#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" msgctxt "SelectProjectToCaptureRemixComposite.commit" msgid "Remix " msgstr "" msgctxt "SelectProjectToCaptureRemixComposite.noSelectionError" msgid "Please select a world to capture a remix from." msgstr "" msgctxt "SelectProjectToCaptureRemixComposite.invalidSelectionError" msgid "The selected world is invalid." msgstr "" msgctxt "CommunityLoginOperation" msgid "log in" msgstr "" msgctxt "CommunityLogoutOperation" msgid "log out" msgstr "" msgctxt "ShowRemixesOperation" msgid "Find A Remix " msgstr "" msgctxt "ShowRemixesOperation.mnemonic" msgid "VK_R" msgstr "" msgctxt "ShowRemixesOperation.accelerator" msgid "VK_R,SHIFT_MASK" msgstr "" msgctxt "ShareWorldOperation" msgid "Share" msgstr "" msgctxt "ShareWorldOperation.mnemonic" msgid "VK_S" msgstr "" msgctxt "ShareWorldOperation.accelerator" msgid "VK_S,SHIFT_MASK" msgstr "" msgctxt "TitleStringState.textForBlankCondition" msgid "World Title" msgstr "" msgctxt "AboutWorldStringState.textForBlankCondition" msgid "Tell the community a little about your world…" msgstr "" msgctxt "ShareWorldOperation.commit" msgid "Share" msgstr "" msgctxt "ShareWorldOperation.startRecording" msgid "Record" msgstr "" msgctxt "ShareWorldOperation.stopRecording" msgid "Stop" msgstr "" msgctxt "ShareWorldOperation.ShareTypeSelectionState.CHALLENGE" msgid "Hi" msgstr "" msgctxt "CommunityTab.refreshOperation" msgid "refresh" msgstr "" msgctxt "MyChallengeBookmarksTab" msgid "My Bookmarked Templates" msgstr "" msgctxt "PopularChallengesTab" msgid "Community Templates" msgstr "" msgctxt "FeaturedChallengesTab" msgid "Featured Templates" msgstr "" msgctxt "MyRemixFromWorldBookmarksTab" msgid "My Bookmarked Worlds to Remix From" msgstr "" msgctxt "RecentWorldsTab" msgid "Worlds to Remix From" msgstr "" msgctxt "LatestSnippetsTab" msgid "Latest Remixes" msgstr "" msgctxt "MyBookmarkedSnippetsTab" msgid "My Bookmarked Remixes" msgstr "" msgctxt "CreateTabComposite" msgid "Create" msgstr "" msgctxt "RemixTabComposite" msgid "Remix" msgstr "" msgctxt "ShareTabComposite" msgid "Share" msgstr "" msgctxt "ProjectsTab" msgid "Worlds" msgstr "" msgctxt "ChallengesTab" msgid "Templates" msgstr "" msgctxt "CommunityLoginOperation.userNameLabel" msgid "Username:" msgstr "" msgctxt "CommunityLoginOperation.passwordLabel" msgid "Password:" msgstr "" msgctxt "CommunityLoginOperation.unknownError" msgid "I'm sorry, but an error has occurred. Please try again." msgstr "" msgctxt "CommunityLoginOperation.invalidUsernamePassword" msgid "" "I can't find an account for that username and password. Please try again." msgstr "" msgctxt "CommunityLoginOperation.connectionError" msgid "We can't connect. Please check that you can connect to the internet." msgstr "" msgctxt "CommunityLoginOperation.invalidRequest" msgid "The server doesn't understand your request." msgstr "" msgctxt "CommunityLoginOperation.communityIOException" msgid "We lost our connection to the server, please try reconnecting." msgstr "" msgctxt "MyCommunityBookmarksComposite.listState.emptyConditionText" msgid "You haven't bookmarked anything yet." msgstr "" msgctxt "LatestSnippetsTab.listState.emptyConditionText" msgid "Sorry! We can't find any remixes that match your search." msgstr "" msgctxt "PopularChallengesTab.listState.emptyConditionText" msgid "Sorry! We can't find any templates that match your search." msgstr "" msgctxt "FeaturedChallengesTab.listState.emptyConditionText" msgid "Sorry! We can't find any templates that match your search." msgstr "" msgctxt "RecentWorldsTab.listState.emptyConditionText" msgid "Sorry! We can't find any worlds to remix that match your search." msgstr ""