgctxt "desktopInPreview" msgid "Desktop in Preview" msgstr "" msgctxt "destDisk" msgid "Destination" msgstr "" msgctxt "details" msgid "Details" msgstr "" msgctxt "devSizeSanStorage" msgid "Dev. Size" msgstr "" msgctxt "disableSmartcard" msgid "Disable smartcard" msgstr "" msgctxt "diskAlignment" msgid "Alignment" msgstr "" msgctxt "diskHotPlugNotSupported" msgid "" "Disk Activate/Deactivate while VM is running, is supported only for Clusters " "of version 3.1 and above" msgstr "" msgctxt "diskNamePrefix" msgid "Disk " msgstr "" msgctxt "disksAllocation" msgid "Disks Allocation:" msgstr "" msgctxt "disksLabel" msgid "Disks" msgstr "" msgctxt "disksSnapshot" msgid "Disks" msgstr "" msgctxt "domainPoolGeneral" msgid "Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "domainTemplateGeneral" msgid "Directory Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "domainVm" msgid "Directory Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "domainVmPopup" msgid "Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "down" msgid "Down" msgstr "" msgctxt "dropsInterface" msgid "Drops" msgstr "" msgctxt "editDisk" msgid "Edit" msgstr "" msgctxt "editInterface" msgid "Edit" msgstr "" msgctxt "elementName" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "empty" msgid "" msgstr "" msgctxt "enableSpiceProxy" msgid "Enable SPICE Proxy" msgstr "" msgctxt "enableWanOptions" msgid "Enable WAN Options" msgstr "" msgctxt "errorPopupCaption" msgid "" msgstr "" msgctxt "everyonePermission" msgid "Everyone" msgstr "" msgctxt "exampleInterfacePopup" msgid "Example:" msgstr "" msgctxt "exportDisk" msgid "Export" msgstr "" msgctxt "extendImageSizeBy" msgid "Extend size by(GB)" msgstr "" msgctxt "externalDisk" msgid "External (Direct Lun)" msgstr "" msgctxt "featureNotImplementedButAvailInUserPortalMessage" msgid "" "This feature is not implemented but available in UserPortal for users " "assigned with PowerUser role." msgstr "" msgctxt "featureNotImplementedMessage" msgid "This feature is not implemented in this version." msgstr "" msgctxt "firsNamePermissionsPopup" msgid "First Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "firstDeviceVmPopup" msgid "First Device" msgstr "" msgctxt "forceRemove" msgid "Force Remove" msgstr "" msgctxt "formatDisk" msgid "Format" msgstr "" msgctxt "formatSanImStorage" msgid "Format" msgstr "" msgctxt "fqdn" msgid "FQDN" msgstr "" msgctxt "freeSpaceDisk" msgid "Free Space" msgstr "" msgctxt "generalLabel" msgid "General" msgstr "" msgctxt "getDiskAlignment" msgid "Scan Alignment" msgstr "" msgctxt "gluster" msgid "Gluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "goPermissionsPopup" msgid "GO" msgstr "" msgctxt "guestAgentData" msgid "Guest Agent Data" msgstr "" msgctxt "hideQuotaDistribution" msgid "Hide Quota Distribution" msgstr "" msgctxt "highAvailVmPopup" msgid "High Availability" msgstr "" msgctxt "highPriorityOnly" msgid "High Priority Only" msgstr "" msgctxt "highlyAvailTemplateGeneral" msgid "Highly Available" msgstr "" msgctxt "highlyAvailableVm" msgid "Highly Available" msgstr "" msgctxt "highlyAvailableVmPopup" msgid "Highly Available" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostClusterTemplateGeneral" msgid "Host Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostClusterVmPopup" msgid "Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostPasswordLabel" msgid "Password" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostPublicKeyLable" msgid "SSH PublicKey" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostVmDiskPopup" msgid "Use Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "hostVmPopup" msgid "Host" msgstr "" msgctxt "htmlNonBreakingSpace" msgid " " msgstr "" msgctxt "htmlTab" msgid " " msgstr "" msgctxt "idEvent" msgid "ID" msgstr "" msgctxt "idVmDiskTable" msgid "ID" msgstr "" msgctxt "imageDisksLabel" msgid "Images" msgstr "" msgctxt "imageLocked" msgid "Image Locked" msgstr "" msgctxt "inactive" msgid "Inactive" msgstr "" msgctxt "increaseNumberOfVMsInPoolBy" msgid "Increase number of VMs in pool by" msgstr "" msgctxt "inheritedPermission" msgid "Inherited Permission" msgstr "" msgctxt "initialRunGeneral" msgid "General" msgstr "" msgctxt "initialRunVmPopup" msgid "Initial Run" msgstr "" msgctxt "initialRunWindows" msgid "Windows" msgstr "" msgctxt "initrdPathVmPopup" msgid "initrd path" msgstr "" msgctxt "installedApp" msgid "Installed Applications" msgstr "" msgctxt "installedAppsSnapshot" msgid "Installed Applications" msgstr "" msgctxt "installedAppsVm" msgid "Installed Applications" msgstr "" msgctxt "interfaceDisk" msgid "Interface" msgstr "" msgctxt "interfaceVmDiskPopup" msgid "Interface" msgstr "" msgctxt "internalDisk" msgid "Internal" msgstr "" msgctxt "ipv4VmGuestAgent" msgid "IPv4" msgstr "" msgctxt "ipv6VmGuestAgent" msgid "IPv6" msgstr "" msgctxt "isBootableVmDiskPopup" msgid "Is Bootable" msgstr "" msgctxt "isSgIoUnfilteredEditor" msgid "Allow Privileged SCSI I/O" msgstr "" msgctxt "isShareableVmDiskPopup" msgid "Is Shareable" msgstr "" msgctxt "isStatelessPoolGeneral" msgid "Is Stateless" msgstr "" msgctxt "isStatelessTemplateGeneral" msgid "Is Stateless" msgstr "" msgctxt "isVirtioScsiEnabled" msgid "VirtIO-SCSI Enabled" msgstr "" msgctxt "isVirtioScsiEnabledInfo" msgid "Attach a VirtIO-SCSI controller when running the VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "kernelParamsVmPopup" msgid "kernel parameters" msgstr "" msgctxt "kernelPathVmPopup" msgid "kernel path" msgstr "" msgctxt "lastNamePermissionsPopup" msgid "Last Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "latchApproveOperationLabel" msgid "Approve operation" msgstr "" msgctxt "lineBreak" msgid "
" msgstr "" msgctxt "linkStateNetworkInteface" msgid "Link State" msgstr "" msgctxt "linkedNetworkInteface" msgid "Up" msgstr "" msgctxt "linuxBootOptionsVmPopup" msgid "Linux Boot Options:" msgstr "" msgctxt "loadingLabel" msgid "Loading..." msgstr "" msgctxt "loadingTaskTree" msgid "Loading..." msgstr "" msgctxt "loggedInUserVm" msgid "Logged-in User" msgstr "" msgctxt "lunAlreadyUsedWarning" msgid "LUN is already in use - attaching it could cause data corruption." msgstr "" msgctxt "lunDisksLabel" msgid "Direct LUN" msgstr "" msgctxt "lunIdSanStorage" msgid "LUN ID" msgstr "" msgctxt "macInterface" msgid "MAC" msgstr "" msgctxt "macVmGuestAgent" msgid "MAC" msgstr "" msgctxt "makeTemplateClusterLabel" msgid "Cluster" msgstr "" msgctxt "makeTemplateIsTemplatePublicEditorLabel" msgid "Allow all users to access this Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "makeTemplatePopupDescriptionLabel" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "makeTemplatePopupNameLabel" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "makeTemplateQuotaLabel" msgid "Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "makeTemplateStorageDomainLabel" msgid "Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "maxAssignedVmsPerUser" msgid "Maximum number of VMs per user" msgstr "" msgctxt "mb" msgid "MB" msgstr "" msgctxt "mbps" msgid "(Mbps)" msgstr "" msgctxt "memAllocVmPopup" msgid "Memory Allocation:" msgstr "" msgctxt "memSizeVmPopup" msgid "Memory Size" msgstr "" msgctxt "memoryBalloonDeviceEnabled" msgid "Memory Balloon Device Enabled" msgstr "" msgctxt "memorySnapshot" msgid "Memory" msgstr "" msgctxt "messageEvent" msgid "Message" msgstr "" msgctxt "migrating" msgid "Migrating" msgstr "" msgctxt "monitors" msgid "Monitors" msgstr "" msgctxt "monitorsVmPopup" msgid "Monitors" msgstr "" msgctxt "moveDisk" msgid "Move" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameDisk" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameInterface" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameNetworkIntefacePopup" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "namePoolGeneral" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameSanImStorage" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameSnapshot" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameTemplateGeneral" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameVm" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameVmGuestAgent" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "nameVmPopup" msgid "Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "nativeClient" msgid "Native client" msgstr "" msgctxt "nativeUsbSupportWarning" msgid "" "Migration is NOT currently supported using SPICE Native USB redirection on " "cluster version lower than 3.2" msgstr "" msgctxt "networkNameInterface" msgid "Network Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "networkProfilePopup" msgid "Network" msgstr "" msgctxt "newInterface" msgid "New" msgstr "" msgctxt "newVm" msgid "New VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "nicNetworkHost" msgid "Network Device" msgstr "" msgctxt "nicsLabel" msgid "Network Interfaces" msgstr "" msgctxt "no" msgid "No" msgstr "" msgctxt "noItemsToDisplay" msgid "No items to display" msgstr "" msgctxt "noVnc" msgid "noVNC" msgstr "" msgctxt "nonEditableMigrationFieldsWhileVmNotDownInfo" msgid "" "The fields under 'Start Running On' and 'Migration Options' aren't editable " "while the VM isn't down" msgstr "" msgctxt "notAvailableLabel" msgid "N/A" msgstr "" msgctxt "notAvailableWithNoUpDC" msgid "Not available when no Data Center is up." msgstr "" msgctxt "notConfigured" msgid "Not Configured" msgstr "" msgctxt "notResponding" msgid "Not Responding" msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfCpuCoresPoolGeneral" msgid "Number of CPU Cores" msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfCpuCoresTemplateGeneral" msgid "Number of CPU Cores" msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfCpuCoresVm" msgid "Number of CPU Cores" msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfMonitorsPoolGeneral" msgid "Number of Monitors" msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfMonitorsTemplateGeneral" msgid "Number of Monitors" msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfMonitorsVm" msgid "Number of Monitors" msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfSockets" msgid "Virtual Sockets" msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfVCPUs" msgid "Total Virtual CPUs" msgstr "" msgctxt "numOfVmsPoolPopup" msgid "Number of VMs" msgstr "" msgctxt "objectPermission" msgid "Object" msgstr "" msgctxt "openInFullScreen" msgid "Open in Full Screen" msgstr "" msgctxt "optimizedFor" msgid "Optimized for" msgstr "" msgctxt "originEvent" msgid "Origin" msgstr "" msgctxt "originPoolGeneral" msgid "Origin" msgstr "" msgctxt "originTemplateGeneral" msgid "Origin" msgstr "" msgctxt "originVm" msgid "Origin" msgstr "" msgctxt "osPoolGeneral" msgid "Operating System" msgstr "" msgctxt "osTemplateGeneral" msgid "Operating System" msgstr "" msgctxt "osVm" msgid "Operating System" msgstr "" msgctxt "osVmPopup" msgid "Operating System" msgstr "" msgctxt "pathSanStorage" msgid "#path" msgstr "" msgctxt "paused" msgid "Paused" msgstr "" msgctxt "permanentlyRemoveLabel" msgid "Remove permanently" msgstr "" msgctxt "physMemGaurPoolGeneral" msgid "Physical Memory Guaranteed" msgstr "" msgctxt "physMemGauranteedVm" msgid "Physical Memory Guaranteed" msgstr "" msgctxt "physMemGuarVmPopup" msgid "Physical Memory Guaranteed" msgstr "" msgctxt "pkts" msgid "(Pkts)" msgstr "" msgctxt "plugged" msgid "Plugged" msgstr "" msgctxt "pluggedNetworkInteface" msgid "Plugged" msgstr "" msgctxt "poolTypeVmPopup" msgid "Pool Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "poolVmPopup" msgid "Pool" msgstr "" msgctxt "portMirroring" msgid "Port Mirroring" msgstr "" msgctxt "portMirroringEnabled" msgid "Enabled" msgstr "" msgctxt "portSanStorage" msgid "Port" msgstr "" msgctxt "powerOffVm" msgid "Power Off" msgstr "" msgctxt "poweringDown" msgid "Powering Down" msgstr "" msgctxt "poweringUp" msgid "Powering Up" msgstr "" msgctxt "prestartedPoolPopup" msgid "Prestarted" msgstr "" msgctxt "prestartedVms" msgid "Prestarted VMs" msgstr "" msgctxt "previewModelLabel" msgid "Preview Mode" msgstr "" msgctxt "previewSnapshot" msgid "Preview" msgstr "" msgctxt "previousCurrentSnapshotLabel" msgid "Current (Previous)" msgstr "" msgctxt "priorForRunMigrationQueueVmPopup" msgid "Priority for Run/Migration queue:" msgstr "" msgctxt "priorityTemplateGeneral" msgid "Priority" msgstr "" msgctxt "priorityVm" msgid "Priority" msgstr "" msgctxt "productIdSanStorage" msgid "Product ID" msgstr "" msgctxt "profileNameInterface" msgid "Profile Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "profileNetworkIntefacePopup" msgid "Profile" msgstr "" msgctxt "protocolVmPopup" msgid "Protocol" msgstr "" msgctxt "provisionedSizeDisk" msgid "Virtual Size" msgstr "" msgctxt "provisionedSizeVmDiskTable" msgid "Virtual Size" msgstr "" msgctxt "quotaDisk" msgid "Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "quotaTemplateGeneral" msgid "Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "quotaVm" msgid "Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "quotaVmDiskPopup" msgid "Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "quotaVmPopup" msgid "Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "rdpNotAvailable" msgid "RDP isn't available for this machine." msgstr "" msgctxt "rdpOptions" msgid "RDP Options" msgstr "" msgctxt "rdpPluginNotSupportedByBrowser" msgid "Your browser doesn't support RDP plugin" msgstr "" msgctxt "readonlyLabel" msgid "Read-Only" msgstr "" msgctxt "rebooting" msgid "Rebooting" msgstr "" msgctxt "refreshRate" msgid "Refresh Rate" msgstr "" msgctxt "remoteDesktop" msgid "Remote Desktop" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeConfirmationPopupMessage" msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the following items?" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeDisk" msgid "Remove" msgstr "" msgctxt "removeInterface" msgid "Remove" msgstr "" msgctxt "removePermission" msgid "Remove" msgstr "" msgctxt "residesOnSDPoolGeneral" msgid "Resides on Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "resourceAllocVmPopup" msgid "Resource Allocation" msgstr "" msgctxt "restoreMemoryPopup" msgid "Restore saved memory" msgstr "" msgctxt "restoring" msgid "Restoring" msgstr "" msgctxt "rolePermission" msgid "Role" msgstr "" msgctxt "roleToAssignPermissionsPopup" msgid "Role to Assign:" msgstr "" msgctxt "runAndPauseVmPopup" msgid "Start in Pause Mode" msgstr "" msgctxt "runMigrationOptionsVmPopup" msgid "Migration Options:" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOnPoolGeneral" msgid "Run On" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOnSelectedHostVmPopup" msgid "Run VM on the selected host (no migration allowed)" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOnVm" msgid "Run On" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOnVmPopup" msgid "Start Running On:" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOnce" msgid "Run Once" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupAttachFloppyLabel" msgid "Attach Floppy" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupAttachIsoLabel" msgid "Attach CD" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupBootOptionsLabel" msgid "Boot Options" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupBootSequenceLabel" msgid "Boot Sequence:" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupCloudInitLabel" msgid "Cloud-Init" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupCustomPropertiesLabel" msgid "Custom Properties" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupDisplayConsoleSpiceLabel" msgid "SPICE" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupDisplayConsoleVncLabel" msgid "VNC" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupDisplayProtocolLabel" msgid "Display Protocol" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupInitialRunLabel" msgid "Initial Run" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupInitrdPathLabel" msgid "initrd path" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupKernelParamsLabel" msgid "kernel params" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupKernelPathLabel" msgid "kernel path" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupLinuxBootOptionsLabel" msgid "Linux Boot Options" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupRunAndPauseLabel" msgid "Start in Pause Mode" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupRunAsStatelessLabel" msgid "Run Stateless" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupSysPrepDomainNameLabel" msgid "Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupSysPrepPasswordLabel" msgid "Password" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupSysPrepUserNameLabel" msgid "User Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOncePopupSysprepLabel" msgid "Windows Sysprep" msgstr "" msgctxt "runOnceSysPrepToEnableLabel" msgid "To enable Sysprep, attach the \"[sysprep]\" Floppy to this VM." msgstr "" msgctxt "runOnceUseAlternateCredentialsLabel" msgid "Alternate Credentials" msgstr "" msgctxt "rxInterface" msgid "Rx" msgstr "" msgctxt "rxNetworkHost" msgid "Network Device Rx" msgstr "" msgctxt "rxNetworkVM" msgid "vNIC Rx" msgstr "" msgctxt "searchPermissionsPopup" msgid "Search:" msgstr "" msgctxt "secondDeviceVmPopup" msgid "Second Device" msgstr "" msgctxt "selectedActionTable" msgid "selected" msgstr "" msgctxt "serialSanStorage" msgid "Serial" msgstr "" msgctxt "server" msgid "Server" msgstr "" msgctxt "serverInPreview" msgid "Server in Preview" msgstr "" msgctxt "shareable" msgid "Shareable" msgstr "" msgctxt "showQuotaDistribution" msgid "Show Quota Distribution" msgstr "" msgctxt "shutDownVm" msgid "Shutdown" msgstr "" msgctxt "singleDestinationStorage" msgid "Storage" msgstr "" msgctxt "singleQuota" msgid " and Quota" msgstr "" msgctxt "singleQxlEnabled" msgid "Single PCI" msgstr "" msgctxt "sizeDisk" msgid "Actual Size" msgstr "" msgctxt "sizeVmDiskPopup" msgid "Size(GB)" msgstr "" msgctxt "sizeVmDiskTable" msgid "Actual Size" msgstr "" msgctxt "smartcardVmPopup" msgid "Smartcard Enabled" msgstr "" msgctxt "snapshotContainsMemory" msgid "The selected snapshot to be previewed contains memory" msgstr "" msgctxt "snapshotDescriptionActiveVm" msgid "Active VM" msgstr "" msgctxt "snapshotDescriptionActiveVmBeforePreview" msgid "Active VM before the preview" msgstr "" msgctxt "soundcardEnabled" msgid "Soundcard enabled" msgstr "" msgctxt "sourceDisk" msgid "Source" msgstr "" msgctxt "space" msgid " " msgstr "" msgctxt "specificUserGroupPermission" msgid "Specific User/Group" msgstr "" msgctxt "specificVmPopup" msgid "Specific" msgstr "" msgctxt "speedInterface" msgid "Speed" msgstr "" msgctxt "speedNetworkHost" msgid "Network Device Speed" msgstr "" msgctxt "spice" msgid "SPICE" msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceHtml5" msgid "SPICE HTML5 browser client (Tech preview)" msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceHtml5OnlyWhenWebsocketProxySet" msgid "" "SPICE HTML5 client can be used only if websocket proxy is configured in the " "engine." msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceInvokeAuto" msgid "" "If there is a SPICE plugin installed in your browser, it is used for " "invoking the console session. Otherwise SPICE configuration file is " "downloaded." msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceInvokeHtml5" msgid "Uses SPICE HTML5 client that runs inside your browser." msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceInvokeNative" msgid "" "Downloads a SPICE configuration file to be opened by a SPICE client " "installed on your system." msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceInvokePlugin" msgid "" "Uses SPICE browser plugin for invoking console session. For this you must " "have SPICE console plugin installed in your browser." msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceNotAvailable" msgid "" "SPICE isn't available for this machine. For enabling it, change the VM " "console protocol." msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceOptions" msgid "SPICE Options" msgstr "" msgctxt "spicePluginNotSupportedByBrowser" msgid "Your browser doesn't support SPICE plugin" msgstr "" msgctxt "spiceProxyCanBeEnabledOnlyWhenDefined" msgid "No SPICE proxy defined on system level" msgstr "" msgctxt "spmPriority" msgid "SPM Priority" msgstr "" msgctxt "statelessDesktop" msgid "Stateless Desktop" msgstr "" msgctxt "statelessServer" msgid "Stateless Server" msgstr "" msgctxt "statelessVmPopup" msgid "Stateless" msgstr "" msgctxt "statistics" msgid "Statistics" msgstr "" msgctxt "statusDisk" msgid "Status" msgstr "" msgctxt "statusNetworkHost" msgid "Network Device Status" msgstr "" msgctxt "statusSnapshot" msgid "Status" msgstr "" msgctxt "statusTask" msgid "Status" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageAllocVmPopup" msgid "Storage Allocation:" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageDomainDisk" msgid "Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageDomainVmDiskPopup" msgid "Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageDomainVmDiskTable" msgid "Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageDomainsDisk" msgid "Storage Domain(s)" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageDomainsLabelDisk" msgid "Domains" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiDiscoverTargetsLabel" msgid "Discover Targets" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiPopupAddressLabel" msgid "Address" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiPopupChapPassLabel" msgid "CHAP password" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiPopupChapUserLabel" msgid "CHAP username" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiPopupDiscoverButtonLabel" msgid "Discover" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiPopupLoginAllButtonLabel" msgid "Login All" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiPopupLoginButtonLabel" msgid "Login" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiPopupLunToTargetsTabLabel" msgid "LUNs > Targets" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiPopupPortLabel" msgid "Port" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiPopupTargetsToLunTabLabel" msgid "Targets > LUNs" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiPopupUserAuthLabel" msgid "User Authentication:" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageIscsiSelectStorageLabel" msgid "Select Storage Domain" msgstr "" msgctxt "storageTypeVmDiskPopup" msgid "Storage Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "suspended" msgid "Suspended" msgstr "" msgctxt "systemVmPopup" msgid "System" msgstr "" msgctxt "targetDisk" msgid "Target" msgstr "" msgctxt "targetNameSanStorage" msgid "Target Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "templatePoolGeneral" msgid "Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "templateProvisVmPopup" msgid "Template Provisioning" msgstr "" msgctxt "templateVm" msgid "Template" msgstr "" msgctxt "thinVmPopup" msgid "Thin" msgstr "" msgctxt "timeEvent" msgid "Time" msgstr "" msgctxt "timeTask" msgid "Time" msgstr "" msgctxt "timeZoneVm" msgid "Time Zone" msgstr "" msgctxt "totalCoresVmPopup" msgid "Total Cores" msgstr "" msgctxt "txInterface" msgid "Tx" msgstr "" msgctxt "txNetworkHost" msgid "Network Device Tx" msgstr "" msgctxt "txNetworkVM" msgid "vNIC Tx" msgstr "" msgctxt "typeDisk" msgid "Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "typeInterface" msgid "Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "typeNetworkIntefacePopup" msgid "Type" msgstr "" msgctxt "tzPoolGeneral" msgid "Time Zone" msgstr "" msgctxt "tzTemplateGeneral" msgid "Time Zone" msgstr "" msgctxt "tzVmPopup" msgid "Time Zone" msgstr "" msgctxt "unAvailablePropertyLabel" msgid "[N/A]" msgstr "" msgctxt "undoSnapshot" msgid "Undo" msgstr "" msgctxt "unknown" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "" msgctxt "unlinkedNetworkInteface" msgid "Down" msgstr "" msgctxt "unplugged" msgid "Unplugged" msgstr "" msgctxt "unpluggedNetworkInteface" msgid "Unplugged" msgstr "" msgctxt "until" msgid "until" msgstr "" msgctxt "untilEndTime" msgid "Until" msgstr "" msgctxt "up" msgid "Up" msgstr "" msgctxt "usbAutoshare" msgid "Enable USB Auto-Share" msgstr "" msgctxt "usbPolicyPoolGeneral" msgid "USB Policy" msgstr "" msgctxt "usbPolicyTemplateGeneral" msgid "USB Policy" msgstr "" msgctxt "usbPolicyVm" msgid "USB Policy" msgstr "" msgctxt "usbPolicyVmPopup" msgid "USB Support" msgstr "" msgctxt "useHostCpu" msgid "Use Host CPU" msgstr "" msgctxt "useLocalDrives" msgid "Use Local Drives" msgstr "" msgctxt "userNamePermissionsPopup" msgid "User Name" msgstr "" msgctxt "userPermission" msgid "User" msgstr "" msgctxt "vendorIdSanStorage" msgid "Vendor ID" msgstr "" msgctxt "virt" msgid "Virt" msgstr "" msgctxt "virtualMachineSnapshotCreatePopupDescriptionLabel" msgid "Description" msgstr "" msgctxt "virtualMachineSnapshotCreatePopupMemoryLabel" msgid "Save Memory" msgstr "" msgctxt "virtualMachineSnapshotPreviewPopupMemoryLabel" msgid "Restore Memory" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmId" msgid "VM Id" msgstr "" msgctxt "vmStatusSaving" msgid "Saving" msgstr "" msgctxt "vms" msgid "VMs" msgstr "" msgctxt "vnc" msgid "VNC" msgstr "" msgctxt "vncKeyboardLayoutVmPopup" msgid "VNC Keyboard Layout" msgstr "" msgctxt "vncNotAvailable" msgid "" "VNC isn't available for this machine. For enabling it, change the VM console " "protocol." msgstr "" msgctxt "vncNotSupportedMsg" msgid "" "VNC console access is not supported from the user portal.
Please ask the " "administrator to configure this virtual machine to use SPICE for console " "access." msgstr "" msgctxt "vnicNetworkTemplate" msgid "vNIC" msgstr "" msgctxt "vnicNetworkVM" msgid "vNIC" msgstr "" msgctxt "vnicStatusNetworkVM" msgid "vNIC Status" msgstr "" msgctxt "waitForLaunchStatus" msgid "Wait For Launch" msgstr "" msgctxt "watchdog" msgid "Watchdog" msgstr "" msgctxt "watchdogAction" msgid "Watchdog Action" msgstr "" msgctxt "watchdogModel" msgid "Watchdog Model" msgstr "" msgctxt "webSocketProxyNotSet" msgid "Websockets Proxy must be configured in the engine." msgstr "" msgctxt "wipeAfterDeleteVmDiskPopup" msgid "Wipe After Delete" msgstr "" msgctxt "yes" msgid "Yes" msgstr ""