#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-12-23 16:29+0530\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" #. Applications: #. Context: Defined rules for access and security of network msgid "Access and Security" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: User Account msgid "Account" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Account Number of a cloud customer (unique identification number) msgid "Account Number" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To acquire new IP msgid "Acquire New IP" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Perform an activity like create or delete a key pair msgid "Actions" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: The image whose status is active msgid "Active" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Instance that is active msgid "Active Instances" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: RAM that is active msgid "Active RAM" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To add msgid "Add" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To add a rule to security group msgid "Add Rule" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To add subnet msgid "Add Subnet" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Cloud Operator msgid "Admin" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Password for operator msgid "Admin Password" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: The status of the network created by admin msgid "Admin State" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: All the instances msgid "All Instances" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Allocate a floating IP from a given floating IP pool msgid "Allocate IP" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To set an IP to the project so that it can be accessed msgid "Allocate IP to Project" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Available IPs which can be used msgid "Allocation Pools" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Access an API of any project by using user credential msgid "API Access" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Address through which a user can communicate with service msgid "API Endpoint" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Architecture of the cloud image (eg. 32 or 64 bit) msgctxt "Architecture of the cloud image (eg. 32 or 64 bit)" msgid "Architecture" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Cloud architecture msgctxt "Cloud architecture" msgid "Architecture" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To associate floating IP msgid "Associate Floating IP" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Attached to ..(any instance) msgid "Attached to" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: A process that confirms that the user process or client is really who they say they are through private keys, secret token password, fingerprint msgid "Authentication" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: An isolated area msgid "Availability Zone" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Available (no of unused IPs) msgid "Available" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Networks that are available to join msgid "Available Networks" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Available Subscriptions msgid "Available Subscriptions" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To browse or to browse a file msgid "Browse" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To cancel msgid "Cancel" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Certificate msgid "Certificate" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: status of certificate msgid "Certificate Status" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To clear gateway msgid "Clear Gateway" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: The companies that provide cloud service msgid "Cloud Partner" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: provides computing service msgid "Compute" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Configuration msgid "Configuration" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To confirm the admin password msgid "Confirm Admin Pass" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To confirm the password msgid "Confirm Password" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Terminal of the instance msgid "Console" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Console Log msgid "Console Log" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Object storage directory msgid "Containers" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To create containers msgid "Create Containers" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To create a cloud image msgid "Create Image" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To create networks msgid "Create Networks" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To create project msgid "Create Project" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To create a security group msgid "Create Security Groups" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To create snapshot msgid "Create Snapshot" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To create subnet msgid "Create Subnet" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To create a storage volume msgid "Create Volume" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To a create Volume Type msgid "Create Volume Type" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: summary in csv format msgid "csv Summary" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: a cloud service user msgid "Customer" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Additional script to customize msgid "Customization Script" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Opertaor User Interface of cloud service provider msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Data msgid "Data" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Quota set by default (resources quota) msgid "Default Quotas" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: by deafult msgid "Defaults" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To delete a flavor msgid "Delete Flavor" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To delete image msgid "Delete Images" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To delete key pairs msgid "Delete Key Pairs" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To delete networks msgid "Delete Networks" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To delete projects msgid "Delete Projects" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To delete roles (admin/user) msgid "Delete Roles" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To delete router msgid "Delete Router" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To delete a rule msgid "Delete Rule" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To delete a security group msgid "Delete Security Groups" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To delete user msgid "Delete User" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Installing a cloud service for production use msgid "Deployment" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Description (of the cloud image) msgid "Description" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Detail msgid "Detail" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To dissociate floating ip msgid "Diassociate Floating IP" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Flow of network traffic msgid "Direction" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To disable gateway msgid "Disable Gateway" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To disable user msgid "Disable User" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Disk Image msgid "Disk" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: size of read on disk in bytes msgid "Disk Read Bytes" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: read of request on disk msgid "Disk Read Requests" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: How much disk is used msgid "Disk Usage" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: size of write on disk in bytes msgid "Disk Write Bytes" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: write of request on disk msgid "Disk Write Requests" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: name of the server in DNS format msgid "DNS Name Server" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Group of domain msgid "Domain Groups" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: ID of the domain msgid "Domain ID" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Domain information msgid "Domain Info" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Number of Domains msgid "Domains" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To download credential of an user msgid "Download Credential" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To download a file msgid "Download File" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Driver eg storage plugins or software driver msgid "Driver" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To edit flavor msgid "Edit Flavor" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To edit instance msgid "Edit Instances" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To edit project msgid "Edit Project" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To edit rules msgid "Edit Rules" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To edit a security group msgid "Edit Security Groups" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Outgoing Traffic msgid "Egress" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Electronic mail msgid "Email" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To enable dhcp msgid "Enable DHCP" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To enable msgid "Enables" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: End date of subscription msgid "End Date" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To give new title msgid "Entitlement" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: The source of environment on which orchestration is performed msgid "Environment Source" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Temporary disk that does save changes msgid "Ephemeral Disk" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Type of Ethernet (IPv4 or IPv6) msgid "Ether Type" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Current Action of any user msgid "Events" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: External (floating IP pool) msgid "External" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Network facing to public msgid "External Network" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: filter by (name/instance...) msgid "Filter" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Fingerprint created on uploading of SSH keys msgid "Fingerprint" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Firewall msgid "Firewall" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: name of the flavor msgid "Flavor name" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Alternative term of VM instance type msgid "Flavors" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Access to flavor to operator msgid "Flavors Access" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: An IP address that a project can associate with a VM so that the instance has the same public IP address each time that it boots. msgid "Floating IP" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: No of request for floating IP creation msgid "Floating IP Creation Requests" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Duration of floating IP msgid "Floating IP Duration" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: A range of IP Address msgid "Floating IP Pool" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Format of the cloud image (.qcow2, .iso etc) msgid "Format" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Gateway IP msgid "Gateway IP" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Usage of global disk msgid "Global Disk usage" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Usage of global network traffic msgid "Global Network Traffic Usage" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Usage of global network msgid "Global Network Usage" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: usage of global object store msgid "Global Object Store Usage" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Sort by... msgid "Group by" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: any type of group eg security etc msgid "Groups" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Guest Network msgid "Guest Network" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Rebooting an instance forcibly by pressing button msgid "Hard Reboot instance" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: help msgid "Help" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Host (eg. host operating system) msgid "Host" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: A method to further sub-divide availability zone into hypervisor pool msgid "Host Aggregate" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: sending data from one host to another through routable host msgid "Host routes" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: name of the host msgid "Hostname" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: summary of hypervisor msgid "Hypervisor summary" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: software layer which helps to host cloud image i.e. KVM msgid "Hypervisors" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Infrastructure as a service msgid "IAAS" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Unique Identification code msgid "ID" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Authentication panel msgid "Identity Panel" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Cloud imge i.e. fedora cloud image msgid "Image" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: A local image to upload msgid "Image File" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Path of cloud image (directory name or URL) msgid "Image Location" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Name of the cloud image msgid "Image Name" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: source of the cloud image msgid "Image Source" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Images and Snapshots msgid "Images and Snapshots" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To import certificate msgid "Import Certificate" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Import a ssh key from the system msgid "Import Key Pair" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Incoming Traffic msgid "Ingress" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: File content injected in bytes msgid "Injected File Content Bytes" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: files which are injected msgid "Injected Files" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Installation msgid "Installation" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Package ie is installed msgid "Installed Package" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Resource for instance boot i.e. path from where instance is going to boot up msgid "Instance Boot resource" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: count of instance being created or created msgid "Instance Count" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: name of the instance msgid "Instance Name" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: virtual machine running on cloud msgid "Instances" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Internet msgid "Internet" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Invalid msgid "Invalid" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: IP Address msgid "IP Address" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: IP Protocol msgid "IP Protocol" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: version of the IP /IPv4 or IPv6 msgid "IP Version" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Isolated Network msgid "Isolated Network" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Items Per Page msgid "Items Per Page" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Kernel ID msgid "Kernel ID" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Name of Key Pairs msgid "Key Pair Name" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Key pairs are ssh credentials which are injected into images when they are launched. msgid "Key Pairs" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Interface Language msgid "Language" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To launch an item msgid "Launch" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To launch an instance msgid "Launch Instances" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: License Agreement msgid "License Agreement" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Device(software) used to distribute workloads msgid "Load Balancer" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Logged in as msgid "Logged in as:" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: login msgid "login" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To manage networks msgid "Manage Networks" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To Manage Security Groups Rule msgid "Manage Security Groups Rule" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Association between project and service msgid "Membership" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: List of Membership msgid "Membership List" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Usage of memory msgid "Memory Usage" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Additional attribute of items msgid "Metadata Items" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Metrics msgid "Metrics" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To migrate instance msgid "Migrate Instance" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Minimum Disc size required to boot the image msgid "Minimum Disk" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Minimum memory size required to boot the image msgid "Minimum RAM" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To modify access msgid "Modify Access" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To modify groups msgid "Modify Groups" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To modify quota msgid "Modify Quotas" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Name (of the cloud image) msgid "Name" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Netmask msgid "Netmask" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Address of network msgid "Network Address" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: No of requests of network creation msgid "Network Creation Requests" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Duration of the Network msgid "Network Duration" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: incoming traffic on a VM interface in bytes msgid "Network Incoming Bytes" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: incoming packets on a VM interface msgid "Network Incoming Packets" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: name of network msgid "Network Name" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: outgoing traffic on a VM interface in bytes msgid "Network outgoing Bytes" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: outgoing packets on a VM interface msgid "Network Outgoing Packets" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Arrangement of nodes in the network msgid "Network Topology" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Default networking msgid "Networking Default" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Networks msgid "Networks" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To move ahead msgid "Next" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: No file is selected msgid "No File Selected" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: No Items are available for Display msgid "No Items to Display" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Number of Disk Volumes msgid "Number of Volumes" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: no of incoming bytes on object storage msgid "Object Storage Incoming Bytes" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: no of outgoing bytes on object storage msgid "Object Storage Outgoing Bytes" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Storing data in unit like bytes msgid "Object Store" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Services offered by cloud providers msgid "Offering" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: The port that is open msgid "Open Port" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Operating System msgid "Operating System" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: A cloud administrator/user msgid "Operator" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: automated arrangement, coordination, and management of cloud services msgid "Orchestration" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: summary msgid "Overview" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Password for operator msgid "PASS" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Password for operator msgid "Password" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To pause instance msgid "Pause Instance" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To pause snapshot msgid "Pause Snapshot" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: duration msgid "Period" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Name of the platform eg Fedora, Ubuntu msgid "Platform" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Plug-ins (eg. Network plugin) msgid "Plug-ins" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: a set of resources msgid "Pool" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: A virtual network port within Networking msgid "Port" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Creation of port msgid "Port Creation" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Number of request for port creation msgid "Port Creation Requests" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Range of ports msgid "Port Range" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: state of the VM when it is started msgid "Power State" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: go to previous msgid "Previous" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: main project msgid "Primary Project" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Network that is private msgid "Private Network" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Project msgid "Project" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Project groups msgid "Project Groups" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Members of that project msgid "Project Members" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: name of project msgid "Project Name" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: An item visible to limited group of people msgid "Protected" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Item visible to all msgid "Public" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Key generated from ssh keygen which is visible to all msgid "Public Key" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Network that is public msgid "Public Network" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To buy subscription msgid "Purchase Subscription" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Item placed in a queue msgid "Queued" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Ability to set resource limits on a per-project basis (compute and block storage) msgid "Quota" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Name of the quota msgid "Quota Name" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: RAM msgid "RAM" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: size of RAM msgid "RAM (total)" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: ram used msgid "RAM (used)" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: ID of RAM disk msgid "Ramdisk ID" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To build instance again msgid "Rebuild Instance" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To refresh msgid "Refresh" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: region of the user msgid "Region" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To register msgid "Register" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Normal user msgid "Regular User" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: source of the traffic to be allowed via security group rules msgid "Remote" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To set again msgid "Reset" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To change the size of instance msgid "Resize Instance" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Resource to create instance msgid "Resource" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Usage of resource msgid "Resource Usage" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: summary of usage of resource msgid "Resource Usage Overview" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: ID of Role msgid "Role ID" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: name of role msgid "Role Name" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Roles msgid "Roles" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: root disk msgid "Root Disk" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Numbers of request for router creation msgid "Router Creation Requests" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: duration of forwarding data msgid "Router Duration" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Routers msgid "Routers" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Rules define which traffic is allowed to instances assigned to the security group msgid "Rule" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Vms that are running msgid "Running Vms" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Software as a service msgid "SAAS" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To save msgid "Save" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Being saved msgid "Saving" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Schedule msgid "Schedule" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: A set of network traffic filtering rules that are applied to a instance. msgid "Security Groups" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Rules under security group msgid "Security Groups Rules" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To select template msgid "Select Template" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Network that is selected msgid "Selected Networks" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: instance that is booted automatically msgid "Self Boot Instances" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: instance that is rebooted automatically msgid "Self Reboot Instance" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: A cloud service msgid "Service" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Endpoint of the service ( msgid "Service Endpoint" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: User Settings msgid "Settings" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Shared (eg resource) msgid "Shared" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Items shared with the current logined user msgid "Shared with Me" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To power off instance msgid "Shut Off Instance" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Sign in msgid "Sign In" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Sign Out msgid "Sign Out" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: size of volume msgid "Size" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: A copy of an cloud storage volume or image msgid "Snapshot" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Rebooting an instance normally msgid "Soft Reboot Instance" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: a set of cloud resources created and managed by automated service msgid "Stack" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Start Date of subscription msgid "Start Date" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Statistics of all resources msgid "Statistics of All Resources" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Statistics msgid "Stats" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Current status of a VM image or instance msgid "Status" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: VM that is stopped msgid "Stopped Vms" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: A virtual place where data is stored msgid "Storage" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Total storage msgid "Storage (total)" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: used storage msgid "Storage (Used)" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Associated subnet msgid "Subnet Associated" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: No of request for subnet creation msgid "Subnet Creation Requests" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: time period for active subnet msgid "Subnet Durations" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: name of the subnet msgid "Subnet Name" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To subscribe msgid "Subscribe" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Subscription of cloud service msgid "Subscription" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Subscription List msgid "Subscription List" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Subscription Manager msgid "Subscription Manager" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To suspend the instance msgid "Suspend instance" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To suspend snapshot msgid "Suspend Snapshot" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Swap disk (size) msgid "Swap Disk" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: System information msgid "System Info" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Name of the system msgid "System Name" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: System panel msgid "System panel" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: System Registration msgid "System Registration" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To take snapshot msgid "Take Snapshot" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: task msgid "Task" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Template msgid "Template" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Template File msgid "Template File" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Source of the template msgid "Template Source" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: alternative of project msgid "Tenant" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To terminate instances msgid "Terminate Instances" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Time Zone msgid "Time Zone" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Total number of item msgid "Total" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Total number of objects msgid "Total number of objects" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Total size of Objects msgid "Total size of Objects" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Total number of VMs msgid "Total Vms" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Type (of instance, volume etc) msgid "Type" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To unsubscribe msgid "Unsubscribe" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To update user msgid "Update User" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: uptime of instance msgid "Uptime" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: resource usage msgid "Usage" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: username and password of a operator msgid "User Credentials" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Data of User msgid "User Data" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: name of the user msgid "User Name" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: User settings msgid "User Settings" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: username msgid "Username" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: users msgid "Users" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Valid msgid "Valid" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Value msgid "Value" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Virtual CPU hours msgid "VCPU Hours" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Virtual CPU usage msgid "VCPU Usage" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Virtual CPU msgid "VCPUs" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To view all msgid "View All" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To additional specs msgid "View Extra Specs" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To view logs msgid "View Logs" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: To view usage msgid "View Usage" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Cloud Image msgid "Virtual Image" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Virtual Machine msgid "Virtual Machine" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Back-end storage device in cloud msgid "Volume" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: size limit of the volume msgid "Volume Limits" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Name of volume msgid "Volume Name" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Source of volume msgid "Volume Source" msgstr "" #. Applications: #. Context: Type of volume msgid "Volume Type" msgstr ""